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Do you ever get tired of the hate?

So many are so ready to just pour out the hate on anyone. Atheists on Christians. Christians on Atheists. It just bruises the soul to read it day after day. And I just wonder why all the hate? On people you don't even know. You have no idea of their intellect. There life story. What got them to the place they are. Where is the compassion? Really interested to see the responses. Will you truly be honest and give an thoughtful answer or just spew the hate? We shall see.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If YOU feel that way imagine how god's spirit must feel. The bible talks about grieving the holy spirit. This happens in many ways, but especially when those who belong to god do what is wrong and express hate instead of love, gentleness, kindness, tear down instead of remembering that we all need a good word at times.

    But god knows who belongs to him. Just like the words god spoke to Samuel when he was seeking the person god wanted him to anoint as the next king of Israel and was in Jesse's house, God looks at the inside ( 1 Samuel 16:7) and he has this ability as much today as he ever did. In fact, he has had thousands more years of practice since that time. There is very much a visible body of believers and an invisible one. Don't be surprised when someone who seems to represent this visible body of believers shocks you with their contempt for god's holy word, or something else from god. And don't be too surprised when some day you meet up with someone from Judaism or Christianity that seems to be especially close to god's heart. We may not know this until the end but I am sure we will all be surprised.

    yes I get tired of the hate and so I have often withdrawn from the big debates and forums where the debates go on. But I am not surprised by the hate. It reveals a LOT about the person fro whom it comes. This type of person was described once as a whitewashed tomb: nice on the outside but inside filled with dead men's bones and rottenness. God knows his own.

  • 8 years ago

    People generally act this way when they, themselves, are in pain (whether they know it or not. Some folks are in constant suffering from various choices they've made over the years that pain is a constant companion, and yet they spew incredible hatred on others. If you call them on it, they have some witty response that generally avoids confronting the mess they've made of their life.

    People in pain instinctively try to inflict pain on others because they assume that it will make it better for them if they somehow can pull another down to their level. It doesn't ever work. Being in pain makes it hard for these folks to learn from experience, however.

    The demons of hell (Not that I believe in either of these, but they are invented by people, so it's relevant) are said to be hopelessly eternally condemned to hell, and yet they work to drag others down into their existence. It won't make their stay any better, and they know it, but they supposedly do it anyway.

    Remember Khan's last living act? Aside from quoting from Moby ****, that is?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I try to be courteous, but I can't bring myself to respect a religion which condones infanticide. Some of the Christians around here perceive criticism of their religion as an attack on themselves and lash out in response. Thus the circle of misunderstanding is born.

  • 8 years ago


    First off - you gots not right to accuse me of don't know me or my life gots no reason to assume anything about me, much less the hate.

    I actually find the assumption you are making here offensive.

    Now, I am in a generous mood, so I can step over that fact right now....what I have to tell you though is that hate attracts & creates hate.

    When a question flings condescension it tends to get people pissed off....attitude breeds attitude

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  • paul c
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My dear Indian friend, what you see is not hatred, it's clarification. No true atheist wastes their time here. These atheists are agnostics, trying to regain their faith. They can't let go of the fear that their wrong. So they come here and share their doubts about the faith. If other confused people agree with them, they feel better for a minute. They want to believe, but they can't do it on their own. I know it sounds silly but we try to help them.

  • J.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Hate is such a strong word. Passionate difference of views may be more accurate. If appears two groups talking with no one listening.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I strongly suspect that much of what you call "hate" stems from uncertainty. Atheists aren't absolutely certain that there is no God and Christians often suffer from uncertainty that there might actually not be a God. One way to combat this is to focus your frustration on others.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    most atheists on here are pushing a a political agenda

    Zionism against Christianity

  • gina
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Consider the source before getting taken in by the poe and/or troll on here.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    hate is because of the evil influences of Satan

    I do not hate anyone but i feel sorry to those who hate and kill when i am watching the news or reading the paper whether it is personal, murder, governments, groups, societies, wars or anything evil

    we must pray for them.

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