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According to the maintenance schedule on my truck I change air filters every 75,000 miles.?

Should I change it more frequently such as 25,000 miles?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It really depends on where you drive it. If you drive it around in a rock quarry, then probably every 15,000. I go by the solar method. I take out the air filter and hold it up to the sun and if I can see the sun clearly, it's still clean. If it looks like the last eclipse, then it's time to change it.

  • 8 years ago

    Like above said, there really isn't any guidelines or mileage on air filters replacement. Usually it should be checked at every oil change & if its dirty, replace it. I think 75,000 miles is a little too far in between on replacement though.------------Every owners manual if you look in one will tell you if you live in dusty climates to replace it every 3,000 miles

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