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Romans 3:7, how did ‘Apostle’ Paul lie to the glory of God?

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Human dishonesty helps to highlight God's truth

  • 8 years ago

    Most of this area is about the fact that since Christ's atonement, man is not "justified" by "Keeping" the law of Moses.

    Verse 7 to 9 are saying in effect: The Jews say my teachings are false (above) and yet good comes from them, but if the fruit is good so is the tree. The Jews say, in a slanderous manner, I encourage evil to further the work. But those who so claim are the ones who shall be damned, for my true teaching is that all men are under sin (this should ring with you), both Jew and Gentile alike, and that to be "saved" all must come to Christ.

  • 8 years ago


    Romans 3:7 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?

    For if ... -

    This is an objection similar to the former. It is indeed but another form of the same.

    The truth of God -

    His truth or faithfulness in adhering to his threatenings. God threatened to punish the guilty. By their guilt he will take occasion to show his own truth; or their crime will furnish occasion for such an exhibition.

    Hath more abounded -

    Has been more striking, or more manifest. His “truth” will be shown by the fulfillment of all his promises to his people, and of all his predictions. But it will also be shown by fulfilling his threatenings on the guilty. It will, therefore, more abound by their condemnation; that is, their condemnation will furnish new and striking instances or his truth. Every lost sinner will be, therefore, an eternal monument of the truth of God.

    Through my lie -

    By means of my lie, or as one of the results of my falsehood. The word “lie” here means falsehood, deceitfulness, “unfaithfulness.” If by the unfaithfulness of the Jewish people to the covenant, occasion should be given to God to glorify himself, how could they be condemned for it?

    Unto his glory -

    To his praise, or so as to show his character in such a way as to excite the praise and admiration of his intelligent creation.

    Why yet am I ... -

    How can that act be regarded as evil, which tends to promote the glory of God? The fault in the reasoning of the objector is this, that he takes for granted that the direct tendency of his conduct is to promote God’s glory, whereas it is just the reverse; and it is by God’s reversing that tendency, or overruling it, that he obtains his glory. The tendency of murder is not to honor the Law, or to promote the security of society, but just the reverse. Still, his execution shall avert the direct tendency of his crime, and do honor to the law and the judge, and promote the peace and security of the community by restraining others.

    . . .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    He didn't.

    He was saying that a foolish person might say, "Let's sin more so that God's Grace can have even more opportunity". But he went on to explain that this was wrong. In Romans 3:8 he says, "... . Their condemnation is deserved."

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Just because you are proud of your mum wiping up after you poo-ed in your seat does not imply that you should be poo-ing all over your dining table.

    You should be proud of her...but not make her work like a crazy woman for you. Instead you should watch yourself and keep yourself clean so that she does not have to work so hard...if you truly love your mother.

  • 8 years ago

    When any blames God for their own sin and unrighteousness, that is a lie. And when any pretends that because their unrighteousness shows up God's righteousness, so is a good thing because it the more witnesses of God's righteousness and so God cannot judge them, then of course they lie.

    The Apostle posits this and so in argument refers to it as his lie. If he pleads he will be unrighteous because his unrighteousness does good by witnessing to God's righteousness and so God cannot judge him, then he lies.

    Come on, the context is not that hard to understand.

    He has already pointed out that if some do not believe that does not make it God's fault. God is true and every man that tries to blame God is a liar.

    Man's unrighteousness does not take away from God's righteousness but rather the more points it out, but that is an invalid excuse for men to be unrighteous in order to bring greater witness of God's righteousness. All that will result from that is that they will receive greater judgement which, of course, is righteousness.

    He goes on to show all are sinners and worthy of condemnation, and of the only salvation and escape from that.

    The Apostle squashes the idea that we can sin because of God's grace toward us and indicates that a greater witness is given by those who obtain the very righteousness of God through Jesus Christ's faith. By His faith He lived a perfect human life and accomplished a perfect human righteousness. And he shows how those who have received that are to live by Christ's life and not their own unrighteous life.

    This is worked through in some detail right through to chapter 8.

    That perfect human righteousness that Christ accomplished becomes the righteousness of those joined to Him by faith. You should notice there are two faiths here. The first is Christ's faith by which He obtained a perfect human righteousness. The second is the faith of those who believe in Him for His righteousness.

    The righteousness of God is by Jesus Christ's faith, by the faith He exercised in God by His human life and walk. That is received by our faith in Him.

    We are joined to Christ by faith and share all His benefits. That includes His death, and so our death to the old, to walk anew in Him. Those joined to Him will put to death and have put to death the old unrighteous life and reckon on a new life, alive to God by which they live anew.

    Thus the Apostle shows how God's grace works and is manifested by a ceasing of sin and unrighteousness and does not permit indulgence of sin and unrighteousness, which he rightly shows is a slanderous distortion of God's grace.

    This whole exposition is worked through from chapter 3 to chapter 6 and then in 7 and 8 he shows the requirement to live by Christ's life and not our own.

    So from chapter 3 to 8 the Apostle explains in detail Christ's central words and message of the cross, without which none can be his :

    And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

    And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

    This is a vital truth apparently lost today and from which the churches of men have apostatised.

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