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Christians - Is there a need for a prophet on earth today?

The LDS Church believes there is a living, modern day prophet on earth today. Is this biblical? Is this necessary?


10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes! ...but not at all as the LDS define it. Your definition opens to the door to spiritual abuse that no New Testament Christian should ever endure.

    Hebrews 1 tells us that God once spoke to people through prophets but now speaks to us through Christ. In other words, they paved the way for the ultimate, the Christ and the Moses model is done away with.

    If this is true, then you would expect no central, one man prophet system but a group of spirit-led believers seeking God through prayer and discussion. That's exactly what we see in the council of Jerusalem, a group of 50 people discussing the circumcision issue with no prophetic declaration but a group of spirit led men seeking guidance from the only mediator we have, Jesus.

    Remember the Ephesians 4 verse the LDS quote so often...he gave the apostles, then prophets... Why put apostles first? Because there was no Moses type seat of power, the prophet has spoken kind of prophet needed but mature, spirit led leaders who sought God's direction.

    Remember we get God's word in two ways; logos or through the established word and rhema or through spirit inspired words. Rhema will never disagree with logos. Never. Otherwise it is revealed for what it is...a man's opinion or worse, a demonic word.

    The central authority model that the LDS labor under is not from God. Check out Jesus' rebuke to the ruling pharisees in Matt 23. He starts off sit in Moses' seat... In other words, you grab power. What did they do with that power? Burdened people and made them children of hell. Yikes!

    Embrace the Biblical approach to prophecy and be free of the "follow the prophet" nonsense. No New Testament person did so and neither should you.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The Revelation of John includes a clear account of two modern day prophets during the last days in Jerusalem. furthermore there aren't any passages that say that God would stop communicating through prophets, it's how it was always done in the past; so the notion of not having a prophet is clearly unbiblical because the bible is based on prophecy and revelation.

    Consider that when the NT was introduced it was done so with rejection from those saying "we have our own books and you can't add to them" - the bold addition was the story of Jesus Christ having come to earth - fast forward 1800 years and the Book of Mormon came on the scene, but the bold doctrine is actually far less controversial than the NT addition because it's based on NT Christianity.

    If God is loving, and living, and unchanging, then He must have prophets.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Who Is A Prophet Today

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    currently there are 14 prophets here

    2 are prophets of the holy spirit

    they are the only two in the world who truly know the divine nature of the holy spirit

    those two are the master teachers for the other 12 prophets

    who are the reincarnated souls of 12 of the prophets in the bible

    they were also the 12 apostles of christ

    i met a woman a little while ago

    ((joni, i think was her name))

    a self proclaimed prophet and a flase prophet

    however she came up through the church

    so the church is birthing the false prophets

    true story: this self proclaimed prophet was sent to a church in south florida

    by another church

    the prophet was asked by the church to give a prophesy to one soul in particular

    you see the church believed this soul was call to lead worship

    the church believed the soul just didnt know and needed direction

    ((gram always said the road to hell was paved with good intentions))

    so the church arranged for this "prophet" to FALSLEY prophesy over a soul

    and the church does not believe they did anything wrong

    this is how LOST in WICKEDNESS the church of today has become

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  • whew6
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    As a Latter Day Saint I can tell you that we definitely need a Prophet today. Perhaps most of you, so called, Orthodox Christians do not realize some things. For instance did you know that for 6000 + years, anytime God wanted to communicate with mankind He always called a Prophet! Now judging by the condition that is in the world today, why wouldn't God want to speak through a Prophet today? The world has never been in more need of a Prophet than we are today. Has God suddenly changed? Even though He has told us in the Scriptures He is an unchangeable God? For 6000+ years He has called Prophets to guide and instruct His children on earth, but now when we really need Him, He no longer speaks?

    I can tell you He has not ceased to speak, He has been speaking through His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, to a Prophet of God. I am sorry He doesn't speak to the Catholics and Protestants, but He does speak to the Latter Day Saints through a Prophet of God. I can tell you God has not changed, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Is it any wonder the Mormon doctrines are so different than all of the other doctrines coming from the Catholics and Protestants? And you call us a Cult?

    Source(s): I am LDS
  • 7 years ago

    Of course! The biblical times are over for more than 2000 years. Society has changed. Things are invented, which cause new problems, of which was not thought in biblical times. I need not list all these new inventions. We need more than ever divine leadership.

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Maybe the anit-Christ is viewed as a prophet. But Jesus coming on the earth is enough for God, and I

    Source(s): The Bible KJV
  • 7 years ago

    Nobody chooses to be prophet. If he was here, he might not say anything because of society issues already.

  • 7 years ago

    Are you suggesting that God isn't happy with a hundred different churches filled with preachers claiming to get their authority from the Bible?

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Everything we need to know to survive Armageddon is in the bible.

    Jesus' orders were to try to reach everyone with this information, not to seek new information.

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