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writing project is it a good start for a 20 page story for school?

Sometimes you know when you have met the love of your life just by looking at them. We met when I was 13 and she was 12 It was kind of a hard time for me and our family because I dont know what was the deal but we were always moving. We were never in a place for more than half a year I guess it had to do with my dad and his drinking problems but hey thats a whole different story. anyways like i was saying we moved the this new house a third floor house it was a long and narrow house in the first room it was my dad, step mom and little sister in one room my oldest sister in the middle one and me and your aunt alex in the other but like always my oldest sister could never get along with my dad and she left the house so I was lucky and got the biggest room in the house. I remember I didnt have enough stuff for the room so it looked like noone lived there just a small twin bed in one side and some a small dresser on the other I even convinced my dad to buy my a couple of big posters just so it looked somewhat occupied. I had a world map that helped when there was some geography homework another one with a big yellow racing bike on it and of course one of my favorite soccer team. My step mom treated us really good she wasnt anything like one of those stepmoms from the movies that hates the kids she was really young for my dad she was only 9 years older than my sister so sometimes they would fight like crazy for some of the dumbest things like what kind of music to listen to while they clean the house. I thought it was funny but my sister always told me that we had to not like her cause she took my dad away form my mom but hey at the time I didnt worry about that stuff i was young and could care less about why my mom wasnt in the picture I am just like am right now without fellings. so lets get to the good part. we are at this new house and because we used to live close to a school we went to that school but now because we lived farter away we had to take the public transportation to get to our school. My sister went to school in the morning and because i hae always been kind of a bad morning person I had to go to school in the afternoon. I remember sometimes my Favi my step mom serving me breakfast and lunch at the same time cause I had slept all morning and I had to eat the both becasue everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. so I took the bus to school at the time the bus was 100 pesos per trip and my dad would only give 250 pesos for the whole day so what we did was because it was rush hour and the bus driver was so busy me my friends from school would most of the time wait for the back door to open and jump in without paying that way we had more money to spend after school in the arcades. well im there with my 250 in my pocket and i jump into the first bus i see but right before i jump in I glanze at this girl with long black hair smiling at me I think is because im not paying for the fare and i smile back. well it wasnt the bus that im supposed to take to school its simple one straight line maybe around 3 mile ride to school so Im in the bus and around 1 mile down the road the bus makes a left turn so tell the driver to stop and he leaves me kinda far away from the street that im supposed to be on to get to school I start running to catch another bus cause I cant get to school late. luckily i make it there this time I pay the fare cause i cant wait for the chance to get in thru the back and when I get inside there she is again the same girl from the bus stop and she tells me I knew you got in the wrong bus I ask her how and she says cause my brother goes to the same school as you and so I knew where you were going. and she smiles so so we get to talk for the 2 miles left of the trip it takes a while cause the bus stops a lot at this time picking up kids for school and people going to work she tells me that she saw when i moved a couple of houses down from her and im like so you were checking out and gets kinda fluster and says of course not but nothing really happens around there so we were the news in the block. anyways her school was another 2 miles from mine and she would take the same bus everyday so of course i had make sure to have that time with her everyday. I always thought she acted like she was 15 and i liked that cause she was cute and other older kids would try to talk to her in the bus but she wouldnt pay attentiong to any of them.what was good about the new block was that there were a lot of boys and not to many girls we had blast playing outside in the street for hours we couldnt play soccer too much because like in any block we had moved to there was an older lady that would sit there in her porch waitting for any ball to get close to her house and if she got it she would bust it and throw it at us always yelling saying that we almost broke her window. so mostly we played hide and go seek ,and other stuff . the good thing about this


the assignment was given yesterday and i thought about it the whole night and when i woke up i had this in mind so i wrote it in 20 minutes and had to ask if it was a start. thanks for the points I just had to have some direction its my first big task never done anything like this.

has to be a love story I figured the grow apart of some reason and than years later find each other and thats when they find out they are meant for each other

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK - so you have 1050 words there. What are you trying to say? Do you have a structure which will allow you to write a beginning, a middle, and an end, over the 20 pages you've been set?

    I reckon on writing about 300 words to a word-processed page, with one inch margins and double-line spacing. You've written a bit over 3 pages. (...and obviously the last sentence has been truncated)

    There are a lot of words here - but you haven't told us if you have that necessary structure in place. It's meant to be a story, but it reads like an excited stream-of-consciousness piece.

    There are nice points - (I'm going to ignore the grammar, spelling mistakes, etc - coz this is your first draft) BUT, there is no story here. A story takes you from Point A to point B. You have a lot of exposition - but no story.

    Let's reflect on some of what you've written here (just for an example)

    - who is this 'love of your life' - does she actually have a name?

    - - why is she the 'love of your life'?

    - - How did you first meet?

    - - What was the weather like on the day that you first met?

    - - Did you have to overcome some sort of a challenge before she'd accept you as a boy friend?

    - - What was the nature of that challenge?

    - - What does having a girlfriend mean to you?

    - - What do you think having a boyfriend means to this mysterious-girl?

    - - Are you both happy?

    - - What do you think others think about you both? (Does it matter to you at all?)

    There are lots and lots of questions that could be asked and answered here. Now, you have to make the decision - is there enough information to keep the reader glued to your story - and is there an actual story here at all?

    Using your experience, you could write a story about (for example) "How Daisy-Lee became my girlfriend"

    This story has a...

    Beginning - when you were lonely and didn't have a girlfriend

    A middle - when you did something that attracted her attention

    An end - when Daisy-Lee becomes your girl.

    (I've given your gf a name - you can change that to suit yourself)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I don't know how old you are. I'm guessing maybe 12. I TRIED to read your words (I can't call it a story, because it's not) and it just ran and ran and ran.

    Please do as the first person suggested. He is AWESOME and should work for someone doing this for a living.

    You've got lots of work to do. Good Luck!

    Source(s): published writer of Every Little Thing
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