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  • Do I let them have sex? Is this okay?

    I can't believe I'm asking this but here it goes...

    I recently went through a break up (my first very serious relationship) we remained friends with optimism that things might work out in the future. We both exchanged several harsh words during the break up however, several weeks afterwards I decided to let him have it again. I was not kind and got pretty out of control.

    While name calling is never okay, I firmly believe that it's easy for someone to lose their temper but it takes strength of character and courage to apologize and rebuild trust and I have continued to apologize and make up for saying things I did not mean (which we both did plenty of).

    Plot thickens: I decided I wanted to continue our relationship. Not only are we great friends who had a great relationship before it turned rocky but I also see a very bright future for us and we still love each other a lot.

    Shortly before we broke up I attended a party with him where a woman (that's a stretch to call her one) very obviously made attempts towards him in front of myself and the man she was seeing at the time (his very good friend). Needless to say it made me really uncomfortable and angry. Apparently she continued her pursuit of him after his friend broke it off (wonder why!?::cough:: slut ::cough::)

    It wasn't until after I told him I no longer wanted to speak to him in my moments of fury (which lasted about a week) that he started talking with her. Anyways, now they're sleeping together but he assures me he has no feelings for her, they're just **** buddies. He's just single and she's spread low and wide, clearly.

    I trust him implicitly because he's never given me a reason not to. He is a great guy. I came back into the picture swinging and knocked things off kilter, that I understand... However, he agrees that one day we will be together again just not now. "Maybe soon, maybe next Christmas" but I need more than that and if I were "the one" wouldn't he want to be with me? Do I sit by idly while he casually sleeps with this opportunist friend hopper (who will surely keep hopping) or do I walk. Do I even have the grounds to say "you either want me or you don't?"

    Ugh... I feel better. Kind of. Advice much appreciated.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Plastic Surgeon for Breast Augmentation in North Suburban Chicago?

    Hi everyone!

    I was hoping I could get some advice from anyone in the Chicagoland area, preferably in the North Shore, about good plastic surgeons. I've had a consultation already and scheduled another for a second opinion but I'd like to see if either of the surgeon's names come up in your answers. I literally do not know anyone who has had a boob job!

    2 AnswersChicago9 years ago
  • Do you think I have asthma?

    In October of 2011 I had bronchitis. I was overly stressed, working to hard, still smoking, and had a panic attack that caused me to have an asthma attack from the inflammation due to my bronchitis. I used a rescue inhaler that my doctor had prescribed but it didn't work and I was sent to the ER. After that I checked up with my allergist and he prescribed a daily inhaler for my 'asthma'. The issue is is that I haven't even had an asthma attack before or since then. I check my peak flow meter when I'm feeling 'shortness of breath' but that is always brought on by feeling of anxiety and I always score at 100%(500). Other then when I had bronchitis I have never experienced wheezing and I no longer smoke. Is it dangerous/unhealthy to be on a daily inhaler if you don't need it? Should I speak to my doctor about stopping it?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Questions about becoming a Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner?

    I am looking into an associates degree that would allow me to become a RN. Once I'm finished with the associates degree do I have to complete a bachelors in nursing to be eligible to get my master's as a nurse practitioner? Any advice would be helpful. I know that the licensing/certifications is different state by state(I'm from IL) but any information would be helpful.

    4 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • All turtle/reptile experts/owners! Need advice now!?

    At the beginning of May I noticed one of my turtles(an african sideneck) was missing from my tank. I turned my apartment upside down looking for him to no avail. I decided to wait for a smell to lead me to his body however, that never happened. Today I noticed a few DVDs on the floor of my apartment and went to put them back only to find my turtle on my shelf ALIVE. He seems fine to be honest. I dropped him back in his tank and gave him some food, which he ate. Now he's just swimming around, minding his own business.

    I need to know if this is really bizarre? What kind of signs should I be looking for that might indicate he's sick? What other things should I be worried about?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Worried about my Northern Diamondback Terrapin/aquatic turtle?

    I have a NDB who has been basking in the same spot for two days now. I often find him sleeping and occasionally I'll go find him briefly swimming only to get back onto his dock to fall back asleep. I put in a call to my regular reptile veterinarian but I am really worried about him. Is there any immediate signs I should be looking for that would require emergency veterinary attention? I'd also like to add that he sleeps with his neck fully extended and lying on the dock, which is a new behavior.

    I have not noticed any swelling or discharge from his eyes, he isn't bubbling from his nose or swimming oddly, although his eyes do seem to be a little hard for him to open. He has not refused to eat yet and his shell looks fine.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • My turtle's eyes were stuck shut but he was able to open them?

    The other day I saw my turtle basking on his platform sleeping. When I came over to greet him he moved his head around for a while but couldn't open his eyes. Then he began scratching his eyes and was finally able to pry them open. I examined him to check for any mucus like substance in the creases of his eyes and nose but wasn't able to find any. All the information I've read suggests a vitamin deficiency or inadequate exposure to UV bulbs. However, I feed my turtles a very well balanced diet and they have proper basking docks and UV lights. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or knows what could be going on? Do turtles sometimes just get gunk in their eyes while they sleep like humans do?

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • I quit smoking for surgery...?

    I quit smoking for my gastric bypass surgery. I've been on a rigorous 4 month supervised weight loss program and my surgeon required my to quit smoking at least two weeks before surgery. I wanted to allot myself enough time to really kick the addiction so I quit a month in advance but now I'm sacrificing the diet that I've been working so hard on by snacking all the time. Although I've been trying to snack on healthier things I'm still consuming way more food then I have been or intend too. Does anyone have any ideas about what I could do to replace my snack cravings during the first few weeks of quitting?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • My dog is insanely jealous of our new dog?

    This issue didn't arise until 6 months after bringing our new dog into our house and I think may have begun once the new dog went into heat.

    Our dogs are biological sisters from different litters. I like my dogs to go into heat once before spaying them. When the younger dog went into heat our household became a little insane and our older dog began exhibiting jealousy towards me, and only me. When I hold our younger dog the older dog comes up jumps into my lap and starts viciously attacking her sister. I was able to control it by separating them at first but now it's nearly become impossible. Last night I was bitten and tonight I flipped one of the dogs over my shoulder and off the back of the couch and she landed on her head. I'm really worried that I or one of my dogs will get seriously hurt and I don't know what to do. What are some good training techniques for situations like this?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I convince my parents to let me foster a dog?

    Ok, first let me start off with saying that I am not a child and this isn't an "I'm immature and I want what I want because I want it'' type of question. I'm a twenty years old but I live at home since I go to a local college. I have a big wonderful house with a big beautiful yard and a loving and supportive family. I have three dogs, 1 of which is my own and I have been the sole care provider for him since I was 16, and I do 99% of providing the care for the other dogs in our home also(everyone else gets to do the fun stuff i.e. giving them attention while I take them out for romps in the yard, walks, feed them, and take them to the vet when they need to go).

    My father has always praised me for making our dogs such loving and well behaved animals. He's always commenting on how much he loves his yorkies and how there's never a day that goes by where he isn't pleased by them and their loving and happy demeanors.

    Needless to say, I found a great rescue organization for small dogs and I applied to be a foster parent over the summer and beyond, which is something I have always wanted to do. My mom is all for the idea, she loves animals as much as I do and is willing to help out. It's my dad who is wary of the situation and I cannot figure out why! He's done nothing but compliment my gift with animals and the fact that he is so turned off by the idea baffles me. My mom doesn't want to get into the middle of the argument and won't stick up for me. My real issue is that I can't put together a good argument for myself... Can someone who's been a foster parent tell me how wonderful and rewarding it is? And why it is a great thing for a family to do together? And maybe a few of the pros and cons?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My friend thinks Sarah Palin is a democrat?

    My friend keeps saying that he thinks Sarah Palin is a democrat but he has no evidence to back this up. I was just wondering if any other republicans feel this way and why?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I have a question about health care and small businesses?

    My friend and I got into a political argument last night(always the worst thing to do at a party). We started arguing about the health care reform and how if it is passed it will be the end of his dad's self-owned plumbing business. His dad doesn't offer his employees health care and instead pays them more money so that they can choose whether or not to buy themselves insurance policies. If the bill gets passed he will be required to buy all of his employees health insurance, which is apparently more expensive then paying them more money.

    I brought up the hypothetical situation of an injury happening on the work site. Let's just say that one of his employees got seriously injured and went to the hospital but had no insurance. Who would pay for his medical bills when he couldn't afford them? Taxpayers.

    He said that his dad's business insurance covered workplace injuries. Is that true? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Senegal Parrots for first time owner?

    Hi all,

    I posted a question yesterday about conures & quaker parakeets for first time bird owners. Anyways, today I went around to local pet shops to see what kind of birds they had in stock and question them on where they acquired the birds from, if they have hatch dates, and other questions. I really enjoyed this one store that I went too, the workers and a senegal parrots. They seemed very reputable and kind. The bird was out on a perch playing with the workers. He jumped onto my head and began playing in my hair, needless to say I fell in love!

    They said they were quieter varieties of parrots, although they still have the ability to scream. They also said that they don't often recommend parrots to first time bird owners and suggested that I start with a cockatiel. Although they ALSO said that some birds take to some people right away and he seemed to do that with me. Is that true?

    I was wondering how everyone felt about senegal parrots? Are they really a quieter variety of parrot? And would you recommend a senegal parrot to a first time bird owner but a dedicated hobbyist?

    Thank you & Take care !

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Unexperienced bird owner adopting a bird(10 pts)?

    Hi all,

    I have been doing pet bird research for over a year and narrowed my choice down too a conure or a quaker parakeet. I've found several adoption agencies that offer both species but they all seem to have one issue or another. I'm curious to know if I, an unexperienced bird owner would be better off purchasing a hatchling from a breeder or a petstore. My interest really perked when I fell head over heels for a sun conure at PetSmart. He's still there, but I feel bad supporting PetSmart's selling of live animals as I don't feel that they are treated properly and am worried about his health. Also, any pro's and con's on either species would be much appreciated!

    I'm just curious to know how everyone feels about adopting birds with emotional & physical issues and what would be best for a new but dedicated bird hobbyist.

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Friendly lizard hissed at me?

    I have a 1 month old Indonesian Blue Tongued Skink. He's generally really nice and tolerates it well when I sift through the aspen shavings trying to find him. However, today when I found him he started hissing at me! It was really out of character, although I've only had him for a month.

    Does that mean he's sick or was he just pissed off?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I want to start reading books about history?

    I don't have a specific place or period that I want to read about but lately I've been interested in learning more about interesting historical things. I was wondering if anyone had any book recommendations whether it be biographies or books about war that they found really good and educative. Thanks in advance! (Best answer 10 pts.)

    10 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Weird growth on the sides of my turtle tank?

    Lately weird brain like growths have been developing on the sides of my tank. I have never seen anything like this before. They are at the top of the tank way above the water level. They almost look like sponges or oddly shaped brains. They are hardened by the time I see them but if I break them apart they are gooey on the inside. I was wondering if this was something caused by the snails in my tank... They are the only recent addition to the tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll post pics if need be.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • Adding betta fish to my community tank?

    I have an 125 gallon tank with a few feeder goldfish and 4 turtles. I was making decorative betta tanks and became interested in mating bettas however, that operation failed. I have 6 males and 4 females left over from my experiment and was thinking that I'd add the bettas to my turtle tank and let them.. have at it so to say. The research I've done have shown that although it has never been proven male's living together promotes a healthier lifestyle by keeping them active and living more naturally. My tank has plenty of hiding space at the top and at the bottom and I don't mind if my turtles.. well.. eat them. Is it a good idea for me to put them in there? Let's say turtles aside, would a 125 gallon tank be big enough to keep 6 males together with enough room to spare the blood bath that would happen in a smaller tank?

    14 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Cloudy fish tank water due to aquatic plants?

    I have a 125 gallon turtle tank. Recently I put in a large assortment of aquatic plans and since then have not been able to keep the water clean. The tank has also becoming smellier since then. I've just about had it with the plants except for the fact that my turtles LOVE them. I tested the ammonia levels and they are fine and have been doing regular tank cleanings. Is there anything that could possibly be fogging the water other then the aquatic plants? And how do I get the water to clear up?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • If I get my associates degree as a veterinary technician...?

    If I get my associates degree as a veterinary technician but decide that the career is not for me and continue on to get my bachelors do I start from square one or is is just another two years to complete my bachelor's in a different unrelated field? Any advice or information is appreciated.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago