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Do I let them have sex? Is this okay?

I can't believe I'm asking this but here it goes...

I recently went through a break up (my first very serious relationship) we remained friends with optimism that things might work out in the future. We both exchanged several harsh words during the break up however, several weeks afterwards I decided to let him have it again. I was not kind and got pretty out of control.

While name calling is never okay, I firmly believe that it's easy for someone to lose their temper but it takes strength of character and courage to apologize and rebuild trust and I have continued to apologize and make up for saying things I did not mean (which we both did plenty of).

Plot thickens: I decided I wanted to continue our relationship. Not only are we great friends who had a great relationship before it turned rocky but I also see a very bright future for us and we still love each other a lot.

Shortly before we broke up I attended a party with him where a woman (that's a stretch to call her one) very obviously made attempts towards him in front of myself and the man she was seeing at the time (his very good friend). Needless to say it made me really uncomfortable and angry. Apparently she continued her pursuit of him after his friend broke it off (wonder why!?::cough:: slut ::cough::)

It wasn't until after I told him I no longer wanted to speak to him in my moments of fury (which lasted about a week) that he started talking with her. Anyways, now they're sleeping together but he assures me he has no feelings for her, they're just **** buddies. He's just single and she's spread low and wide, clearly.

I trust him implicitly because he's never given me a reason not to. He is a great guy. I came back into the picture swinging and knocked things off kilter, that I understand... However, he agrees that one day we will be together again just not now. "Maybe soon, maybe next Christmas" but I need more than that and if I were "the one" wouldn't he want to be with me? Do I sit by idly while he casually sleeps with this opportunist friend hopper (who will surely keep hopping) or do I walk. Do I even have the grounds to say "you either want me or you don't?"

Ugh... I feel better. Kind of. Advice much appreciated.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    so you rate your self worth as

    "i shall sit at home while he is out ******* any old slapper who will have him but i will take him back when he gets fed up and comes slithering back"??

    you have plenty to say about her character

    but not of his

    what makes him ANY better than her? nothing

    i dont know why you even want him after this blatant disrespect

    but should you issue your ultimatum, be prepared he wont give you the answer you are hoping for

    you are FAR too good for this

    you should realize that

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You have no choice. Any question that requires a long winded explanation means subconsciously you are highly dubious of he idea yourself and are looking for people to tell you to stay away. Most importantly your whole relationship with him sounds highly toxic. You need to cut all ties with this guy. Any future just means high probability of a much bigger blowup and let down. You are simply not compatible with each other and at best you will just end up as his **** buddy for a while.

  • 8 years ago

    Well first of all he is single so he is allowed to do whatever he wants, as much as you can too. But if he wants to be having sex with her while now knowing when he wants you back, I think it will be better off if you two stop talking cause the more he has sex with her, the more it will have you thinking. Just tell him that it will be better off to stop talking & to continue to live his life as well as you will until he figures out what he wants. Good luck :)

    Source(s): Experience.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well, don't just sit idly and hang around for 'next Christmas' to come around. If you find someone else, then don't feel you need to keep yourself just for this guy. Anything can happen in a year's time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    avoid them if its going to make you jealous. Leave the party. Show that your grown and moved on...

    its hard to go through a break up.

    I did the toughest thing and changed my phone number and make sure that I don't have theirs. It was hard but it helped me move on...

  • 8 years ago

    Don't make demands.

    Abandon him.

    Get a new boyfriend.

    He's getting attention from someone else.

    And he's lying to you about it.

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