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serious question....when conquering armies came into Jerusalem,?

it was their first big move, to destroy and pillage the temple....... what would happen today if a war started and an army took its first shot at the Dome of the Rock ?.... or the Kabaa?....what if Mecca was leveled to the ground in retaliation for some battle somewhere else?..... it would break the hearts of the peaceful Islam peoples..... would they finally turn on those who give their religion a bad name and make them stop the murders and terrors?....

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    actually when armies first came to attack Jerusalem they did not pillage and attack the temple.

    The peoples back then Egyptians, Babylon, Assyrians feared all gods of the people they defeated least they offend one and draw his divine revenge on themselves.

    Technically the Egyptians and the Assyrians never took Jerusalem and Babylon only destroyed the temple after 3 times taking the city and putting down revolt.

    Alexander did not touch the temple and went into it to worship.

    Ptolemy (spelling) took Jerusalem as did the other general.. (forgot his name) after Alexander as did Antiochus Ephip... but he also did not destroy the temple but polluted it.... (bad move as the Jews rose up and defeated him later).

    As for the peaceful Muslims, their actions are today unclear so predicting their actions in the future is murky at best.

    They seem to distance themselves from the violence but still take benefit from it and support the basic position of the terrorists.

    People are people.

  • 8 years ago

    This question is not honest. Do Christian Americans turn on the government because THAT individual claims to be Christian?

    You enter a country, torture its citizens with brooms forced into their anus', and release them after you find out they do not know anything. You kill their innocent brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and call them "casualties of war", and you label the people that retaliate "terrorist"?

    Now, I do not agree with what's going on at all! However, you HAVE to see both sides, and ask yourself WHY people are doing certain things?

    (Ecclesiastes 7:7) For mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy, and a gift can destroy the heart.

    You cannot put your trust and faith in any man or government. Just look at what each of them do, and ask, "are they following Christ?"

    (Matthew 7:16) By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?

    Source(s): Bible
  • CSE
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I doubt that would be the outcome. It would be an attack on something Muslims hold dearly - including the many peaceful Muslims.

    More than likely it would result in riots, attempts by them at the UN to punish those responsible, huge diplomatic breaks, and younger rebellious Muslims turning to retaliatory attacks of their own (like firebombs).

    It was pretty standard in the ancient world for armies to destroy the religious centers of places they took over, because it sent the message that "Your gods can't stop us". The people at that time interpreted it as their god having abandoned them, or punishing them in some way.

    Nowadays people aren't as superstitious, and they recognize religious centers for their historical worth and tradition importance. They wouldn't see it as their god abandoning them, they'd see it as a call to war on their faith - and that goes for any faith. If the wailing wall was destroying, or the vatican, you can bet the Jewish people and the Catholics would go ape as well.

    Source(s): agnostic
  • 8 years ago

    Their best pragmatic leaders will have considered this scenario, and surely worked out a strategy to rally Islam in the event that yhe obvious infidel strategy were employed.



    This plan has to be one of several put forward by the "CRAZIES" of Washington.



    In preparation for this plan, the greatest Islamic Leaders/Potential Leaders have been systematically removeIn preparation for this plan, the greatest Islamic Leaders/Potential Leaders have been systematically removeIn preparation for this plan, the greatest Islamic Leaders/Potential Leaders have been systematically removeIn preparation for this plan, the greatest Islamic Leaders/Potential Leaders have been systematically removed:



    Idi Amin Dada.

    Diana Windsor nee Spencer.

    Yasser Arafat.

    Ayahtollah Khomeni.

    Sadaam Hussein.

    Michael "Mikeel" Jackson.

    Muammar Ghadaffi.



    Muslims do not consider those who kill in the Name of Allah to be defaming their Religion, but rather to be heroes, and more Rigjteous men than themselves. They feel shame for not joining in.



    They should waking up to the fact that these half-cicked islamic Militant Movements that destroy no significant targets, are in fact founded and funded by CiA Agents Provocateur, in order to kill off their best leaders.



    Osama bin L

    Source(s): . . ALL THE SHAH'S MEN, by Stephen Kinzer. TERRORSTORM, by Alex Jones. THE ALEX JONES SHOW: 2nd May, 2011. TEA WITH TERRORISTS, by Craig Winn. PROPHET OF DOOM, by Craig Winn.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Muslim terrorists only stop when someone puts several 5.56 mm bullets through their chests. The future may well hold a time when the world's powers decide to eradicate muslim terrorists for good.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    IDOUBTIT any bad name or press (as in "the media") the religions get, they deserve!!! After all, the abuse of children inside of the house of god should of turned you all away from imaginary gods or devils and religions who make it all up!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Peaceful Islam people? Where did you get such an idea?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Well, it would give religious fanatics something else to complain about.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Seriously, Israel would destroy them.


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