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Is our Benefit system, rewarding idleness ? (UK)?

I am referring to a Jobless couple with 12 children and expecting another, who had their Tax funded Home doubled in size, after the Council agreed to knock through into a house next door, which was empty.

Tim Fisk the father and his partner, currently y receive £52.500 a year. The children range between 2 and 21 years of age.

Despite not working they have loaded their house with luxuries, such as

42in Plasma TV

2 Xbox es

2 computers

Sound system

Designer clothes and several tablet computers and smart phones.

Tim Fisk, when questioned on this situation replied: If I want to have fifty kids, that's my decision.

Now don't get me wrong here, but I am curious to know what the general feeling is.

Do they deserve the support in benefits or is this an example of idleness and lack of responsibility.?

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What are you suggesting? Gas 'em? Off with his cobblers?

    I'd rather we told jokers like this, 'Here's a job. Living wage. Take it or there's sod all for you, and if you try sabotaging that job, suspension without pay.'

    Actually, in most cases, benefits are paid to people who have already paid handsomely to qualify for them. It's the Tory press that highlights a minority of abusers, in order to prejudice naive people against a fundamentally good system that simply needs beefing up and some leaks - like this one - plugged.

  • John D
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The benefits system has been abused for so long now it will take a lot to change peoples ideas of what it was set up for, just look at the previous 2 comments. We now have families where you have 2 generations, probably 3 in some situations, that have never worked and have no intention to work. What signal does that send out, be born and spend the rest of your life being looked after by others!

    Hopefully this new cap on how much people can receive will prevent this crazy situation happening. Give child benefit for the first 2 kids and if people want more then they should have to pay for them.

  • 8 years ago

    It is demoralising for responsible hard working people to read these stories. If people have children, it should be up to them to provide for them, not the rest of us. His 52k benefits amounts to virtually DOUBLE the average UK salary that is drastically being undermined by price and tax hikes, and he pays no tax or national insurance on his benefits either. How does that foster good responsible family behaviour, and what good an example does that give to his children to follow in 10-15 years time? It doesn't.

  • 8 years ago

    ya know what?

    they're only doing what certain ethnic minorities do -- the difference is, unfortunately, ethnic minorities tend to keep their mouths shut about it and don't gloat to the media like these muppets.

    if you live in a "diverse" area go out shopping somewhere in the middle of the day, particularly week days, the chances are you'll see more than a few headscarf/burka clad woman with at least 3+ kids, and those are probably just the young ones.

    Source(s): indiginous Brits don't know how badly we're being outbred and whats happening to our demographics.
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  • 8 years ago

    He's a disgrace and of no use to society. The pair of them should be forcibly sterilised as I don't see why us tax payers should keep their offspring. As for the Council they should be ashamed of themselves wasting Council Tax Payers money on these people. Stop their benefits and he will soon get a job. It shouldn't be profitable to have children and claim benefits as these people are doing. Perhaps the workhouses should be brought back as other people have suggested.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    He appears to be a deliberately idle man. I would therefore taper his benefits down over the course of two years.

    Next thing you know he will be buying DUCK houses for his pond.

  • 8 years ago

    It's an example of lack of responsiblity. It's pretty much the same in the U.S. You have people abusing the system. People that work for a living stop having children when they can't afford to have any more.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's a text book example of a society with dysfunctional values and an incompetent Government.

  • Wolfie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, stop financing the royal ponces, MP's with their expense accounts, subsidising big business.

    Why do right wingers always pick on the poorest, most vulnerable people in society. You should concentrate on the rich scroungers before blaming the victims of this corrupt society.


  • 8 years ago

    In all honesty, fair play to him. It's the government who allow this madness to happen and some people take advantage because they know they can. If we were a country who had no benefit system like Japan for instance do you think he would have opted for 12 children?

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