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ANDREW T asked in TravelCanadaCalgary · 8 years ago

if ted cruz could run for president. would you vote for him?

I know democrats wouldn't but how about the republicans?


No matter if he is or citizen or not, he was not born here so he cant run. Just a hypothetical question.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Tea Party Republicans will... and in spite of many Tea Partiers claiming they aren't Republicans, they are or they only vote Republican.

    Most establishment Republicans will Not vote for Cruz in the primaries BUT would vote for him if he actually is nominated the GOP presidential candidate because he would run as a Republican. BUT some of these establishment Republicans will just stay home.

    True independents will most likely not vote for Cruz. True independents generally vote for center candidates. Anyway, Cruz does not want to appeal to true independents SO he will have a year campaigning as a ultra-conservative and then after getting the nomination (a big if) he will have about 3 months to go center to appeal to the moderate vote. The moderates tend to be a little too smart to not notice such a change. Cruz won't get moderates voting for him.

    I would not vote for Cruz. I generally vote for centrists. Cruz is too extreme and I am kind of weary of politicians who look more ambitious than politically savvy. Cruz shows his hand too much, you can see his ambition a mile away. He also cant build alliances in his own party.... watch him the next year and see how many bills he writes and gets passed. I'll bet zero.

    I know Tea Partiers love the idea of a guy despised in Washington, even by his own party, getting the GOP nomination.... but no Republican will strongly campaign for a guy like Cruz... and fundraising will be a PR nightmare because the only people donating to a guy that is despised are the super wealthy Republicans. We saw the last election and how did that go with a guy that most Repiblicans didn't love but they didn't hate and the bulk of his campaign treasure was from a handful of the super wealthy. I think Cruz is actually hated by many Republicans.

  • 8 years ago

    If Republicans wanted Cruz to run for President... It would all of a sudden, be okay, if he weren't born in the United States... Not at all unlike, John McCain, Gorge Romney, & most recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger....

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Hell no. His parents were not in Canada on a United States military mission, his father and mother (who by the way moved out of the USA to live with her husband in Cuba), lived in Cuba and moved to Canada for a job.

    McCain's dad was living outside the country on government grounds and was in the United States military, get it straight (no comparison).

    Bottomline, Cruz (a Libertarian who joined the Republican Party just to run for an office) is fake at best and is raised by a Cuban man and his wife who lived in Cuba prior to relocating to Canada, they had a baby while living in Canada, and the baby is Canadian at best of residents of Cuba and it isn't clear that his dad and mom were legal citizens of Canada, and definitely legal citizens of Cuba. Get a life already. Cubans hate this country, you'd be an idiot to vote for Mr. Cruz who isn't allowed on the ballot anyways. Think.

  • 8 years ago

    Not in this lifetime or the next one. And btw, even the Republicans and the tea partiers are avoiding him like the plague.

    His hope of ever becoming president is over.

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  • 8 years ago

    He is a green horn so it's doubtful if he will run in the next election year. If he eventually makes that decision most of his party Republicans would not support him because his ideals are way off the radar for the majority of them to accept.

  • 8 years ago

    If your born to a American parent, your a American. You do not need to be physically in the US. John McCain for example was born in the Panama Canal zone.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    He can run for President. One of his parents is American, making him natural-born.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No. I'm still waiting for him to give up his Canadian citizenship. How would any self respecting birther vote for him?

  • 8 years ago

    yes and yes as a graduate from Harvard and and a debate champion at harvard he scares the hell out of liberals

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