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Why do we allow ourselves to be separated and weakened through political affiliation?

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"- A. Lincoln

When we begin talking about politics, I hear a few terms thrown around for people to describe them selves "oh I'm a democrat" "WELL THEN I'm a republican"....isn't it OBVIOUS that by allowing politicians to separate the people through political affiliation, we are allowing ourselves to be divided and therefore as a whole, as a PEOPLE, we become weakened when it comes down to the things in our country that TRULY matter? I want to hear it from these supposed "Republicans" and "Democrats"....why are you allowing our house (this nation) to be divided in such trivial and asinine ways?


@Picador: While I like the idea of a people getting to choose those in charge, I can see the point W. Churchill had...and truly it IS a horrible idea to give so few such control over so many!

Update 2:

@serenly: very good point, we see the terrible job the media does, and it's obvious ties to the politics which it SHOULD be scrutinizing. We see them being used to influence anyone they can and rather than doing the people a service they run interference for the politicians. We saw, most recently, the media using current events to smoke screen incredibly questionable, and illegal laws. During the Boston bombing incident the media was flooded with the most current information about the perpetrators, all of it to keep us side tracked from CISPA being put up for vote. It wasn't until MONTHS later that ANY of the illegal crap within CISPA hit the media, and even then it was a brief story of one of the more moor parts of this law, never telling us to what extent the atrocities that lie within that document truly went. Even then, even when they are somewhat semi quasi doing their job they only covered this topic briefly! So we can see how it's obvious the media is the biggest too

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Winston Churchill, a statesman, scholar and historian of the first order, said that Democracy was the worst form of government except for all the others. That was damning with faint praise. I've seen no evidence whatever to prove him wrong.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Especially since the media choose the talking points, hype them up, emotionalize and sensationalize them, doing it all to pique our anger and other negative emotions.

    AND more than 90% of all major media outlets in the U.S. are owned by (at last count) 7 entities. SEVEN! That's thousands of radio & TV stations, major networks, Internet sites, newspapers, magazines and more. All owned by the same tiny handful of multibillionaire entities and individuals.

    Worse yet? Those same mega-rich megalomaniacs are some of the biggest contributors to candidates. So, we're getting exactly what THEY want us to hear, both from their bought politicians and from the media.

    How can we believe ANY of it?


    Source(s): "The Media Monopoly" ... see also: Eisenhower's Farewell Address
  • 8 years ago

    You are such a homo !! This question makes you look so dumb.

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