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Lv 5

USA christians, why do you need guns if your imaginary god says turn the other cheeeeeek?

26 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because "turn the other cheek" refers solely to insults. Somebody insults you, you turn the other cheek. An insult is not important. Life threatening situations where you might need a gun to defend your life or others are not the same.

    It does help to be familiar with more than "catchphrase" verses from the Bible, and to know their accurate context, before asking a question like this.

  • 5 years ago

    If you're scouting around for an application that's trustworthy and fashionable at one time then you definitely would certainly get the program Patriot Self Defense .

    Using the Patriot Self Defense is terribly simple since is created in order that anyone can use it. This program not just contain a guide that understand you wherever are the wickless stage of one's opponent to be able to defend your self but you also may have the movies where you could see, firsthand making the move that are described in the book.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Those Christians who defend their lives, loved ones, and property are the ones who have failed to attain The Spirit of God, in whom Jesus is not, and who have sunk to the least level of The kingdom of God- that is, the criminal, slated for expulsion:



    . MATTHEW 5:17-20.

    . MATTHEW 5:38-48.

    . MATTHEW 7:21-29.

    . JOHN 14:4-27.



    They do not believe in God, and do not love Jesus, because if they did, they would know that God's Commandments are utterly inflexible.



    This is called "The Leaven of The Pharisees, which is Hypocrisy."



    . LUKE 12:1-5.



    A reasoning justification for every Commandment they break, that convinces weak-minded men, but not God.



    . LUKE 16:1-15.



    The correct response against aggression is to give the aggressors EVERYTHING they demanThe correct response against aggression is to give the aggressors EVERYTHING they demanThe correct response against aggression is to give the aggressors EVERYTHING they demanThe correct response against aggression is to give the aggressors EVERYTHING they demand.



    . MATTHEW 5:38-42.



    It would be very interesting if wicked men tried to take away all the food in your house, and failed, because no matter how quickly they tried to remove it, the same quantity was left.



    This sort of thing happened in the 1965 Indonesian Revival. God sent a group of preachers to dine at one sister's home, and she didn't have enough for more than two or three. The Spirit told her to break the tapioca root with one hand, and set it down, and when she did so, it regenerated instantly, like in Divine Healing.



    She was instructed to pour out half of the tea at once, then level rhe pot- and so the tea regenerated, until everyone had had enough.



    It would be interesting if enemies tried to rape or kill a Christian's wife or daughter, and became impotent, instantly.



    In America, a member of Franklin Hall's Bodyfelt Salvation movement- who practice fasting up to 40 days, like Jesus- was attacked by a maniac, who stabbed her repeatedly in the throat with a fork, until he fell back in exhaustion. The fork was bent double, but the sister was unharmed.



    A sailor, Ken Cantrell, who tried a 21-day fast on an aircraft carrier, the Lake Champlain, was trapped in an inferno in the catapult-room. All his comrades burned to death around him. But he could not even feel the heat, and his clothes didn't even singe.


    Source(s): . . LIKE A MIGHTY WIND, by Mel Tari. THE BODYFELT SALVATION, by Franklin Hall.
  • 8 years ago

    Probably because the same Jesus who said to turn the other cheek also said told his disciples that if they did not own a sword (the "gun" of their day) they should sell their cloak to buy one.

    When Jesus spoke about turning the other cheek, it was in terms of dealing with law suites. His instruction to "turn the other cheek" means that they were not to initiate a law suite without an attempt to make peace first. He also said that once a suite was filed, they should make all efforts to settle the suite out of court. And that if needed they should over compensate the other party if needed to bring peach between them.

    None of that has anything to do with whether or not a person should have a way to defend themselves against an attack, an invader, a rapist, etc.

  • 8 years ago

    USA christians, why do you need guns if your imaginary god says turn the other cheeeeeek?

    ~~~ Same as anyone; compensation for penis envy, or as a sign of a severe lack of Faith!

    Besides, a 'Xtian' (known by his Love!) wouldn't have a gun, so posession says more then the hypocritical lip-service!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Don't worry about our guns, they are imaginary too.

    Just don't break into our houses, or the imaginary gun will find a way to put an imaginary bullet between your beady little eyes.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you have never read that verse in-context.

    The verse in it's entirety is:

    You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. - Matthew 5:38-42

    This verse is instructing Christians to avoid violence, not let someone kill you. Your life is sacred, and you have every right to defend it and the lives of those you love. Plus, who says you have to kill your attacker? Just shoot them in the foot. ;)

    If someone is pushing you and trying to start a fight, Christians should not rise to the bait. But if someone is threatening your life or your family's life, you can wave your shiny piece around or give them a nonlethal wound with a clear conscience.

    Source(s): Bible and a life of Christianity
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Big Gun Little Faith their not 110% positive god will protect them also having a Big Gun compensate's for being born with Small Ammunition

  • G C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We are commanded by God to protect our wives, children and homes from all who would take them, even if it is domestic or foreign. An armed citizenry cannot be forced into evil.

    PS Turning the other cheek is for when something has happened to you, but not to others. I can decide if I allow someone to take advantage of me, but I cannot allow them to hurt my family or where I live.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You assume much in your question.

    It is not a matter of need but a right set aside by our constitutional amendments. If on simply looks at other countries who have had this right taken away you would understand why we are much stronger as a country than most others.

    Those who would walk on our rights seem quite reluctant to walk on American soil for we are America and we "are" armed.

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