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bigboob asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

can any of you name another country that has 47% of it's people on some kind of gov. assistance?

that is more than most countries have for pop.

15 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We live in a country where 49% of the people pay no federal income tax while the top 1% of incomes pays 51% of the taxes! And yet, the lower 50% ***** that the rich don't pull their weight. In other words, we live in a country where people feel they are "entitled" to riches that they did not earn themselves. And, Obama's adm. has basically told the bottom 50%: just sit on your asses and we will have the working rich take care of you! We may never see another republican pres. again because the bottom 50% will continue to support the dems!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First my little con .what country has 47 % on gov. assistance? As I typical lying con you EVIDENCE NOTHING !!! Please put up or shut up .Thank You .

    Further ,WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR DEFINITION OF GOV. ASSISTANCE or are you just shooting from the hip as all cons do ,

    BTW my little con ,did you know that :

    "Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs

    government spent about $59 billion to pay for traditional social welfare programs like food stamps and housing assistance in 2006, while Uncle Sam doled out $92 billion in assistance to corporations during the same year, according to an analysis "

    So my little con,why do you and all other inane cons wander around this earth vilifying,demonizing and defecating on the poor,the needy the destitute but never rail against corporations and the rich who get almost double the public money.You must be a Christian fundamentalists for they seldom act in a Christ like manner ever since they started the Civil War ,gave us Jim Crow and the KKK etc etc etc .


    "We may never see another republican pres. again because the bottom 50% will continue to support the dems!"

    No dearie, hopefully we will never see another Republican President because the Republicans have become a WHITE CHRISTIAN MALE dominated party which defecates on all others of different race,different ethnicity different religions different sexuality etc etc .

    Your horrid racists intolerant behaviors starting with the Southern White Christian Fundamentalists decision to start a Civil War , the vile Jim Crow laws ,the KKK etc etc right up o this day as you vilify homosexuals , deny women their rights etc etc . , demands that the Republican party be consigned to the trashcan of history .

    That is a wrap as they say .

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First thing, that is actually 35% dependent on some form of government assistance. The 47% are the number of folks who do not pay federal income taxes.

    Yes, start with Canada and Mexico. Every country that has universal health care provide that for all their people. Some countries provide their people with just about everything, jobs, food, cloths, transportation, everything. The prime example in North Korea. All European countries pay for education of children and teens, most pay a portion of college education.

  • If you have Netflix, I would encourage you to watch, "Death by China!"

    There is a reason other than, retirees, disabled and lazy poor people for the U.S. having 47% on government assistance.

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  • 8 years ago

    I think that you are passive-aggressively stating your opinion that America is a failure. I disagree.

    Did it occur to you that just because another country avoids giving so much assistance to its people, that doesn't make it a success?

    How many countries are experiencing genocide, for example? How many countries have significant percentages dying daily from something as simple and treatable as dysentery? How many countries are suffering through wars on their home turf? Those countries are failing far worse than we are.

    Furthermore, it seems really disrespectful to sneer at government aid when so many citizens around the world are dying for a lack of it.

    Food for thought.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Ohh the lulz XD

  • 8 years ago

    North Korea

  • 8 years ago

    Tell me, what does that government assistance consist of? I would really like to know if the kind of person who posts a question like this knows that they are talking about. When you say "47% of it's people on some kind of gov. assistance", what does that actually mean? If you can't answer that question then what is the point of your question?

  • 8 years ago

    Define 'government assistance".

    Does corporate welfare qualify?

    Does business tax credits qualify?

    Does police and fire protection qualify?

    Does water and sewer facilities qualify?

    If so then I'd say almost every nation in the world has at least 47%, probably more.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There is NO other nation that has fewer people on "some kind of government assistance" than the USA except for Somalia...

    Time you grew up and tried to grasp reality!

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