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Lv 5
? asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

Shoould The Red Sox Try To Get A New Catcher?

By Free Agency ot=r trade.

if yes then who

thank you for your time


Sorry Warning Track Power I am not thinking that Salty should get dumped because of a bad throw. He is rated 18th of the top 35 catchers. in baseball

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, lets think, the catchers market, like always, is extremely high, meaning price is very high. He also hit .270 something with 14hrs and 65RBIs in only 120 games under his belt this season, better then the average catcher. And you think they should get rid of them because he made one bad throw in a high pressure world series game? If that were the case we would have had to get rid of Verlander 3 times in 2006. Plus they have that other catcher from Atlanta, i forget.

    Free agent catchers 2014:

    Henry Blanco (42)

    John Buck (33)

    Hector Gimenez (31)

    Ramon Hernandez (38)

    Brian McCann (30)

    Jose Molina (38)

    Dioner Navarro (30)

    Wil Nieves (36)

    Miguel Olivo (35)

    Brayan Pena (32)

    A.J. Pierzynski (37)

    Humberto Quintero (34)

    Guillermo Quiroz (32)

    Carlos Ruiz (35)

    Jarrod Saltalamacchia (29)

    Kelly Shoppach (34)

    Geovany Soto (31)

    Kurt Suzuki (30) - $8.5MM club option with a $650K buyout

    Taylor Teagarden (30)

    Yorvit Torrealba (35)

    There are 2 catchers better the Salty, and maybe one other but debatable. Salty is also a free agent but Boston likes him so i don't see it. McCann would be nice but very expensive and i think AJ P. would stay in Texas

  • 8 years ago

    No, although if Salty signs somewhere else, they will have to. He's a free agent at the end of the season.

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think he did fine. They need a new third baseman, though.

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They are already spending so much money on players, they can't afford it.

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