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bigboob asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

why is s.s and vets checks on the chopping block we paid into but welfare check s are not?

10 Answers

  • Most of them aren't young and many unhealthy, and they know there isn't much they can do. Most of welfare people are young they would picket for their own money not others using their children for sympathy. Look at the headlines now just on WIC being closed.

    Sad isn't it, all the well while they hang on to all their hearty benefits

  • 8 years ago

    Actually, sweetie, Social Security and Veterans payments are not currently on "the chopping block."

    However, there have been cuts to food stamps, meals on wheels, WIC medical care for infants, and head start.

    And note that the federal program TANF (the welfare you cons b*tch about) has STOPPED sending funds to states.

    Also note that SS and Vets do not have be approved annually, as do other programs.

  • y
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The president gets to pick and chose the winners and losers. Make them hurt the ones that can actual make a difference. Who will the country rally around more, seniors and vets or those on assistance?

  • 8 years ago

    You may as well ask why we can pay to have park rangers guarding a closed WWII monument but not an open one... You are incorrect (I get a mil pension) and both are not "discretionary" as wht is being withheld under our partial government shutdown... yet. The ability to pay SS or veteran's benefits (me!) is dependent on one thing: our ability to at least only pay out equal to what we pay in. Today we pay more than what we send in taxes and that is why we have a $16.8 TRILLION deficit and they want MORE...

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  • 8 years ago

    Welfare checks are issued by state governments.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Vets and the retired are predominantly Conservative. Welfare recipients are mostly Libs .

  • 8 years ago

    Exactly what "Harley Drive" said. The bama wants to keep people dependent on big government because (according to him and other lib/democrats") ordinary people can't think for themselves or know what is "right" for themselves. It's called being in a "nanny state" where everyone has to depend on big government to survive.

    "The bigger the government, the smaller the individual"

  • 8 years ago

    welfare is paid by each state...not part of the federal spending.

  • 8 years ago

    because welfare recipients are the dems biggest voting block/demographic

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First of all, If there is anything I like, It's big Boobs, so thanks for being one.

    Second, Good Question!

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