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Act of kindness, can come from different people and different ways, have you experienced any kind of such ....?

Act of kindness, can come from different people in different ways/forms, have you experienced any kind of such wonderful kindness or have you lately giving such human compassionate/kindness to someone that really needed it,and in what form ? thanks in advance for any reply.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, of course. I have many angels watching out for me - some I know off; some are strangers.

    I also pay forward acts of kindness.

  • 8 years ago

    Last week my husband was out running errands and he had to stop for gas. There was a utility worker at the next pump and he and my husband got to talking. It turned out he was working on the new Meijer's going in across the street and he was running late getting back from lunch; they were being pressed really hard by the company to GET THE JOB DONE. When they went in, my husband waved him ahead in line, saying "You're working for a living, I'm just biding time waiting for that Meijer's store to open, ha ha". Then my husband got to the register to find that the worker had paid for HIS $20 in gas. So he "paid it forward" by leaving his $20 for the next guy. Kindness is really contagious. This is not the first time someone from that utility company has been kind to us.

  • E. M
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I once 'loaned' a tow rope to a stranger who called at my house saying he'd broken down further down the road. He never returned it. I'd bought it just days earlier.

    I have loaned many other things and they've never been returned but when asked for their return been told "I gave it back to you ages ago." I have many other similar stories but it does not stop me helping when help is required. I feel that they are the ones with the problem - not I.

    On the other side of the coin I have been helped countless times by a charity since I had to urgently move house. I shall forever be in their debt for their kindness and practical help. I did not know where to turn but they just 'stepped in'.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I have been blessed with acts of kindness that were life saving to me on several occasions, and yes, I continue to repay whenever.

    More than once I've come to the aid of accident victims until help arrived. I've done volunteer work with abused children, and other things I don't feel comfortable patting myself on the back for.

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  • 8 years ago

    Yes...I grant wishes all the time on Wish Upon A Hero...and while delivery a package to the post office, the man behind the counter said to me...'You do so much for the children on wish upon a hero, that I am going to be a hero to YOU." and he paid for my package. It came to was such a wonderful thing for him to do....

  • 8 years ago

    I have been a Bible teacher since 1988. In 2005, a ladies' Bible class set up a breakfast in my honor. Even some of my 'old' students showed up. Sure got blurry a lot that morning.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sure, happens all the time in both directions.... in more places & relationships than I could begin to take an accounting of...

  • 8 years ago

    I am limping around in public due to foot surgery. Occasionally other men - and ONLY MEN - will stop and hold a door open for me. 99% of the time, other men will never hold the door open for me and 100% of the women! will never, ever hold the door open for me.

  • 8 years ago

    when I was working, my car broke down, people offered to push, drive, whatever to a firestone station, and waited for me while my car was fixed

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