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Hayley25 asked in PetsCats · 8 years ago

Cat owners I need your input!?

Hi im getting a kitty. I need to know how to litter box train it. We have one cat but he used his litter box right away. Im sure I wont have that luck with my new kitty. How did you litter box train your kittys?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you get a kitten after the age of three months, they'll already know how to use the litter box because the person who had them beforehand will have trained them. Just set the cat in the litter box if you see her squatting or trying to pee on the ground, or periodically so she knows to use that instead of the carpet. Make sure you get another litter box so they don't have to take turns and it's more private.

    Good luck! :)

  • Mircat
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You didn't say how old your kitty will be and that was vital information.

    You have to do an introduction because you already have a cat so you need to set up a litter box, food, water and either keep it in a guest room or your room and keep the new pet there. Do not let the two animals see each other. I'll paste in a link about introducing them. Make sure you take the time to do it right.

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If the kittens are kept with mom for the first 3 months, they will be trained by the time you get them. Kittens taken from mom too early can have litter box problems.

  • 8 years ago

    Put the cat in front of the litter box and move the litter with your hand to show it that it can move it around and they just know to use it to poop in. It's weird but it always works, it's natural for them, as long as they know they can paw at it and bury stuff in it they'll use it.

  • 8 years ago

    Cat will use a litter box instinctively.

    If you have 2 cats, please have 3 litter boxes and keep them clean or they won't want to use them.

    Good luck with your new kitten !

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