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Drizzt D

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  • who do you turn to when it is the teachers and principle at school who harasses your kids?

    Ok lately i've seen a lot of families have there children jerked out of the homes and or be harassed by the local school if the parent's don't do just what the principle says they threaten to call welfare on them. you can't go to the superintendent of the school because they support this horrific behavior. the police are no good nothing they can do and for most of the community there is no where to turn does anyone have suggestions on who to go to for help or is this one of those the community has to grow a backbone and stand as one against these people?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • what would be a good place to start looking for a virus that causes windows defender pop ups?

    ok for about 4 days now windows explorer has had a pop up every few minutes that has a windows defender tag that tries to download a virus be it trojen or some other random virus i have a virus scanner that blocks them and then shuts it down but i know the script is on my pc due to the fact it continues to happen where would be a good place to look for this script. i have ran virus scans and cleaned up the explorer cookies in case it is there. where would be a good place to start searching for the script I ask because nothing is detecting it is on my pc or in the router but other computers on the network have some nasty viruses that i've been working on removing. thanks for any help.

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • router issue's resetting and loosing power please help?

    ok I've got a router from the local internet company have been complaining since they installed the thing about it resetting when I start any program that access the internet I've tried many different things they told me to and they worked on it and it continues to do this. thinking a power issue maybe a surge is going through the cable and causing it I went wireless on it. and the thing continued with the issues. could anyone give a suggestion on what to look up or an idea about what it is so I have can resume my hunt to fix there faulty equipment since they can not.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • question about blood preasure?

    ok i've been off of my Azor for almost 3 weeks and my hztz. i take a very high mg of both medications but i ran out and have been unable to get them. 2 days ago i ran out of my lasix at 40mg twice a day and i've gained 3 times my size can't hardly move and am in a lot of pain but for the last 4 days my bp hasn't gone below 270 over 160 goes higher but never lower. i was wondering if there was a way to lower your bp without medication i need to lower it down untile i can find a way to get my meds back in a few days. so far it wasn't bad but recently i've been falling down passing out and loosing time as well as haveing those colored lights that you get when you press on your eyes i have had that a lot today. so any good answers would be awsome and the ER is out of the question my country has garbage for health care and i'm not rich so i don't have that privilage the rich get.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • how do you treat third spacing?

    ok i've recently started to have new issues with my blood pressure that has caused some alarm with my nursing friends. my bp is now far wider numbers like this morning my bp is 220 over 130, Extreme pain in my chest i'm gurgling when i'm breathing and my right arm can't go above my shoulder. my edema has very little appearance where the day before it was still very bad. so they took me to the ER and i was sent home but my blood work shows and there doc says i need to see my family doc immediately due to i'm experiencing third spacing. granted this is the worse hospital in the united states and i've come to believe that from my research saying i should have began treatment there. but what all am i looking at for treatment. so far i see nothing but being admitted. that is too costly and as anyone who has been poor can tell you this country has no health care for poor people unless your a woman with kids. i understand i'm dieing i figured that 2 years ago. but i would like to see something on treatment and how painful this could get.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • what could be impacting computer performance?

    ok about 5 months ago i got a update on my graphic card that caused major slowdown on all my games. a month after that i got IOLO system shield for a virus scanner and it found withen like 10 minutes of being active more than 12 viruses on my system removed them and things worked slow but good for a bit about 3 months ago the system slowed down a lot again things like world of warcraft that ran at 45fps and skyrim that ran at 30 are now running at 5 fps and 2 fps the system is getting extreamly hot i then found somehow my system fans where at a permanent 2% normal speed acording to the monitor i then formated and reinstalled windows to remove everything. had to do this 5 more times cause when i loaded up windows with no internet the system went nuts locked up and started running hundreds of scripts. this last time i used windows essentials and before i even had a chance to do anything other than download updates for it the thing pulled off 7 heurostic viruses and it was only online long enough to update essentials. i'm a bit out of date on computers i know but shouldn't formating your hard drive remove all data like it use to? or has virus makers found a way to keep things in your system regardless and if so how the hell do you remove them now? and could there be something else impacting my graphic card?

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • how the hell do you format windows 7?

    ok got a virus on my computer that is preventing me from allowing it online so i went to format the hard drive and it isn't working... according to the help you have to format it after loging on you can't do it from boot menu anymore so i'm at a loss is there a way to format this because the system says i can't format a drive that i'm useing... wishing they would have left it like it use to be and just uninstall when running reinstall and recovery...

    4 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • just a question for the women where do nerds hang out?

    ok my area is like the dead zone for gamers and nerds there doesn't seem to be any anywhere and when found they are all young and male... women seem to be obsessed with dateing makeup and liveing off the state, or someone else so they don't have to work. so this is pretty much in theory on where an older gamer chick would hang out. ages 24 to 40 though i dont' see to many older gamers anywhere. so where would a female who plays games rpg's shooters, adventure, and so forth down to mmo's be hanging out at we dont' have book stores but i know of area's with book stores just takes a long time to get there. and they are usualy either full of guys or empty... i figured it has to be the area cause i can talk to female gamers in ventrilo and in mumble as well as in games but they are all from the coast states. =( very sad.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • question about brain surgery.?

    ok a friend of mine had brain surgery sence then she has no imagination she cant' follow instruction no memory to speak of when she moves along and see's something a few seconds later it is brand new to her and yet again she see's it for the first time. when asked to think of a solution she can't. when asked why she can't remember how to figure out a solution she has to be shown how to do things beyond basic survival every few minutes. i understand that the tumor they removed was large but she wants to work and be normal how do i aproach her nicely and calmly when she has massive depression and more than a few suicidal tendency's? The worse part is i understand and sypathise with her decision to kill herself. why would you want to live when you loose your past and you can't remember the present...

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • what would cause me to loose fps?

    ok my graphic card is working at 100% my computer everything hardware wise shows 100% no changes where 1 week ago all my games and internet explorer worked great now everything is laging bad i used my antivirus scan iolo company and system machanic to clean up the system norten didn't help neither did mcaffy everything i'm running shows that it is running great but in under a week my intire system has slowed down dramaticly. games like world of warcraft that ran with 100 fps now runs at 4 and 3 fps and if i raid forget it. i've searched for virus after virus i can't find anything if anyone has a suggestion on what could have caused it please let me know i'll search and either conferm or remove the idea completly and then repair. but so far virus scanners show clean i've done everything but format it and reinstall everything that is my last ditch effort and i realy don't want to do that due to the programs i've accumulated. and hard to find images. but if i have to i will. so any ideas on how to fix beyond the simple reinstall windows?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • PC performance question please help!?

    ok for the last week most everything on my pc is lagging very very bad. frame rate in all my games and movies drops to 1 or 2 and will not pick back up so i did a long line of diagnostics clean up and registry clean up got everything but 2 games completly fixed. world of warcraft won't go above 5 fps and skyrim stays at about 12 fps i'm running an amd raedon hd 5700 series graphics card very nice card and i've never had these issues before the graphic card is running like a charm any suggestions on how to fix these 2 games would be nice. i've even uninstalled skyrim and reinstalled it but nothing is working. and wow will take hours to reinstall so i'm hopeing to avoid that. once more any suggestions would be grand. oh and ran fix on both games and did some testing on them. nothing is working and everything shows a clean bill of health.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • what would make my fps on all my programs drop?

    my graphics card is running strong all my diagnostics show good. but over the last 2 days all my programs from video games to just windows media to watch a video is down to like 1 fps. i can't do hardly anything on this pc what could cause this. my virus scanner also shows a clear bill of health.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • how do i get this stupid comp back on a network?

    ok i'm running win vista it is an emachines et1161-07 the thing wont' identify a network so i can't get it online. tried various things to get it working found that the microsoft 6to4 adaptor was bad on drivers. so as suggested by microsoft forums i removed it problem persists. can't reinstall drivers due to the lack of drivers online they are all with driver finders and such that install for people who are too stupid to do it themselves. great if you wanna be lazy not so great when repairing a comp that is not able to get online. so i'm at a standstill i tried to restore to factory default but it is an emachine so it didn't have a rebuild partition and the disc isn't recognized as a rebuild disc so i'm stumped.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • looking for a free video editiing tool.?

    ok i'm looking for a good video editing tool with a similar feel to it as vagas pro or such. easy simple to use. and allows for voiceovers on a video with multi layer sound. maybe even allow me to cut out clips or add in clips. that would be nice but not necissary and i would like it to compile the file down to where i can toss in on youtube and do it in under 24 hours unlike a raw avi file or a mp4 file that always seems to take forever. thanks!!!

    4 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Question about fraps?

    ok i've had fraps for a while now has always worked but sence the last patch for windows the thing only records audio no video how do i fix this it is like this on all media such as VLC, Windows Media, and Div X. I've reinstalled it updated it and have tried a few other tricks from online nothing changes the result. if you have any idea how to fix this issue any help would be very much apriciated.

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • question about heart disease does this make you more likely to overheat?

    OK i'm 31 years old i've had 4 heart attacks. 25% of my heart shows major scaring. will this or could this cause me to get overheated faster. sence my third heart attack i dont' do well in the summer at all. i get dizzy and weak much faster than I use to.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • ok need ideas anyone can help!?

    ok i've got an idea but i can't figure out how to do it without fire. or dry ice. sense i have neither i need ideas. ok here goes my thoughts.

    Drawing a glyph or a bunch of lines in a cool design i need the lines to smoke but not like fire smoke i am thinking like a dry ice kinda white smoke. or even a black light kinda sparkle effect. black light would be good but i have no black light. i am just trying to get the effect. anyone have any idea's?

    i also have a cool effect for a trick on others too. that worked out my evil cold touch that freezes water instantly without cold by me touching it that went over very well.

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts10 years ago
  • how do you releave stress?

    ok i'm 31 i've had 4 heart attacks, for the past couple of years i keep a tightness in my chest my blood pressure is rarely below 200/130 (i'm under a doctors treatment) headaches dizziness these things i've come to accept and live with. pain is another thing i will never be without from my arms going numb to my chest exploding with pressure and pain there is little i can do. i figure surely if i can relieve some stress it will help. but it is continuing to get worse both the stress and the pain. here are things i've tried.

    talking to friends

    proper amount of sleep

    deep breathing



    separating myself from reality

    drinking alcohol (very bad idea did it a couple of times very very bad idea)

    walking (another bad idea my heart can not keep up with the exertion)

    video games

    role play (war games are awesome imagine you eliminating everyone who is stressing you. don't work but is fun)

    things that have been suggested but i just can't do for obvious reasons

    smoke pot, though it does assist with a plethora of medical issues it is illegal and having a murdering cop come down on you for pot is far more stress than i want.

    and a woman or 4 suggested just getting laid lol don't work no one wants to get involved with someone who is dieing.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • DnD 3.5 skills question?

    ok we have access to several skills in dnd all of wich can make combat fun and exciting but my normal group will sit down in one spot and squar off without any real stratagy. i was wondering if skill uses would give advantages that can clear out a hall. my thoughts are as follows if i'm correct let me know if not let me know.

    Rogue verses warrior.

    Rogue gets caught pick pocketing a commoner hero aka war then takes up the fight in the bar.

    Rogue rolls acrobatics (17) allowing the rogue to backflip onto a table rogue then rolls balance check dc 10 rolls 13 success. rogue has hight advantage +1 to attack

    Warrior kicks chair out of way in his 5 foot step up to the table STR check 5 to flip table rolls 8 and flips table.

    rogue then rolls tuble check dc 10 + wars str check dc 18 rolls a 22 and rolls with the table then a acrobatics check of 15 to flip up onto the chair next to him rolls \a 16 makes it and rolls a balance of dc 15 to balance on the chair rolls 16 succeds.

    war takes 10 foot step to rogue rogue held combat action rolls 15+1 hight for 16 hits war.

    same for defense if war attacks rogue could chose a move action to acrobat check of dc 10 +wars to hit to dodge and flip back out of the way.

    is this withen rules or am i giveing the game too much credit?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • laptop question thing won't start properly?

    ok a laptop went to update and now it is stuck in update mode someone shut the thing before it was done now it resets every time it does the pre turn on installation of it's updates at 35% and will not stop how do i fix this? i tried to restore to earlier point it was successful but the update kicked in and reset the thing again.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago