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Is It Bad That I'm An Anarchist And Atheist?

I'm an anarchist and atheist that lives in Texas which in case some of you didn't know is basically a Christian/Roman Catholic state. My family which is religious doesn't have a problem but a lot of other people do. My neighbors who threatened to call the cops and every little move I make, my girlfriends parents also disapprove of me, along with my best buds mom. I'm not some radical anarchist who threatens to bomb or anything, I just believe people should rule themselves with no govt. just free rule. Same with atheism, I don't go around criticizing religious groups I keep my beleifs to myself. So is it bad to be what I am or bad to think like this?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I don't think it's bad. As long as you do not become extreme in your beliefs, to the extent that you feel the desire to eliminate certain groups of people, harm others, or act out radically in any way. Moderation is key. If you are on a serious quest for truth and your best judgement and reasoning has lead you to atheism and anarchism, then you must be true to yourself and obey your own conscience.

    Source(s): I'm a Christian.
  • 8 years ago

    No. I'm also an atheist and anarchist. But it's a lonely demographic to be a part of.

    It's definitely not bad, though. I'm prejudiced in this regard, of course, but to me, both positions are just asking for justification. You say there's a magic ghost in the sky who hates gay people? Prove it. You say you have the right to tell people to do X, Y, and Z, and punish them if they don't? Prove it.

    Skepticism and independence are perfectly healthy tendencies, and whether they like it or not, humanity needs its skeptics and rebels.

    ***Added: @Mitch V: Your answer displays an astonishing ignorance of anarchist theory. It's like you haven't even bothered to read the Wikipedia page on anarchism. Honestly, the worst part about being an anarchist is being confronted with these ridiculous misunderstandings again and again. There is a dictionary definition of anarchism which conforms to the lawlessness you describe, but anarchism as a political theory has not been a theory of society without rules, but a theory of the just organization of society, and behavior between individuals. The point is that no one may violate the person and property of others. Those who are violated are within their rights to fight back. People are within their rights to form coalitions to protect each other from violation. In essence, anarchism may be alternatively described as a bottom-up theory of just government. Rather than assume that bureaucratic forms of government are just, or that reform can make them so, anarchists merely seek to find the means to allow people to form their own social organizations on voluntary and non-violent terms (not violent in the sense of never initiating force).

    Such a thing may be naïve, impossible, idealistic, or whatever else you want to call it - maybe it can never work. But please, for your own sake, and the sake of anarchists you may encounter, please criticize anarchism on its actual positions, and not your wild notions that anarchists are all moral nihilists who want to live in an anything goes society.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm both of those to!!! You're awesome!!!. Just know that it's not rational to think we could ever see a world without government, all we can do is speak our minds about injustices done by government in order to make it less intrusive as possible. You have an anarchist and atheist friend in me.

  • 8 years ago

    You are typical of many male teens. Rebellion is a part of your life, in a way. It is your mind telling you it is getting to be time you make your own path in life as you will once you leave your parents home to make a home of your own. Funny thing is, once you get a place of your own, you will make your own rules for your own home. If you got your new place looking good and had some new things like a flat screen TV, would you allow your friends to play baseball in your living room? Of course not. Your friends would have no "free rule" of your home. Much like your home, would you allow a meth. lab, KKK rally or some other distasteful thing to go on next door? Of course not. You would want rules applied to things around your home. This is the case with rules. They radiate outward from your own personal space all the way to out to the world as a whole. What happens when an injustice happens in one country? Other countries help out to enforce order. Though some people may be able to rule themselves and their home peacefully, many others can not and harm others as well as their homes. The rules are there to protect us from people that cause others harm. To be against rules is to be for anarchy, a rule-less society that destroys itself.

    If you simply do not like certain rules then you have the right to protest and try to get them changed or removed, but rules are put there for the protection of those who live in that relevant area like a rule you may make for your home may be not to destroy your objects.

  • 8 years ago

    I understand anarchy its the perfect system in theory. The only problem is people form gangs but then again government is just a gang. I am in favor of limited government.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No. What's bad is most people have misconceptions about anarchy and atheism. Check out the and their facebook page.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Not at all. We need more people like you in Texas.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Anarchy is an immature and foolish concept, my boy.

    Source(s): Your friendly neighborhood atheist, A.
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