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Lv 617,415 points

Idanre Magus

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I am a medical laboratory assistant of some 30 years' experience. I am interested in Christianity-compatible Spirituality, Science Fact and Fiction, and associated media.

  • Do Christians ever learn that all parts of The Bible are not equally authentic, nor relevant, nor true?

    As a New Christian, I was taught to preach the Great News to people, that, if they did not Repent- preferably immediately then they would go to Hell when they died- because their Souls were not Saved, like mine was.

    After I developed to the point where I could think for myself, I saw that the Bible Answers that I had been given were often based on monocular interpretations, which ignored any Biblical Data thhat did not fit the Denominational Theory.

    . ECCLESIASTES 3:19.

    19. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

    A LOT OF STORE is set by the statements of an unidentified author, whose writings were added to a collection of known Prophets, who thhoroughly identified themselves, and were recognized as Messengers of God- whereas THIS.... well, bozo makes no claim to Divine Inspiration, but EXPLICITLlY STATES that he is just giving HIS OWN OPINION, and talking about HOW THINGS APPEAR TO HIM.

    . ECCLESIASTES 3:18.

    18. I said in mine heart, concerning the Estate of the Sons of Men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

    THE OWNERS OF THE SCRIPTURES are the Hebrew People, not the Gentiles. They would not be enthusiastic about Gentile races hijacking THEIR God out from underneath them, so they incorporated DEAD LETTER BOOBY-TRAPS.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why is the Prophet Muhammad considered a Savage Bad Guy, while The Founding Fathers of America are regarrded as Pillars of Civilization?

    Is it not true, that the Founding Fathers of America organized bloodshed against their lawful Government, because of MONEY? They believed that freedom from taxation was worth the loss of lives and souls on both sides?

    Is it not true, that all of the Founding Fathers of America supported and personally profitted from the invasion of a country that was never theirs', and the murderous displacement of its original inhabitants?

    Is it not true, that the Founding Fathers of America supported the mass kidnapping of foreigners, who had never done them any harm, as forced labour, and sex slaves who were even murdered if they tried to escape their harsh treatment- quite contrary to The Bible?

    . DEUTERONOMY 23:15-16.

    15. Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant

    which is escaped from his master unto thee:

    16. He shall dwell with thee, (even) among you,

    in that place where he shall choose in one of thy gates,

    where it liketh him best: thou shalt not oppress him.

    YET IT IS ARGUED that America is a Christian nation, founded by Christians.

    Where exactly did the Founding Fathers enact any of The Sacred Teachings of Jesus,

    that they should be considered Christians?

    Are they not considered and referred-to as Final Authority in issues of Morality, Ethics, and Justice?

    Wherefore, exactly, is Muhammad a worse person than them?

    Is it significant that Muhammad's Doctrines have been working Foundation

    of a stable civilization for about 1,500 years, while THEM- 328 years?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is the ongoing BOKO HARAM Terrorist Situation not Satan Testing the value or not of African Christianity?

    In The Bible, worshippers of God were invincible warriors, able to defeat numerically and technologically superior forces with inferior or no weapons at all.

    The most interesting sitiations depicted would be the situations where victories were won without a single drop of bloodshed- or even the raising of one's voice.

    For instance, the two Messengers of God to Sodom prevented the lynch mob trying to attack Lot from being able to perceive his door- which was right before them.

    Patriarch JOSEPH and Prophet DANIEL rose from Slave to Prime Minister, through the mastery of DREAMING- one aspect of which is the ability to PROJECT specific Dreams into a target person's mind..

    The Prophet Elisha used ESP to discover Enemy Troop Deployment, and saved his king's life several times. He JEDI-MIND TRICKED a regiment come to arrest him into NON-VIOLENT CAPTURE, without injuring anyone.

    . JOHN 5:17-20.

    JESUS EXPLAINED that The Source of his Powers was that GOD HIS FATHER had SHOWN him what HE could do, and THIS SHOWING enabled Jesus to do the same things.

    A NON-WORSHIPPER, or FALSE WORSHIPPER of God could NEVER extract any practical information from that Sacred Teaching. Therefore, Bible Worshippers have been Doormats and Toilet Seats for Evil Oppressors since the time of JOSHUA:

    . JOSHUA 1:8.

    Had they been faithful, THEY would've SEEN how to use Biblical Powers to save themselves.

    . MATTHEW 22:1-14.

    MY EXPERIENCE is that they prefer to laugh at those warning them.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Would the World have been different, if The Book of Job had stated explicitly that and why he was being punished?

    If The Book of Job is the oldest in The Bible, that means that Mankind had to wait until Moses to learn that In The Beginning, God created Man to exercise dominion over the entire Earth.

    . GENESIS 1:26-28.

    The Bible God is depicted as being unsympathetic toward people who do not use all of their ten God-given faculties to the utmost.

    These are, namely.

    1. Total Recall.

    2. ESP.

    3. Telekinesis.

    4. Teleportation.

    5. Translation.

    6-10. Transfiguration.

    Asked which was The Greatest Commandment of The Law of God by Moses, Jesus cited the two greatest Commandments as being:

    1. DEUTERONOMY 6:4-5.

    2. LEVITICUS 19:18.

    . MARK 12:28-34.

    ANY PERSON WHO needs to be TOLD to exert themselves to the fullest must be a fool. The Bible God is depicted, from The Beginning, to be unsympathetic toward fools, while favouring those who "catch on quick." Even when the "Wiser Guy". Is wicked.

    . LUKE 16:1-15.

    GOD EVIDENTLY DISFAVOURS Worshippers who do not WORK HARD, and GO ALL THE WAY, following each step to the Next Level, to EVERY Logical/Practical Conclusion.

    . JOB 28:28.



    28. "And unto Man He said,

    'The Fear of The Lord,

    That (is) Wisdom;

    And to depart from Evil

    (is) Understanding."

    JOB THE MOST Righteous man alive- was a non-starter in Divine Wisdom. Satan had more Wisdom than him, therefore he was able to nearly kill Job.

    . JOB 1:6.

    We had to wait about 1,300 years after MOSES to learn from JESUS-

    . MATTHEW 22:1-14.


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Do you believe Jesus, when he said that if you BELIEVE ON HIM, you will be able to do EVERYTHING he ever did,?

    . JOHN 14:12.


    12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you,

    'He that believeth on me,

    the works that I do shall he do also;'

    and greater (works) than these shall he do;

    because I go into my Father."

    WOULD THIS HAVE BEEN the GOAL of Jesus' Gospel, or would Jesus have added this concept, "off-the-top-of-his-head," as an afterthought?

    What would a person have to do, in order to do the things Jesus did? What would a person have to do, to be able to do greater works than Jesus did?

    Is any of this at all true, or possible, or did Ancient Christian Cultists just make it all up to ace the pissing contest with the gods of other Religions extant- and win all future pissing contests with an RPG, so to speak?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Where does this image come from?

    Can you identify this scene, and any of the people in this picture? What is going on, here?

    I think that it is from a movie.

    2 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Instead of making Criminal Excuses, why don't Weak, Wannabe-Christians USE Porn Addiction as their Battlefield to DEFEAT Satan?

    Don Juan Matus said: "A Warrior proceeds strategically."

    "Warriors take strategic inventories; they list everything they do. Then they decide which of these things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of saving energy."


    L. Ron Hubbard said that a Game must be defined, in order to Play it with a view to Self-Determinedly Lose, Prolong, or Win it, as one chooses. (FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT).

    Therefore, if a Christian has a Problem with, to wit, Pornography, or anything else, they should sit themselves down, as Jesus COMMANDED, and take stock of how many Soldiers the Other Guy has got, and how many THEY'VE got.

    It is almost amusing to see some empty-head proclaiming, "The Trinity of The Godhead, The Mother-of-God, Gabriel, Michael, and ALL of The Angels of God, and ALL of The Saints in Heaven are ON MY SIDE, AND MINE TO CALL UPON!"

    While they live in abject Poverty, Intellectual Deficiency, Poor Health, and Addicted to Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms- an average citizen in The Land-of-The Homeland-Secure.

    Jesus WARNED against an over-inflated view of oneself!

    The average Christian thinks themselves far better than those who commit and view Adulterous Pornographic Acts- and in so doing, make themselves just as Evil, if not worse.

    Those in the Pornography Industry Professionally, or as Amateurs are Victims-of-Satan, who fell into THIS particular DEATHTRAP.

    Make no mistake:

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Honest Answers needed from Christians? What if you were dosed with mind-altering drugs-without your knowledge nor consent-?

    When you finally found out about it- that this was done to covertly make you receptive to the Church's Doctrines:

    1. Would you reject Christianity and all its Doctrines?

    2. Would you reject only that one church, but go to another church, that taught the same Doctrines?

    3. Would you go to another church, that also dosed you with mind-altering hypnotic drugs, but be selective in what Doctrines you accepted?

    4. Would you believe that each and every church uses that method?

    5. Have you got any idea of what I am talking about?

    6. And do you believe that this is indeed the case?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How can a laptop DVD Writer possibly burn DVDs that it cannot read?

    I had to replace my internal DVD Writer when it became ruined from burning ReWritable disks. (What's up with THAT???) Neither of the replacements has worked right.

    I burn Data DVDs, and they verify completely- most of the time- but when I try to re-read them, even ISOBuster swears they are BLANK!

    Is THIS why they call these damned things SATAN drives???

    1 AnswerAdd-ons7 years ago
  • If a. worshipper of God is sufficiently HOLY, they can convert their bodymass into Spiritual Energy?

    and rematerialize it at a remote location- which is called Teleportation.

    If a Teleporter reassembles their physical body from a Spiritually-stored memory, would it make sense, or should it be required, that Teleporters restore their bodies with any, let alone all, of its physical defects- Disease Organisms, Injures, Ageing Damage, and so on?

    Since Jesus was depicted in The Bible as being a Teleporter From The Beginning (Matt. 4:1-11; John 6:21,25), would this not explain some of his Healing Powers as involving the dematerialzing ailing and failing parts of peoples' bodies, and rematerializing them in healthy form? Even summarily removing disease organisms?

    Would not a Teleporter be able to Spritually reconstruct his physical body from the.Outside, were it mortally injured, even completely destroyed? Thus explaining Jesus' Resurrection?

    Former Queen of UK Wiccan Witches, Doreen Irvine, related how, with unprecedented daring, she decided to just find out what would happen, if, while she was "Astral Projecting," she attempted to summon her physical body into the Astral Plane.

    Her attempt was successful, and she effectively vanished.

    This led to her becoming Queen during their yearly Tryout on Dartmoor, because she used this ability to cloak the entire coven from a clergyman who came to expose them with cameramen. None of the other witches could do this. (Which should have been Olde Lore to all of them. Wicca is therefore not all what we are led to believe it is.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If BILLY MEIERS is tight with centuries-old Aliens, and even MET the original Jesus of Nazareth, and even got his TRUE Teachings?

    WHY does he only have but the one arm? Why didn't "JMMANUEL," "SFATH," or that broad in the Baking Foil suit with the Made-in-Taiwan handgun that can kill at 37 km (sic!) HEAL IT FOR HIM???

    Is this going to be like that Chinese Kung Fu Movie: ONE-ARMED AGAINST NINE KILLERS, where Wang Yu turns out (SPOILER!) to have had both arms all along, and only pretended the first assassin had amputated his arm, so his boss would let him get in close???

    What is his and his followers' answer to people who ask that?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If Christians truly believe that Biblical Saints received stupendous Powers as reward for their Holiness?

    Why is it that Christians are willing to suffer, and even die in agony, rather than:

    (1) Achieve Holiness themselves, so as to be worthy channels for Divine Power. Or

    (2) At the very least sponsor someone else to become Holy on their behalf- so that they might grant them the services of a Priest or Prophet for them. (Ten men doing this, in Jewish Religion, is called a MINYAN.)

    A retired co-worker of mine has migrated through several Pentecostal churches, finally stopping in one allegedly "Full Gospel" church that married her son-in-law to her healthy daughter, despite that he is a polio cripple.

    That he failed to obtain his Healing is proof that he has no relationship with Jesus at all. I have confirmed this by personal contact over years. He has no interest in Jesus" Plan (Matt. 25:13-30; John 14:1-27). He is quite content to draw a Pharmacist's salary where I work, and move around on crutches- ignoring his own pain, and that of similar sufferers, whom he has no interest in helping obtain their Healings. (There are two others in a similar plight in our vicinity.)

    My retired co-worker's sister was rendered bedfast as of mid-December. Complications stemming from high blood pressure. I told her that were her church a true Church of Jesus, their Pastor, Prophet, or the whole Church (multiple thousands strong) should be able to pray for her, and Heal her.

    She rebuked ME for criticizing "THE ANOINTED MEN OF GOD." (sic!). The woman diied this month.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do you call, and what are some tiles of, manuals that have all the equivalents of electronics parts?

    That tells you which can be interchanged, and what their characteristics are?

    That is, which Diodes, Transistors, and Integrated Circuits are interchangeable with one another, whether they are made of Cuprous Oxide, Germanium, Silicon, or whatever?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Adolf was not even a Hitler?

    I have heard of this guy all my life! I was raised by people who were in World War II- I have had War Comics and movies stuffed down me since I was a kid, like they were Essential Food Supplements!

    So how come I happened to read a CHANCE REFERENCE in a COMIC BOOK, of all things (a Captain America line from an AVENGERS retcon,), that "HITLER" was NOT EVEN HIS REAL NAME?

    In the Comic, the character was lecturing a street gang on the Second World War, and asserted that Adolf's ACTUAL surname was "SCHICKLGRUBER," and he changed it to "Hitler."

    Internet is not as readily accessible as it should b in my part of my country- I fell asleep last night, waiting for the WIKIPEDIA page to load- then woke up and closed the page to check the time, before I remembered I hadn't saved the page, yet. Not having electricity to charge my phone all day, only now could I get online.

    It emerges that Adolf's dad, ALOIS, was born out of wedlock to one MARIA ANNA SCHICKLGRUBER, and that when he was five years old, JOHAAN GEORG HIEDLER married his mother, but he did not start using his surname until he was 39, in 1876, previously going by his birth name, Schicklgruber. He had his birth certificate changed to legitimize him.

    This means that there is not even any proof that Adolf Hitler himself was a pure-blooded Aryan! Whereas he had people put to death for not having better proof of his Aryan pedigree than he did!

    Since Adolf was born in 1889, he should not have been using the name "Schicklgruber." How would THAT have worked? Therefore, MARVEL Comics seem to be guilty of poor research and disinformation.

    Could this have been Allies' Propaganda Indoctrination during that time period? A "Canary Trap" of sorts? Perhaps a Nazi loyalist, upon hearing their Fuhrer so slandered, might be provoked into reacting, and revealing that they knew more about Hitler than an average American should have known- so exposing themselves? (*Oops!*) In which case, it would have been brilliant writing, to show that soldiers didn't always have their facts correct.

    How come we NEVER heard about this fact that ought to come up EVERY TIME that Adolf Hitler, Nazis, Aryan Supremacy, and the Holocaust come up? How can people let this be "swept under the rug," and forgotten?

    8 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Could you list all the Parables of Jesus of Nazareth in chronological order, please?

    It's for the website.

    I intend to share never-before-seen interpretations that will contribute to, or bring about the total elimination of Atheism on Earth within a decade.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If an entity's exemption is retroactively revoked, do its donors have to pay "Back-Taxes," too?

    Even when the Infernal Revenue Service (sic!) recognized their donations as tax-exempt even for decades?

    What can cause an organization's tax-exempt status to be revoked? Is it always retroactive- incurring Back-Taxes- or can it be revoked from a current date only?

    Does a whole organization have to commit an offense causing Tax-exemption to be forfeited, or could just one member, not even necessarily its boss, cause its status to be annuled?

    5 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Why do Atheists think that they can verbally invalidate Christianity without showing any proof at all?

    I saw RING OF POWER: I, and the narrator totally T-Rexed The Old Testament!

    She (wouldn't you know, they had to Woman us?) just dropped on us that Abraham, Jacob, and Moses were actually Pharaohs in Egypt, and the Biblical accounts of all their adventures never happened when The Bible said they happened, if at all, or, if they did happen, they never happened that way at all.

    This cool lady iceberg totally Titanicked the Religion I had been following all my life in a matter of minutes. As I was just going down for the third time, I happened on this little straw....

    "Hey! Waitaminute! Where's the PROOF that all this stuff coming out this (really pretty) lady's mouth (and you gotta wonder- if all this could come OUT of that mouth, what went INTO that mouth? Aspartame? Ice Cream? Steroids?) is even TRUE?

    For instance- I never even HEARD of those Pharaohs she was talking about. (I checked- they seem to have existed.)

    One really flabberwhelming overghaster in that, was that JOSEPH SMITH, the founder of of Mormonism put some of this together, translating some key Egyptian texts no one ever talked about, proving that Abraham was in fact a Pharaoh- and two years later was the victim of some sort of (the way I heard it,) Amateur Orthopaedic Reverse-Surgery experiment- which was just wrong.

    Mormonism has preached THAT for a hundred years- and EVERYBODY just plain FORGOT to MENTION that???

    When they say, "Scholars discovered....!" or "Archaeologists have proven....!" WHY don't they mention WHICH "Scholars," and WHICH "Archaeologists" discovered or proved what is supposed to upend up to 90 years of a person's sacred Religious Beliefs???

    Is that how Atheists change their own beliefs?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is the FIRST and most important Step to "Ultimate Power" not TOTAL RECALL?

    If you want to sabotage Spiritual Power Development, you just leave this step out, or else put it anywhere else, but at the beginning.

    6. Everlasting Life.

    5. Translation.

    4. Teleportation.

    3. Telekinesis.

    2. ESP.

    1. Total Recall.

    0. Mere Mortality.

    The Test of Righteousness would therefore prove that one could not only recall the Commandments of God, but also the importance of not breaking them?

    . PSALM 119:11.

    THE PERSON who fails this test is therefore categorized as "Filthy."

    . JOB 28:28.

    . PSALM 111:10.

    . DANIEL 12:10.

    . MATTHEW 13:10-23.

    "UNDERSTANDING" WOULD be the successful synchronization of the Conscious Mind with the vibrations of the images that it perceives or recalls. If this is so, prolonged meditation on anything deemed "incomprehensible" will eventually yield Understanding.

    . JOSHUA 1:8.

    . PSALM 1:1-6.

    . PSALM 119:97-104.

    BIBLICAL MEDITATION means "to mutter," or "to murmur." Therefore proper meditation means to repeat core principles audibly, causing feedback through one's sense of hearing, until Total Understanding is achieved after hours, days, weeks, months, or even years of hundreds into thousands of times per day audible repetitions.

    Other Religions have their own interpretations of the term "meditation."

    When you are told to meditate by visualizing an OBJECT, you are taught to commit the error of "Putting the Cart before the Horse."

    Words are made up of Symbols, which are made up of Mental Images, which a HEALTHY mind can perceive directly, but a... (*Bleep!*)up-Up mind cannot do to save its life. Literally.

    BIBLICAL Meditation gradually restores the mind's ability to break down WORDS into their component SYMBOLS, and these into their component IMAGES.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Do Christians truly believe that any "High-Rank" member of the Kingdom of Satan has EVER converted?

    During the Evangelical Era There was an EXTRUSION of people who swore THEY were SATAN'S RIGHT HAND MEN AND WOMEN on the Earth- but NOW they were GLORIOUSLY SAVED, and NOW SERVED GOD JESUS- HALLELUYAH!!!

    Defectors from, say, the KGB, or the MAFIA, they reveal truckloads of valuable information no one ever heard before, but, when fitted to hitherto inexplicable events, EXPLAIN PERFECTLY what was going on.

    KGB defectors verified PSYCHOPOLITICS. Mafia defectors verified OMERTA. Other Roman Catholics verified ALBERTO, and so on.

    But people claiming to be High Satanists, Luciferans, Illuminati, Witches and whatever became instant Rock Stars- but had NOTHING USEFUL TO SAY.

    You buy their $29.99 BOOK to find out "Devil-Worshipers are E-VIL?"

    How about telling us something we DON'T know?

    For instance:

    You cannot even BEGIN to make Spiritual Progress, until you attain TOTAL RECALL. YOU MUST be able to run through your entire life experiences like a video on fast-forward, or you cannot do much of anything.

    You do NOT even get to have an AFTERLIFE. THAT is how important Total Recall is. The nature of the mechanism that destroys souls that cannot perfectly recall their life history upon death was shown and explained to the anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

    He was such a fool, he even considered not telling us!

    It appears that EVERYBODY knows about this, EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE.

    This explains the brutal genocidal subjugation of Native American peoples by the "Christians" of the Colonial Era, because THIS ONE FACT WOULD HAVE TORPEDOED ALL VERSIONS OF CHRISTIANITY EXTANT.

    The mental discipline required to force the entirety of decades of memories to become consciously accessible in SECONDS (Don Juan said you can run your whole life in about 20 minutes,) LEADS to IMMEDIATELY important things!

    Christians who Totally Recall their own life experiences will Totally Recall the entire BIBLE.

    . PSALM 119:11.

    AS SUCH, t

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago