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I need your help with a reply to ex wife?

She had an affair and we divorced a year and a half ago. She has not moved on very well. Still cries, asks to get back together etc.... I do not want to reconcile.

She text me yesterday and asked if she could borrow my pressure washer. I replied : " I don't think that is a good idea. What would our significant others say about us borrowing things from each other."

She replied today - " This is 100% on you. Everyone in my life would be fine with me borrowing something from someone who is the father of my children and who I consider a friend."

The thing for me is that borrowing things creates somewhat of a bond. The only bond I want with her is our children. For what she did to me ( I will list later ) we are not friends, buddies, pals or bff's.

What she did to me:

Re entered the work force and fell in love with a married man.

Brought him to our HOME and introduced him to me as her friend from work

I drank tea with him until midnight at my kitchen table, had no idea anything was going on.

Gave him a birthday while still married to me, before I knew she was having an affair - the card said that she loved him more with every breath she took, could not wait to wake up in his arms every morning.

I want to reply to her but I want it to be deep and meaningful, not mean and anger filled sating that what she did to me does not constitute friendship and that we are not friends. But as you can see I am not the most articulate person in the world and I need your help.


8 Answers

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Simpley tell her you do not wish to have contact other then if its for the children. And stick to it. If she calls/contacts you and asks for anything else, just say no, sorry and hang up the phone (or close the door).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Why not tell your ex that while you appreciate her as the mother of your children,you would like to keep your relationship at that.Tell her that you would love to participate in anything involving your children,but you don't feel comfortable ,considering the circumstances,having other types of contact with her.If she persists(say she calls you to borrow your weed eater or wants to cry on your shoulder for something)politely tell her that you are not going to "loan"her things or that she should discuss her problems with a family member or her current beau.Sounds like she regrets losing you and feels guilt over what she did and keeps trying to reinsert herself into your life with the hopes that you will take her back.But some bad news for you is,you may have to go beyond the meaningful and articulate responses and eventually cut her off in a more aggressive way.Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    First thing you need to do is show this crap to your Girlfriend so that she knows that you aren't hiding anything from her. You have got to be careful with this idiot if you have children with her because she can and will cause you problems. Whatever you do is not going to suit her so you might as well be direct but gentle. Be sure to document all correspondence from her so that in the future when you need to go to court you'll have it. Simply tell her no, that you do not think that is a good idea and that she can easily rent a washer at the rent all store cheap.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    To some extent you obviously feel bitterness and anger, BUT should you sort of keep a civil presence towards her for the sake of the children. They are the ones affected most, and may see you in a bad light if you cannot see yourself offering to assist. Lending gear to your Ex does not mean you have to do the job.

    Following a divorce where children are concerned, you need to put aside anger for their sake.

  • 8 years ago

    Contrary to your screen name, it's OBVIOUS you haven't moved on. You still harbor extreme anger towards her. That's understandable. She is reaching out to be your friend because she feels guilty about what happened. I doubt she wants to get back together with you though.

    What you should tell her is that you need a considerable amount of time with her completely out of your life for your wounds to heal. They will eventually as long as you are a mature man. By letting her affair get the best of you (which you are doing) you are showing immaturity. A mature person understands that we're all human and we all make mistakes. He also understands that grudges don't do anyone any good - they just cause more and more hatred, and hatred is a worthless emotion.

    and I will say again my advice on how to get over someone.

    Want to get over your ex? Get over someone else.

    It works every time.

  • Ella
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You're a grown man. IF you can go through a divorce with no problem, then telling her to piss off and rent equipment for herself shouldn't be that big of an issue.

  • 8 years ago

    You have expressed yourself very well and you can tell her that with all that happened to end your marriage you do not want to be friends but will talk to her about business related to the children and that is all. That is all you really need to say.

  • 8 years ago

    I think you should just politely decline her requests without the added verbiage about what others would think. Just say no...

    Or just ignore texts that don't have anything to do with the kids.

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