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Why do Atheists think that they can verbally invalidate Christianity without showing any proof at all?

I saw RING OF POWER: I, and the narrator totally T-Rexed The Old Testament!

She (wouldn't you know, they had to Woman us?) just dropped on us that Abraham, Jacob, and Moses were actually Pharaohs in Egypt, and the Biblical accounts of all their adventures never happened when The Bible said they happened, if at all, or, if they did happen, they never happened that way at all.

This cool lady iceberg totally Titanicked the Religion I had been following all my life in a matter of minutes. As I was just going down for the third time, I happened on this little straw....

"Hey! Waitaminute! Where's the PROOF that all this stuff coming out this (really pretty) lady's mouth (and you gotta wonder- if all this could come OUT of that mouth, what went INTO that mouth? Aspartame? Ice Cream? Steroids?) is even TRUE?

For instance- I never even HEARD of those Pharaohs she was talking about. (I checked- they seem to have existed.)

One really flabberwhelming overghaster in that, was that JOSEPH SMITH, the founder of of Mormonism put some of this together, translating some key Egyptian texts no one ever talked about, proving that Abraham was in fact a Pharaoh- and two years later was the victim of some sort of (the way I heard it,) Amateur Orthopaedic Reverse-Surgery experiment- which was just wrong.

Mormonism has preached THAT for a hundred years- and EVERYBODY just plain FORGOT to MENTION that???

When they say, "Scholars discovered....!" or "Archaeologists have proven....!" WHY don't they mention WHICH "Scholars," and WHICH "Archaeologists" discovered or proved what is supposed to upend up to 90 years of a person's sacred Religious Beliefs???

Is that how Atheists change their own beliefs?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Why do christians think that they can verbally validate Christianity without showing any proof at all?

    are you all stupid or what?

    ""When they say, "Scholars discovered....!" or "Archaeologists have proven....!" WHY don't they mention WHICH "Scholars," and WHICH "Archaeologists" discovered or proved what is supposed to upend up to 90 years of a person's sacred Religious Beliefs??? ""

    Most educated people already KNOW who and what they are talking about...only the Uneducated Buffoons need help looking things up...LOL

  • 7 years ago

    So, then, you don't know how the bible came into existence.

    That's how I became an atheist - I found out.

  • 7 years ago


    The time to believe something exists is when there's evidence for it.

    There you go.

    i verbally invalidated Christianity.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because atheist are mad of what happen in there life . Some are mad at God and some know they are wrong but what to make them self look good publicly.

    I tell you atheist are in a cult that worship the devil no really I think they have a demon holding

    them down. Jesus will save the atheist one day and some will come to Christianity .

    Source(s): Christian
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  • 7 years ago

    We show tons of proof. You just choose to ignore it.

    How did creationists respond to yesterday's big news in support of the Big Bang theory? Complete denial.

  • 7 years ago

    there are a few that know God exists. because they worship the devil

    they pretend to be atheists only to divide faith and it works.

    the lies are there to make gullible followers with a chip on their shoulder to carry the lies farther and longer.

    there is a God, it was a mistake to trust government to the hands of unbelievers. lets pray it is not too late to get the BEAST out of america.

  • Al
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Bible is proof enough. Read it and you'll realize Christianity is BS.

  • Erin
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    People of no faith cannot and will not understand things of faith because its foolishness to them.

  • 7 years ago

    Burden of proof, look it up when you get sober.

  • 7 years ago

    prove any religious claim without doing this or saying its all around us. i dare you.

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