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Lv 5
? asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

What Team Will Get David Price During The Off Season ?

Which team and what will they trade in return,

Thank You for your time

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Texas Rangers


    TEX gets:

    David Price

    Matt Joyce

    TB gets:

    Jurickson Profar

    Wilmer Font (top RHP prospect)

    Roman Mendoza (top RHP prospect)

    Engel Beltre

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Toronto Blue jays would if they had a good general manager because David Price is just the kind of pitcher that they need to add to the team and a smart GM would not be scared of Davids last name considering Rogers Cable TV, a Canadian company who owns the Blue Jays are very well known down in the USA and have more money then Oprah Winfrey to burn, but they would get their moneys worth if their price is Price's price. I'd give them Jose Bautista and all the money Tampa wants for a dependable pitcher like David Price. Do you know how RARE dependable pitchers are these days?!

    If there are any Canadian fans reading this, please paste n copy or print it out and mail it to Paul Beeston @ Rogers Centre. Thank You......Sometimes it seems they need their fans to THINK for them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The Rays will need to get back a top pitching prospect who is major league ready. The teams that have them won't trade those guys, and the Yankees can't because they don't have any.

  • 8 years ago

    Tampa Bay Rays.

    Pitchers of this stature and talent are hard to trade. Rays will have to get a top top prospect for him, and i don't think many teams will do it.

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