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Christianity, is it an example of planned obsolescence?

The concept of Progressive Revelation states that as mankind progresses, ready to embark upon the next stage of our collective development, God will renew religion, giving us what we need at that stage of development. That process has gone on as long as people have existed and will continue as long as people exist. Just a few of the past Messengers of God have been Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad and most recently Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).

Among many Scriptures I could cite, in John 10:16 Jesus said that He had followers who were not of the Christian fold. Could Jesus have been speaking of the Zoroastrians, the Hindus, the Buddhists, Zoroastrians and others? In Revelation 3:12 Jesus said that when Christ returns that He will have a new name and will give His followers a new name. Does that not indicate that by then Christianity will be outdated? In 2000 years Christianity has not come close to bringing world peace and unity and is no closer to it now than it ever has been. The Baha'i Faith (founded in 1844) states that is purpose is to bring world peace and unity, but that it also in the future will bring replaced by yet another religion when again man has need of Divine Guidance.

Within the Baha'i Faith you will find principles that if followed can only end with the world finally at peace and all of our social, economic, political and other problems solved. I maintain that without God peace is impossible but with God peace is inevitable. From where I am sitting, it is obvious we are well on our way to achieving world peace and unity. That process began with the beginning of the Baha'i Faith and is rapidly progressing. Christians may well claim otherwise, both what do our current conditions indicate when considered alongside of the growth of the Baha'i Faith? Again I ask, is Christianity an example of planned obsolescence?

Comments are welcome. Sources and references are appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your answers.


11 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    You ask whether Christianity is an example of planned obsolescence, then immediately mention several non-Christian "messengers of God". Christians are not going to believe that non-Christians could be messengers of God because to them there is only one God. If that is your premise, I do not think that Christians would be willing to go along with that. They may have some respect for the religious leaders that you mention, but they just won't see the same progression that you do. I'm not Christian and I don't see it either.

    Fireball is correct, John 10:16 refers to people of other religions (such as Jews or Gentiles, among others). However, to me, the passage clearly says the other sheep are to be CONVERTED to be sheep of the same fold, i.e. converted to Christianity. In Revelation 3, the voice of Christ is apparently being "channeled" to several different Christian churches (in Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea) and the each message is different. Whatever is happening in verse 12, it apparently applies to those in Philadelphia. And Jesus is not really speaking, it is the writer of Revelation who is pretending that Jesus is speaking. We really can't tell what the heck this actually means, but I don't see your interpretation in it.

    Christianity has never wanted world peace or unity. It is not one of their goals. Over the past 2000 years, when they had complete control of a culture, they always abused their power and there was never any peace. They made war on other cultures in order to force Christianity upon them. If we let them, they would still be doing it today. Once Christian unity was obtained in a culture, they simply continued to move against other cultures. They had their own priorities, still do, and those priorities have NOTHING to do with world peace and unity.

    Your faith may have all the answers to world peace and unity. If you expect the other religions of the world to jump into your boat with you, you seem to me to be a bit naive.

    Christianity will become obsolete, but it is not planned, especially not by them.

    Auntie Kookoo

  • 8 years ago

    I keep saying that it is time for a new religion. One of the worst things about Christianity is that in order to follow it, you need to follow a primitive source that is full of details that about which one always has to say—"Well, we don't take it literally. It is symbolic."

    I prefer not to have to understand that the source of my information about my beliefs is not accurate.

    I have heard something about Jesus, Buddha and other saviors appearing at around the same time historically and that there hadn't been others since that time. Does Baha'i have a special leader like that?

    What I think of is science, quantum mechanics and also two new sources of information—near death experiences, and the hypnotic techniques discovered by Michael Newton into what our souls remember—our "life between lives."

    I had not thought of looking at the Baha'i faith. I don't know much about it except for what i learned from a friend awhile ago. I remember she said it teaches not to have sex outside marriage. Do you think it is modern enough, does it embrace science?

    Would people these days want to follow it?

    As far as the Baha'i faith leading us to world peace, I think it would take a lot to overcome the animal nature we carry in our genes.

    Oh, and planned the obsolescence idea. I don't know about that, is all I can say!!

  • delta
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I think Christianity was not very well planned. It did not plan well for the future. It did not have enough foresight to see how things will change and how it would need to change with the changing times. So, in that sense I agree with you, Christianity is planned obsolescence.

    Also, I believe as long as we have true freedom, peace is a dream, and if we have complete peace, freedom is a dream. There will always be at least one person out of a thousand who wants to spread chaos.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Its plan was to spread world wide, and up until recently it was doing a good job of it. Then for whatever reason it broke up into many denominations, and sects. But the real beginning of the end for Christianity was when society said it was longer legal to burn alive those that oppose, or criticize it. This gave carte blanche to free thinkers, humanists , secularism , atheism, and all manor of fringe religions ( cults ) e, g. The Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Scientology, you name it

    Source(s): " Today's Gods are tomorrow's myths " Socrates
  • J.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There is no concept of Progressive Revelation within Christianity. The closest concept to it is that of the Living Tradition held by Catholics where the Church grows under the guidance of the bishops as headed by the Pope.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, 9 mos later, I just happen to see your question, so here is my 2 cents:

    A "Progressive Organization" is exactly what an "Organized God" would use. His name is Jehovah, and there is no one Above HIM.

    He has chosen to reveal more and more details as time goes on, though it will actually take a Ful One Thousand Years to be "perfect", though that is in view for us ALL.

    I do hope you are well, and sorry that we have not stayed in touch. That certainly was not my intent.

    The Best to you BKnott---~Zebra~

  • 8 years ago

    There will be more revelations coming our way. They will be brought on through science and not religion as mankind's scientific knowledge advances over time and the vails are being lifted from our eyes.

    Source(s): The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Every religion thinks the world would experience peace if only the world would submit to its influence. Both the Afghan and the American (far right-wingers) Taliban feel the same way.

  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, faith in Jesus Christ has always been the path to salvation. Prior to His manifestation it was in faith that He would come. Now that He has come, it is in faith in His finished work of atonement. We still mistakenly think we had something to do with it.

  • Star T
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


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