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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Australia now pro-active,against the flood of illegals ?

During WW11.Australian Special Forces,were effective against the Japanese enemy,using mini-submarines.

Will it deter the "boat people criminals " ?

Is this technology being used against the new enemy invaders?

Very effective,get 'em before they land.

Fight them,BEFORE the beaches.

Should we take note ?

In the Med ?


They choose to enter the Country ILLEGALLY,that makes them Criminals.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Genuine refugees",from where,and whom ?

    Asylum from what ?

    Asian et al,forced on " Western " tax payers.

    Taxpayers who apparently are not permitted any say in the matter.

    A war of survival,which the PC liberals,do not wish to fight.

    A levelling down of Western standards of living,as free loaders muscle in.

    It's 'racist',to fight back,only if you are white.

  • 8 years ago

    And they are right to be.

    Apparently it is racist not to take all the dregs of the third world to milk your country's benefit system dry.

    And why do the foolish perpetuate the lie that these are asylum seekers?

    They pass how many 'safe' countries to reach the white countries they target....and the white bit is important......they pass numerous non white places to get to the white western countries of Australia, Britain and USA.

    Economic migrants ...targeting the west for freebies.

    Funny how so many immigrants from the third world already here have no problem with it......

    Source(s): Seeking asylum from cultures and communities they need replicate in the west....we see how well that is going in London, Bradford, Birmingham, amsterdam, Toulouse and Paris...etc etc
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It is wise to defend against invaders. Even a mouse, a raccoon, and a Dove know to defend their homes. Just look at the disaster we have in the USA. Millions of criminals seeking to overthrow our government and we have leftist that want to team up with these criminals.

    Never apologize for defending your homeland no matter what names they call you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In the UK we are an Island, you would think that we would find it easier than our continental cousins to repel the invaders, and really it should be. But we have such an inept red taped up bunch of balloons governing the control of our borders, coupled with the EC HR, that we are hamstrung at every turn. This is obviously the NWO agenda to blend us all into one. Only UKIP can stop this madness. Roll on 2015.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Bringing rock bottom labour costs,disease,and poverty.

    Oh what a " Lucky Australia "!

    We in Europe are forced to take "assets" like that too.

    How blessed we all are .

    The race for the bottom,how dare we object ?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    A boat of illegals has sunk with a few deaths and the others were rescued, why. Let them take their chances with the sharks when this happens. No one asked or forced them to sail illegally to Australia.

  • Australia is going to sort out the real refugee claimants from the majority of economic illegal immigrants so I don't see a problem. The countries the illegal economic immigrants are coming from all have much stricter border controls than what Australia has.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Blast a few dozen of the enemy invaders boats ,they will get the message.

  • Well yes, but the great country that we now call Australia was founded on immigration itself, immigrants from an already overcrowded Europe sailing out towards a better life, never mind the convicts whom European governments dumped there, the modern Australia you have today is founded on the input of colonisers who the Aborigines regarded initially as 'illegals'.

    Please think about what could possibly have changed.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Despite all the left wing emotion,these foreign people who force themselves onto another country and take their food their services are criminals,as the asker rightly states.

    I think their new policy of Kevin Rudd to displace them to Papua New Guinea is a jolly good one.

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