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Is Kerry and the Administration so thicke that?

sending a cruise missile, training and arming of the rebels are not of acts of War!? They still don't know where and from who the gas was discharged. Confirmation of the actual act is in question. Causally list? Mass grave? Satellite photo's? Nothing has confirmed .

What's the rush in Hillary's words what difference will it make , Now? I mean really.


Brown 950lbs. Sez you. I'm lmao, got your attention the right way unlike our muslim prez.of prejudice. I really don't want to say this but their you go again. Is there really miss spelled.

The question was not answered.

Update 2:

JcL do you live in Arizona? "WE" need some one to replace McCain. Sheriff Arpaio isn't available and needs help!

Update 3:

Babs: To the point without a waste of words, Thanks but they are still accomplices

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Kerry, Vietnam Veteran, has been shamefully spitting lies since his winter soldier testimony. I;m unsure of the real motivations behind the rush to war. I have a bad suspicion it is part wag the dog and part deflecting attention away from whatever Obama will do next at home. Meanwhile, it has served nicely to keep the price of oil unnaturally high. Something Kerry, the press, and leftists would be all over crying EVIL oil cronies of Bush. Were this Bush now.

    I also dislike the idea of the USA serving two purposes attacking Syria. We serve as long range artillery for Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood. Let alone serve as EVIL propaganda foils of Iran and Assad. As they hold up the innocent dead before cameras after we strike.

    I DO like the idea of strictly holding only Assad and his Military Leaders responsible. IF we're going to jump the shark. Going after them alone as War Criminals. Leaving Syrians unharmed and to fight among themselves and decide. Our only point should be simple and direct.

    Use chemical weapons and assure your own death.

  • JcL
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Chemical experts have said that the pictures show people standing around like tourists, looking at body bags. But if chemical weapons were used, they would have respirators on, or they would be dead.

    So far, no one knows who the "good guys" are, all sides look like thugs. The most incredible thing is Barry got the Nobel Peace prize just for getting elected in 2008, now he is the one who wants to start another war! The reason would be his domestic policy sucks so bad it is coming apart, and he likes to use a crisis to distract the media so we forget about how bad he is for America.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They are Zionist controlled, and want us to act like bombing sovereign nations that are Muslim is no different than swatting flies or stepping on roaches. No need for congressional approval, just bomb.


    Zionists are the most evil people I can think of.

    LISTEN TO President Jimmy Carter

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I find it very curious that John Kerry was against our being involved in the Vietnam civil war.....but wants us to get involved in the Syrian civil war.....I guess the only difference is he is not in the direct line of fine.... I do not care WHO used the WMDs.....IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.....The Constitution gives the Federal Government the responsibility to PROTECT AMERICA.....NOT POLICE THE WORLD

    Our nation is self destructing on so many levels......and we are spending valuable, irreplaceable resources meddling in another nations problems and neglecting our own.....There are literally hundreds of "Syria's" around the world....atrocities and tyrannies ......why do we help in some and not others..... and after we HELP (?) the very people we help TURN AGAINST US....

    Our interference in Iran created "Abu-Been-A-Jerk.....our involvement in Afghanistan created "Osama".....our interference in Iraq created "SadDAM" Hussein.....we interfered in Columbia and created ten years of bloody revolt and drug cartels....... WHEN ARE WE GOING TO LEARN TO MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS ????

  • 8 years ago

    I'm sorry, but your spelling of thick has betrayed your age (Robin Thicke fan).

    You must be 13 to post here.

    Question disqualified.

  • 8 years ago

    "Acts of War"- are about "People- KILLING other People." What the Obama Administration is attempting to Do, is trying to STOP a Countries Leader from Killing His OWN People- by making his Killing Agents- Inoperable. Those are NOT "Acts of War..."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's a rush to save Barry's street cred.

  • Carm
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Thick doesn't have an "e" at the end. No.

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