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Is EU Bureaucracy restricting the freedom of British Business?

In 3 years since Cameron came into power as our Prime Minister, we have had 3.580 business related regulations and directives totalling 13 million words from the pointless EU Bureaucrat's.

Basically they are trying to strangle us with Red Tape.

Here are some examples:

"Hedge Tax" will require gardeners to pay to get rid of hedge trimmings by registering as "Waste Carriers"

Rules on labelling of Spirits and use of rosemary extracts in certain low-fats and fish products.

Directives forcing TV Manufacturers to change their "

" requirements for stand by buttons.

Rules forcing the makers of water heaters to change the way energy consumption is labelled.

Other regulations cover feed additives for cattle, cats and dogs etc.

A Business Chief described the EU as having an addiction to Red Tape which desperately needs to be tackled.

As and when Cameron gets off his, whatever,he should at least make it clear, that its getting worse and do something about it.

Your thoughts and opinions please.


OK so five points out of 3580 have been answered as being justified by the answerer.

The working directives have been described as a huge headache for British Firms. Often EU rules are a handicap.

Just to make a point how Britain is hamstrung by the EU.

We have the highest fuel tax in Europe. The Government want to cut this by 5 pence, but according to the Treasury, we can not do so without the permission from Brussels.

So if this is a fact, then renegotiation should be made now and not later..

Thank you

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The EU is a modern day Communist State.

    The bastarsd at the top of this pile of shyte are not elected and get lottery win level wages - that is why I always hate to see the poor and workers in our society get a bashing.

  • 8 years ago

    The Eurocrats earn fantastic wages, and have to do something to justify their existence. The one thing they do not have to do is apply any common sense.

    However given that our own Parliaments come up with a new law just about every 12 Hours, and they of course apply just about anything that the EU morons come up with, it is a wonder that we have not ground to a halt.

    As for the trade argument, Britain would do very well to negotiate it's own trade deals in isolation, at the moment even if we are trading directly to a Nation outside the EU, the Rotterdam agreement means we have to count it as being trade via the EU, which is a massive smoke screen and gives ammo to pro EU parties who can point to the amount we may lose if we exited.

    Strasbourg makes our decisions, the Tory/Lib Dems, bow to their EU masters and never in a million years will they be able to renegotiate anything of substance prior to any "possible referendum".

    They will no doubt be allowed to have a few wins, because the EU do not want us to leave, why would they.

    But on the key issues that matter to the average British person, the European Convention on Human Rights is the key legislation and we CANNOT alter our compliance to any single issue within it.

    No matter how "Call me Dave" frames it, he will not be able to alter a single word and it is this convention that is causing the most damage to the UK.

    He will not be able to do a single thing about Immigration, legal or otherwise, he will not be able to stop those who have never paid into our system, from getting benefit from it. All of these things are covered by the ECHR.

    It is absolutely conditional of membership of the EU, that the ECHR is to be complied with in full. The only way out of this is to leave the EU all together. So don't take too much notice of all the "wins", that the Tory's will be shouting about, because they will amount to nothing in the scheme of things.

    Labour are committed to the EU.

    Lib Dem are committed to the EU

    The Greens (whoever they are), are committed to the EU

    The Tories are committed to the EU

    That commitment means that they will not really try to make any substantial changes to any parts of the EU requirements on any subject. They will claim victories and the Tories especially will make a lot of noise about the changes that they have made, so that they can complete phase 2 of the EU referendum plan.

    The plan phase 1.

    Get all the big hitters and the rank and file politicians to state that as it stands, the Tory party would if a referendum were held today, vote to exit the EU.

    The plan phase 2.

    In the unlikely event that the Tories win a Majority in the elections of 2015, get all the big hitters and the rank and file to say, that the brilliant victories in changing our membership requirements mean that there is no possible way we should leave the EU now.

    History will prove me right or wrong, and I would put my mortgage on it being right.

  • 8 years ago

    Example 1 - polluter pays - this means professional landscapers pay to dispose of their waste - decreases costs for ratepayers

    Example 2 - forced to reveal the muck that gets added to products in the UK - nice one.

    Example 3 - Energy saving - cuts your electricity bill and helps to save the planet

    Example 4 - Clear honest labelling to let the buyer know how much it will cost to run.

    Example 5 - reveal the muck that gets added to animal feed

    A business chief can see his oink oink bonus being cut when the punters realise just how crap his product is.

  • 8 years ago

    If you listen to the tories the most important powers they want to bring back to the UK is health and safety at work rules to allow worker to be put in harms way and also the working time directive to enable junior doctors to be forced to work over 100 a week like they did a few years ago Going back to the 19th century

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  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Read it all today Grumpy and put head in hands. We are the only country in the EU who takes notice of this c****p. Time we told them to Foxtrot Oscar.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It gave them the freedom to sell all across Europe.

    Participating in that larger market requires compliance with that market.

    What is funny is that you think Brits are making these things.

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