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Who would you trust to tell you the truth ? A Policeman or a Politician ? (UK)?

your thoughts please.


MYRTLE>>> Can I buy your next book? but only if its thriller (lol) Nice one mate.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mitchell ... Hello officer old bean per chance to open gate, theres a good chap.

    Officer ..... (thinks ... you bastard , you cut my pay and privatised the back office) Good evening sir of course... (thinks ... Hope you get run over by a car you shithead)

    Mitchell .... Jolly well done officer, can you give me a starting push on my bike ?

    Officer ..... piss off you slime ball ... you shafted my pension while increasing your own .. and I have to put my life on the line for you.

    Mitchell ... right.. thats it ... I shall bloody well report you to your superior you pleb bastard.

    Officer .... do I give a **** ... unlike you politicians we stick together.

    I would trust a Police officer every time ...... I use the barometer of hatred for politicians .. Clegg being a really, really very, very, very bad man and Galloway being a great bloke. Most politicians are swinging to the Clegg end.

    Edit .... Sorry .. I stole Rogers idea .....

  • 8 years ago

    Well, I'm almost going to side with police most times, and the MPs hardly ever. But since the Hillsborough disaster and subsequent cover up as it unfolded over the years, I'm inclined to trust the police LESS and LESS.. The police are tax collectors for the government in it's war on the motorist after all. AND, they worked hand in glove over the SAVILLE cover up and the govt run BBC, ignoring reports of child rape and fiddling by the infamous ugly and creepy DJ, so.....

    I must say they're about as bad as each other! Does that sound paranoid enough OG? Have a great Sunday matey.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Generally, I'd trust a policeman every time, but that's damning the police with faint praise. More trustworthy than a politician? Wow!

    Imagine what would happen if MPs didn't treat coppers like shite, and coppers didn't lie to get their own back .....

    Andrew Mitchell: "Excuse me officer, could you open the gate for me, please?"

    P.C. Plod: "I'm sorry sir, we can't. You'll need to get off and use the pedestrian exit."

    Andrew Mitchell: "That's fine, officer. I'll do that. Good evening"

    P.C. Plod: "Good evening, sir"

    Wouldn't have been difficult, would it? No one comes out of this with any credit.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


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  • 8 years ago

    That depends on who the MP or policeman was.

    Some lie and some tell the truth in both areas.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    On a scale of one to ten I would give a politician a one (with one being the lowest) I would give a policeman a 1.0000001. I would give a child molester a 1.2. The difference is so small it is impossible to meassure.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    EVERYONE takes their cue from the top (after all that is where we are told example and standards are set) so yes now the police lie; but only because the POLITICIANS taught them how to.

  • Wessex
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Neither will blatantly lie...........the only difference is the politician may deliberately not tell you the whole truth

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Neither these days, sadly both seem to have lost all ability to be honest.

  • Pasune
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Neither, they will both lie to you if they think it is to their benefit.

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