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Do white TEEN guys like african american teen girls?

So, I'm an african american teen girl and it seems that white guys dont even give me a glance! I find myself attracted to white guys because all the african american men ive met are 'trashy' and not really the boyfriend type. I am just not attracted to black guys, and it seems like white guys arent attracted to black girls! Im from chicago, and whenever i go out all i see is black guy and white girl couples, never the other way around. Are teenage white guys just not attracted to african american girls?? How can i grab a white guy's attention or know if one likes me?? (Please no hate or rude just asking for some advice and looking for some answers.) :/

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok hey just be yourself.

    You are in just one city and you're a teenager. Hold back on all this BF/GF stuff. Just focus on your education and get into a good university. Teenage years are literally the most important. The skills you get will last you entire life. Make sure you strive for a better stronger future. Worry about couples and things like that once your life is set and heading for a strong future.

    Honestly in today's society its better not to rush it. Its a fact more people lie cheat an hurt one another then ever before. And its not they way you describe it at all. If you get a chance to travel in Place such as Europe and latin america many people are attracted to darker women. even in america in such places as Northeast America, FL, and certain regions of the west more White guys have begun to be with Darker women.

    Hoestly highschool is a stupid time your friends now will be either gone or doing their own things. Just relax and enjoy your teenage years you'll find your "THE ONE" when the time is right

    Source(s): 19 year old university student
  • 8 years ago

    Every guy is different as is every girl. I know plenty of white guys that do ,especially Italian men, because I am Italian also, and they love black girls. A lot of men are intimidated by black girls too, that's not a bad thing! But maybe you need to make the first move, and all I mean by that is just talk and converse so they can see how sweet and friendly you are! As long as you carry yourself with respect and don't conform to what a race tells you that you should be then you will attract any man I believe. You are so pretty btw and I don't think you will have a problem.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I have seen a lot African American girls with white guys before. I'm black myself and had white guys like me before, so yes some white guys do like black girls. I also have asked a couple of white guys if they would ever date a black girl, they all said that it depends on her personality. So my advice for you is to just be yourself around them and be confident. Also, keep your options open. If you're attracted to any guy, can be ANY race, just go for it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm not really sure about the answer to your question, but I just want to say I know how you feel! I'm a chinese teenage girl, and I'm not really as attracted to most asian guys, but I feel like a lot of white guys just ... don't really wanna date an asian girl >.< A lot of people on yahoo answers will say that race doesn't matter, but I still feel like it does kinda (which is sad). But don't be discouraged! I'm sure if you find a decent guy he won't care what race you are.

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  • I am mostly white and wouldn't mind dating a black girl if she was nice, isn't extremely loud, has nice manners, ect. I am attracted to all races by the way, it depends more on the person and not just the skin color.

    Source(s): Fellow asian and white person
  • 8 years ago

    It doesn't matter what colour, race or gender you are. Anyone can like anyone. You just need to find a white guy and start talking/flirting with them, but most of the tike you'll see the same colour/ethnicity dating each other.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yes, I greatly enjoy stick my pixie stick in the chocolate fountain. M 42

  • 8 years ago

    Get eye contact with the one who catches your interest. Walk up to him and whisper "I want you" in his ear. COURAGE wins.

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