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To raise a £1000 for Charity,they had to pay her £5000. Is that called Charity?

Diane Abbotts appeared on a TV Program to win and raise money for the "Sickle Cell Society", but she pocketed £5000 to take part. Not the first time she has demanded sums of money even when she appeared as a speaker at the Nigerian National Institute at a woman's day.

What a two faced individual and all in the name of Charity.

Your thoughts please.


Edit. Roger... you can always ask her? Why do you doubt the question?

Update 2:

Edit...I place my questions with honesty and never with any intention to mislead anyone. I buy a number of Sunday News Papers and on this day an article took my attention which is my question. The article appeared in the Sunday Sun on page 9.

If on this occasion, she had donated her appearance money to the Charity, then at least she would have scored some points, but that is not in her nature.

Update 3:

Edit..Jack Answer. pity about the first sentence, because I fully agree with the rest.

Myrtle.. thank you

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    None of these clowns appearing for charity or public speaking - do so....for nothing.

    They 'all' demand 'expenses' (not fee's) so's not to be caught out take personal fee's for their charity attendance/imput.!!

    Every time we see a (so-called) celeb/politician attending events of 'this sort' or (celebs) begging for our donation regarding....saving this or that - 'they' are (again) being paid expenses for their ermm....begging performances.!!

    Whilst these 'charity beggars' are on site abroad 'they' have 1st class accommodation at whatever level is available....the visit just being an 'expenses paid jolly' with the pretence of concern being shown.

  • 8 years ago

    If its true (which I doubt) then there's something wrong somewhere.

    But if it is true, I couldn't give a flea on gnats knacker what Diane Abbot is, whether she's black, a Labour MP, or anything else, what bothers me is that these so called celebrities have to be payed to appear on these game shows for charity, how many others has there been that that had to be paid, pay their expenses by all means I don't expect em to out of pocket, but that's all.

    If they can't be bothered do it for nothing these celebrities then lets not bother with em and instead stick to having ordinary people on these game shows, "Joe Public", its just as entertaining, some of the contestants are absolutely brilliant, and I don't mean answering the questions.

    And if they the show organisers want to donate to charity, I'm sure its not beyond their whit and imagination to think up some way of donating by the shows format.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    I doubt most questions on here that do not provide a source, because the majority of people on here just make crap up to suit their agenda. Does that mean there is no source for this allegation, it's just "something you heard"?

    See what Cephalopod did? Wasn't hard was it? But why should he / she do your research?

    I don't know why the TV company even agreed to pay her a fee - they should have insisted on any remuneration being in the form of a donation to the charity. If it's as reported, then Ms Abbott's behaviour stinks.

    I'd be interested to hear if any of the other contestants similarly receive a fee, or if Abbott was the only one able to demand a fee. If they all received a similar fee, why has Abbott been singled out? If she was the only one to demand a fee, why didn't they tell her to sod off? Something here doesn't feel right.

    Cephalopod - I don't suppose you can copy and paste the whole text? I really don't want to sign up to The Sun to read the whole thing. I'll quite understand if you don't want to either!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure Loathsome is a strong enough word for her !

    She's a huge hypocrite and her lies on a recent Question Time about her kids education was pretty despicable !!

    VERY VERY glad she isn't my MP and glad she's been sacked from Milibands shadow government.


    this isn't a source I would use, but she could always sue if it's False, BUT knowing her behaviour over the years I very much doubt it.



    @Rodger, you don't have to, it just took me straight there ! I hope I haven't joined some list..urgh.

    But the jist is, the program "The Chase" paid her £5K to turn up and she only won £1K, now she could've given her appearance money to the charity...hence why she could sue, she may well have done that...but i doubt it !

    edit 1

    lol, I did the research because I'm exactly like you, I like a sources/ facts before I decide on a position.

    IF the facts change then I'll change me view. kind regards

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    She is a two faced double dyed socialist millionaire pinky. How the hell she can benefit a charity brings to question the people running the charity.

    Roger > if you feel so strong about a "source" dont partake in the question. I never give a source .. I just do not lie, simple as that. I assume everyone else tells the truth until I have proven otherwise.

    Thats why I despise politicians and bankers - who lie and steal and cheat ..... because I never do so myself.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Let's be honest , the only reason Diane Abbotts is where she is ,has nothing to do with ability or merit ,its because she is black -- she belongs to the old fashioned "quota" selection notion of the Liberal -Left , and is kept in place by too many people in the black community simply voting "black" .

    Where's our Obama ?-- you might disagree with him , but at least he's smart

  • 8 years ago

    This woman is a racist, bigoted champagne socialist who hates white people. What she has done does not surprise me in the least as she is a money grabber. I refuse to watch any programme that she appears on.

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