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How big a deal is it that Voyager is first known track-able object has left ?

"our" Solar System? As a specie being first has always had it rewards, unless your the 1%. This is the one & only planned at this time. It's still sending signals 30 plus years after launch and that we're still here to receive them. What do you think?


Patrick, I'm enjoying the girl and she me no matter how write about her. She's insulted by your answer.

Update 2:

#1 & Mr. .F. Kruger They are plasma propulsion systems.

Update 3:

Good Evening Queeny, Fear not they have the same problem as us,

Update 4:

John , Voyager has left and is the only verifiable object to leave and still report.

Mark , One humongous step for our/ all Kind.

7 Answers

  • suitti
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a much, much bigger deal that the structure of the edge of the solar system is different, and much more complex than was assumed. Being there first has the feature that this stuff gets learned with this probe.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The earlier Pioneer 10 was trackable till it's radio transmitter lost power ( last signal received in 2003 ), even then we're still tracking it. It also didn't have a computer, it's all discrete logic chips and state machines. So with Voyager 1. 2, Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, and New Horizons, that's five probes that are leaving the solar system. Voyager wasn't the one and only and wasn't the first either.

  • Mark
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Its not an easy thing to do. Gerry Ford was President of the USA when Voyager one blasted off from Earth. I've been keeping tabs on Voyager 1 and 2 since I was in second grade, in 5th grade it reached Saturn, High school for Uranus, and College for Neptune, now I'm a few years short of 50. That's a long time.


    Nobody is going to find it. It's moving fast by modern standards but by time it comes close enough to any alien civilization if there even is one it could have been floating around for billions of years

  • 8 years ago

    You saw what happened to it on the Star Trek movie.

    If we put an ion engine on the next one it will pass Voyager like it was standing still.

    But it's pretty cool. I am just so disappointed that NASA couldn't do much for the last 30 years.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There is actually another one more space craft heading on a course to take it out of the Sun's solar system.

    I think it would be pretty exciting for another civilization to find it several millions of years from now.

  • 8 years ago

    There is a positive and a negative to this.

    You know how a bird must hide from predators yet sing out loudly, without being eaten, so it can find another bird of its kind to perpetuate the species?

    Well, this is a risky act. We are unconsciously calling out like that bird, in the hopes of finding life else where that is compatible with our own and will somehow join with us symbiotically.

    Yet, we risk attracting a Gobble Monster to us who could think of us as dinner,.

    I'm not stating this as fact, but it is a fascinating concept.

    I have a friend who is clairvoyant who went to a convention where everyone went into a trance during a meditation and they all came up with the exact same visions, that long ago another humanoid that carries our basic genetic code found earth and have altered our genetic instructions to manipulate us into enslavement without our knowledge or consent, so we would serve their purpose.

    They all, without speaking, wrote down what came into their minds.

    Every one of them came up with the same story that our unconscious minds have collected our resources to send out some of us, are to be shot out ilnto the unknown universe aboard missiles, which like sperm, are shot out into the unknown in search of an egg to fertilize.

    Or, a planet where our viral DNA may combine with other DNA and accomplish a sort of destiny. Like seeds blowing in the wind,

    They all came up with the story of how planets throughout the universe were 'star seeded' with viruses containing many options on switches that could be turned on or off, as best suited to the environment it found itself in.

    that so what we are really looking for out there, with SETI and the like is to find others like us and cross ourselves with them.

    But the risk is we could attract the attention of predators looking to consume us and our earthly resources. e theirs, the way of on

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Those words, as you strung them together, make NO sense.

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