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Is the high cost of living affecting your physical and mental health ?

as in worry about making ends meet, not able to afford the right food ,heating etc ?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    many times choices are made such as buy medications or buy decent food

    sometimes you forgo medications (even ones you desperately need)

    sometimes you survive on very little, not nutritious food in order to get the medication

    going without necessary medications causes more health problems (and additional expenses) and eating crappy food also causes more health problems (and additional expense) --- you can get away with eating crappy food when you are 20, but not when you are old

    many times you go with it 85 degrees inside when it is 100 outside or 55 degrees inside when it is 20 (or lower) outside just because you can't risk the bill that would result in your power getting cut off

    living in uncomfortable temperature extremes is something that can be tolerated when you are 20, but can cause more serious medical problems when you are older

    the stress of trying to get by with such small amounts of income can create a great deal of stress & depression

  • 8 years ago

    Is it ever! People are asking me why I'm not my bubbly self. Stress is getting me down and some days I only want to sleep. I worry the minute I wake up. Just today a friend bought me an electric fleece throw at Costco since it's just myself and 2 dogs in the house. I've insulated my windows and bundle up with warm clothes and bedding. I drive about 3 X's a month now isolated in the country. I make my own soups trying to stay healthy. It seems like everything they say is healthy has huge prices now. Almost all of my clothes are from the thrift store. I have the internet and basic cable that's good! There are pluses that I focus on but few. Since I was 16 I've been alone except for 6 years of marriage so I'm definitely a survivor.

  • 8 years ago

    It's not the cost of living that affects my health.

    I've never been well off and have always had to make do and mend, or make a little food go a long way.

    Like many others I am concerned about the cost of heating and get angry when learning that the energy companies make huge profits much of which is used to pay excessive bonuses to the bosses.

  • Holly
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Our priorities are all screwed-up when we all have the internet, cable TV and cell phone contracts, none of which are cheap, nor absolutely necessary, and are now considered "utilities." Then we skimp on the important things, such as nourishment. The library is still a great bargain and many don't think to use it instead of buying reading materials such as papers and magazines.

    I plan my meals around a budget and have cut way down on meat lately. Those prices are way out of the ballpark, so I buy a little, make it stretch by eating more seasonal produce and avoiding convenience foods, which are expensive, overly packaged (got to keep the garbage down,) and full of toxic preservatives and other additives that I'm not familiar with.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You bet!

    I suffer with IBS and it's stress related so there's 'Always' something to set it off.

    Because of the IBS my diet is somewhat dictated and add to it the fact that I'm lactose intolerant I have to buy some pretty expensive alternatives. And add to that the supermarket in my local market town is only a small one and doesn't stock a wide range of these products, so it means I have to make a once a month 'expedition' farther afield.

    Having an open fire and no central heating, I buy in the whole lot of winter fuel at one go and try to add to it with logs from the surrounding wood. Even so, this year I had one initial pay out of £1,044..... to heat one room!

    But it will be the electricity bills that will cripple me!

  • 8 years ago

    In all truth, I can't say so.

    I've known good times/bad times - all the way back to 1943.

    I get by - and with what I regard as 'judicious' planning - ADJUST to economic conditions - as needs must.

    By which I mean - I gave up running a motor car some years back. I LOVED driving - and the freedom/mobility it gave me - but it was just getting too expensive. I have a free bus pass - and know younger ones with cars - so get by.

    Similarly - I've cut down on WASTE - shop sensibly - snap up 'real' bargains - rather than falling for BOGOF deals, which often ended up in the waste-bin.

    I appreciate many on fixed minimum incomes have the 'eat or heat' problem - but there ARE various agencies and resources available to help - if families are neither willing nor able.

    I think it befalls us all - to check out on our 'neighbours' - the isolated elderly in particular - to ensure they don't slip through the various 'safety-nets' which are there. But often go wanting or ignored,

  • whimsy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I never skimp on my medications, I have them for a reason!

    I've been a lazy cook since I've been on my own, but that's got to change. I am going to make myself a good cooked lunch instead of paying for frozen meals at the supermarket. It doesn't take much longer and is better nutritionally for me.

    Not quite sure what you mean about mental health. I still have all my marbles!

  • 8 years ago

    No, I have just learned to live more frugally. Not in meanness but with a willingness not to collect material things. Just learned not to want things.

    Affuenza has taken over our society. If we eat like our grandparents - plain sandwich for lunch not a bagel with camerbae cheese, walnuts, roasted capsicum, fancy mayonnaise, fancy lettuce etc.

    We seem to have made every day special and wanting everything everyday and now.

    We eat and drink lots of fancy stuff and cannot visit a shop and leave with nothing or one thing.

    My friend just gave away 80 shirts/tops which she collected over the years!!

    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yes it has. I am not a senior, but I worry about money and finding a decent paying job a lot. I do what I can by applying and researching for jobs, but I now have insomnia

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes it is. I don't think it's going to get any better either. Sorry about the doom and gloom.

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