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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

If we double the minimum wage, where is McDonalds suppose to get the additional 27 billion dollars?

If we raised minimum wage by $7.25, how do companies like McDonalds come up with the additional 27 billion dollars?

The amount of hours in a year is 52 X 40 = 2080.

According to wiki, McDonalds has 1.8 million workers.


(1,800,000 X 7.25) X 2080 = 27 Billion

Right now, McDonalds net income is 5 billion dollars, so they'll need an additional 22 billion to make payroll.

I agree that number comes in lower when not all the employees get 40 hours a week, but many do, and the rest come close to it. Even if they ALL only get 20 hours a week, that would still come out to 13.5 billion more needed to make payroll.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The very same place they get the $$ to pay the workers what they pay them now. The customers. And eventually (sooner than later), the $15.00/hr will have become the new $7.25. Aaaannnd....we are all back where we started from. Or worse.

    Edit: Mikey. Please add to your figures, that for every extra cent an employee makes, the employer has to match the social security taken out (which will rise with the wages) and un-employment insurance, etc. There's much more to employing someone than just turning over a check only for hours worked. Second, please note that the question points out the cost to be in the billions...not the millions in the figure you worked out. Keep adding and multiplying...

    Also, figure in that if minimum wage goes up for fast food employees, it will go up over-all. Now let's say your figure is closer to 10 cents more per item. At the drive through, at the grocery store, e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e you go. Everything you buy. Because the cost will trickle up in every business. And then multiplied. (it's going to be a lot more than 10 cents...just so you know) Let's say you are middle class. Can you really afford that? Those on welfare won't be able to. That will have to be raised. Then more taxes are taken out. Now you can afford even less. And on and on.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    A. a huge portion of the employees are international... they're everywhere... it would not be a world wide increase... employees in China are not going to be making $15 U.S. dollars an hour...

    B. you realize that many of those workers don't make minimum wage (most get a raise fairly quickly of some sort and some have worked there for years, that also includes management) and many work in areas that already have higher minimum wage laws?

    C. almost no mcdonalds workers that earn minimum wage work 40 hours

    do I need to continue?


    I would bet your number is off by at least 50 percent... and probably more than that...

  • 4 years ago

    through fact McDonald's often hires people who're illegals, previous, or too youthful to make greater beneficial than minimum salary or much less. the fewer their workers make the greater the proprietors and extreme up executives make. they do no longer actual care approximately their workers lives and well-being. They discern if one among them quits the can basically as easily hire somebody else to paintings for that plenty. All they care approximately is money. it relatively is a tragic fact yet a fact none the fewer.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They cut and consolidate jobs. If you have a kitchen of 5 people all making 8/hr which is 40/hr the business is paying out. Increase the min wage to 10/hr. Will they take a cut in profit or drastic increase in prices also equaling a decline in profit? No. So they lay one person off and have a staff of 4 making 10/hr paying out 40/hr. Congratulations, you just increased unemployment.

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  • 8 years ago

    They will either close stores or pass the cost to the consumers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    Oh wait. They will go to Burger King or Wendys or White Castle or ...


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's the only way to thwart the evil empire.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    $7.00 hamburgers and $15.00 cokes.

    the liberals are manipulating the free market to "TAX" the middle class.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    From moving all their operations overseas.

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