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Atheists, would you put aside your bigotry and attend your Catholic daughter's Confirmation?


It is no more loaded than the question that inspired it

"Christians, would you put aside your bigotry and attend your lesbian daughter's wedding?"

Update 2:

@Narathzul Arantheal: You assume too much -- you have not asked yourself why I posted it...

Update 3:

biggalloot2003: I have said nothing about tolerance. I am asserting flat out Atheist are bigoted against Christians...

Update 4:

biggalloot2003: My daughter is an adult and can make her own decisions.. That would be a choice between here and her girl friend.

Update 5:

James: Thats kind of the point James. I am an Christian but I have no problem with Gay Marriage. Many of my ancestors were murdered by the Catholics in their purges. Yet you ignore those things and lump me (and many others just like me) into the same bucket... Judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a few members of that group is by definition bigotry... Yet that is what you have just done and most of the atheists in this forum do on a regular basis.

Update 6:

Everard - Good for you! and no offense is intended when I say Congratulations to your Nephew and the birth of his son!

Update 7:

Drizzt D: And not All Christians are intolerant either... History is history those people are dead just as the atheists responsible for the purges killing religious people in Russia, China and elsewhere are dead. Judging people based on the actions of their ancestors is the Genetic Fallacy.. Judging all members of a group based on the actions of a few is by definition bigotry and there are indeed some Christian Bigots as well as Atheist Bigots. but not all Christians and not all Athiests are bigots!

Update 8:

? Na, I am no bigot, I am the one who took a question made by an atheist calling all Christians Bigots, changed the word Christian to Atheist, Lesbian to Catholic and Weeding to Conformation and put it out there to see how people would respond to the same kind of accusation pointed a different direction.

In the original question, more than half a dozen atheists popped in an echoed the accusation of bigotry -- not one said anything about loaded question! The fact that atheists are responding to this question and correctly identifying it as a loaded question means they can recognize a loaded question when they see one.. SO why did not none of them point out the question was a loaded question - that is what one would expect from a fair minded person!

In this question not one Christian echoed the accusation - In fact as far as I can tell not one Christian even responded!

Based on this object lesson, who are the bias ones?

Update 9:

Paul: Many atheist in this forum have asserted religion is evil, advocated outlawing religion, locking religious people up (some even advocated killing them).. That atheism has no tenets saying these things does not change anything and is a red herring. Of course all of this has noting to do with the nature of the question that inspired it so you whole line of reasoning is a red herring.

Update 10:

Narathzul Arantheal: You are right, it is not logical thinking. But the purpose of asking the question was not to teach logic. It was to compare responses to another loaded question worded almost identically. This 'experiment' demonstrates that athiest when encountering a loaded question that reflects negatively on somebody with an opposing view they ignore the fallacy of the question and echo the accusations that are implied by the question. When atheist encounter a loaded question that reflects negatively on them, they recognize the fallacy of the question... This difference in behavior demonstrates bigotry!

Not a single Christian responded to this question by echoing th implied accusation against atheists! NOT ONE!

Update 11:

Pure Atheist: That's nice! I am not a catholic.. Many of my ancestors were murdered by the Catholics, and personally I do not acknowledge Catholicism to be Christian. I see Roman Catholicism to have come into existence for political reasons.. Pagan Constantine, recognized a sizable population of professing Christians and so faked a conversion, claimed to have a vision from God, put a cross on his shields and by doing so turned these people into his army.

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went to church for my Catholic grandson's baptism. Don't have a daughter so can't tell you.

  • 8 years ago

    ok first of all Atheists are not the intolerant ones. throughout history religion has caused wars against those who don't share there same belief in a ideology. but Catholics are the source of mass murders and slaughtering of innocent people throughout there history so don't word your question as though someone who doesn't believe in a big invisible man in the sky guiding this world is a bad person. as for would I go to a family members gathering at a church yes would I participate yes. oh and i'm not a atheist but I also do not believe in in modern Christians or generalized Catholic's. but I wouldn't have a problem going to any event hosted by either. atheist has done there far share of producing bad people and so has everything out there. careful how you word your statement.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't have any bigotry, I simply find "god" claims ridiculous.

    If I had a catholic daughter, and she wanted me to come to something important to her, I'd go.

    I wouldn't pretend to believe in a god, but I'd go. For her.

    "It is no more loaded than the question that inspired it."

    Yeah, it is actually. See, many christians *demonstrate* their bigotry by trying to outlaw homosexuality, take away the rights of persecuting, demonizing, and ostracizing them. Atheism has no "tenets" saying religion is evil, or must be outlawed, and I don't know any trying to do so. So your question was completely different than the one that inspired it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Bigotry? LOL

    You act like the Catholic Church has an unblemished image in this world. LOL

    Catholic Church is now known as the Pedophile Church and will be for many decades to come.

    My wife was raised Catholic but she has eyes and ears and was able to actually SEE report after report coming from one country after another after another after another and at some point she just said "There is no way God is connected to this Church which has allowed and covered up the rape and abuse of thousands of children in EVERY country where Catholics can be found, no way that a truly loving, caring and merciful god would allow Priests and Bishops and most likely Popes to rape children for so long."

    She still believes in god but no longer believes the catholic church is the way to get to heaven, she thinks staying in the Pedo Church would get her nothing but Hellfire. Our kids will be raised to know what Catholics have done to children in this world. I highly doubt they will become Catholics.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "would you put aside your bigotry and attend your Catholic daughter's Confirmation?"

    What a stupid loaded question.

    Last year my nephew(atheist) asked if I'd come to his son's baptism or christening or whatever it's called... the christening was happening cos his wife is Catholic.

    He said: Don't worry Unc - the church won't burst into flame.

    Me: Sure, no wuckers.

    I must admit watching the priest go through his paces reminded me of a African witch doctor dancing around a fire imploring the gods to de-demon someone;)


  • 8 years ago

    Loaded question as it questionably assumes to only reason not to attend a confirmation would be bigotry. I guess I could say I expected better from you, but really I didn't.

    Edit: Your question just supposes the answerer is bigoted if he wouldn't do that. It says "would you put aside your bigotry" as a matter of fact as if that just applied to everyone. That isn't logical thinking.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    So we're the bigots now? We're the ones that marched into the Middle East during the crusades and killed those who didn't believe? We're the ones who look down on people who aren't perfect heterosexual Christians? I think I am far less of a bigot than you. You are the one looking down on us by calling us bigots. I think that everyone has the right to believe what they chose to believe. If my child decided to follow Catholicism, I would be supportive. Stop making assumptions and broad generalizations. It makes you look like a moron.

  • 8 years ago

    Wow, is that ever a loaded question. Are you sure atheists are the ones being bigoted here? In answer to your question: yes, if I had a Catholic relative, I would go to their Confirmation.

  • James
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The irony is hilarious. We're not the ones who voted for Prop 8. We're not the ones who want to stop gay marriage (or catholic confirmations, for that matter).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    LOL at the idea of atheist bigotry. Of course, but why would an atheist raise his/her child as a Catholic?

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If she or her godparents or sponsors phrased it that way to invite me, I absolutely would not - and I'm not even an atheist. I may even call the priest and let them know they were obviously not ready to take such a step.

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