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Without using any knowledge of science or religion how would you state the claim of our origins to someone?

Whether you are atheistic or theistic how would you explain to another what it is that you believe if you were asked to?..

Without using any science research or any religious scripture, all you can use is what we can see in front of us, whether that is nature or the many inventions we see, not the science behind them just the invention..

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well there is what you know and there is what what you theorize.

    You know know that your children come from you and if you believe your parents that you came from your parents.

    But you can theorize that since humans can have baby's together its possible that there was only one pair of humans that all other humans came from.

    You could also theorize that although chimps can't have a human baby they do look very similar and maybe we are related and maybe we have a common ancestor but for some reason there was a change and we can no longer breed together.

    Depending on how smart and maybe lucky you are you can come up with a lot of theories that might turn out to be true. They theorized about the atom a in Greece a few thousand years before they could see it or even know anything about chemistry.

    But I think that's not what you had in mind when you asked the question. You where not thinking about origins so much as the cause of those origins. i.e. did it happen by chance or was it designed.

    Well I am an ID proponent so....

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think most people would like to believe that their GGG grandmom crawled out of a cave and comfortably dragged her knuckles along the way.....ate with her hand shaped feet, climbed trees and swung on vines from town to town.

    It would be nice to see a family photo album of their early family tree showing grandma with glowing eyes from the flash........sitting in a long line with other chimps....picking bugs from the scalps and eating them

    the idea of family gatherings with everyone extending their lips to a lippy pucker for the camera...and getting roudy over whos arms are longer. and all those fun times when a preditor comes roaring through the jungle.....everyone scampers to the tops of the trees....hooting

    aww our origins............this might explain why the vast majority of mankind are so busy toking up and humping who ever is nearby....they embrace the science book as their bible...but not quite sure if they should worship the writer or the first ape that appeared..

    reason whispers......that man will descend to all sorts of propaganda when he wishes not to have his conscience bothering everyday .....he is the only beast of the field that can think, reason and calculate, love and hate......yet he is the only creature to be able to show complete ignorance when it comes to his creator.

    lets hope there is reincarnation...........they will come back as a jackass

  • 8 years ago

    Ask how could everything have popped out of nothing and made all without God?

    Can a single Atheists even today, state where their very first atom ever came from to make their "big bang" theory? Nope! That is why classes start with it already happened and developing into tons of atoms of different types. All they need already there.

    Source(s): Bible, history
  • 8 years ago

    Without using any knowledge of science or religion how would you state the claim of our origins to someone?

    ...all you can use is what we can see in front of us

    ~~~ Points to mother's vagina!

    That is all we have that we can see "in front of us", regarding our 'origin'!

    What a silly question!

    If all there is is Here! Now! (and Here! and Now! IS all there is!) then the whole notion of "origins" is meaningless! Absurd!

    "We Are that We Are!"

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Without using science or religion, all we could deduce about our origins is that we come from our parents. We would know by family history that they came from their parents, and so on.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In the most simple way, we are a product of nature. The same as mountains, planets and everything else.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Based on what we can see? I'd have to say 'I don't know'.

    The same way I'd explain things falling down without knowing that mass has gravity.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I see nothing around me that couldn't be the result of natural, cumulative processes. We are stardust contemplating the stars.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Atheists NEVER say "we know for a FACT."

    We say "to the best of our knowledge, based on the available evidence."

    Absolute FACT of "creation" is the province of theists.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    are you aware that using the perceiptable in the sorrounding is also known as science

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