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Christians: How does your subjective belief about God differ from subjective belief in say, Santa or fairies?

Do you see how atheists or rational people would have problems differentiating between you and the fairy believers?

Please give backup or references for your explanation if possible.


Ernest S - you are just as equally guilty of sin, so can claim no special knowledge about God or superior knowledge. That is simply a put-down using God as a get out of jail free card, and I call you out on it. You clearly do not understand rationality.

Update 2:

wushuboy001 - how about unicorns then?

Update 3:

Oleg - hardly difficult predictions for someone who is supposedly omniscient/omnipotent about the power of prayer? did God or Jesus predict it could be disproven as effective? You can test it for yourself, all you believers en masse, using actual quotes from Jesus and God.

Update 4:

SmartAZ - how do you know God sent a book? If you do the research most scholars will tell you it was written by men. Google Codex Sinaiticus and earlier works. It is implied that these are the works of God but there are many alterations to the body of work.

Update 5:

SmartAZ - you are skirting the point. I don't doubt the great acts of charity, that isn't the question. I will clarify. Subjective - based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Nothing to do with setting up soup kitchens. That is a consequence of subjective belief. Like musicians creating great works while buzzing off their face on drugs - as an analogy.

Update 6:

joe_on_drugs - Nice try, no cigar dude. Explain where the sarcasm is. Don't let your subjective perception filter get the better of you.

Update 7:

Pancho - I see... so you substituted one subjective reality for another.

Update 8:

Holly where is the foundation and validation for scripture? It has been crafted over the years from various other cultures and teachings. Hammurabi for one, but many others.

Update 9:

Wolf - Maybe, but you didn't address the question at all with a proper answer, other than to divert it back, which frankly, other than as an attempt to attack and belittle atheists, was useless. So far three perceived hostile attacks from supposed spiritual people (presumably Christ-like Christians or spiritual believers), but no real answers from the attackers - Ernest S, Wolf and Pancho.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The difference is that no dishonest preachers tell you Santa will torture you.

    He just withholds toys, they want torture!

    Both are of course fabrications of wishful thinking.

    "Well, Santa worshipped God. " Now there is a statement. One pretend friend worships the other. How quaint, if juvenile.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "Do you see how atheists or rational people would have problems differentiating between you and the fairy believers?"

    Perhaps it's the atheists problem that they cannot perceive the difference between the beliefs of a sentient being who created the universe in comparison to a fat guy climbing down the chimney to put presents under trees planted indoors which was confirmed to have been the result of commercialisation.


    Wolf - Maybe, but you didn't address the question at all with a proper answer, other than to divert it back, which frankly, other than as an attempt to attack and belittle atheists, was useless. So far three perceived hostile attacks from supposed spiritual people (presumably Christ-like Christians or spiritual believers), but no real answers from the attackers - Ernest S, Wolf and Pancho.

    2 days ago

    So you say that I'm attempting to attack and belittle atheists when I point out that Santa and God are two very different things and if you can't tell the difference then that's not our problem?

    While you yourself insult Christians by declaring them all irrational in their beliefs because you can't tell the difference yourself?

    Why don't you keep to your own code before enforcing it towards others?

  • 8 years ago

    I know God is not Santa.

    I have never seen a fairies except at a Ren Festival. To tell you the truth except for the Tooth fairy there just are not too many of them around any more. But I know God is not the tooth Fairy.

    The difference is two of these (Santa and Tooth Fairy) do not hold us accountable.

    God does!

    God also knows what I need and provides it.

    The other two don't have a clue about what I truly need, they might know my wants but that is the extent of it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    For one thing, God sent a book whereas Santa and the fairies did not.

    I can't imagine what you mean by "subjective". Christians have built thousands of hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and schools. In some cases they even invented an alphabet so that a bible could be printed in this or that language and the people taught to read it. There is nothing "subjective" about any of that.

  • 8 years ago

    god is real

    santa and fairies are not real

    Do you see how atheists or rational people would have problems differentiating between you and the fairy believers?

    atheist have trouble with it but rational people do not have trouble with it

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    Psalm 53

    To the Chief Musician; in a mournful strain. A skillful song, or didactic or reflective poem of David.

    1 The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt and evil are they, and doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.

    1 Corinthians 2:14

    But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

    Proverbs 1:7

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    7 The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline.

  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I used to be a Christian, and I've noticed a LOT of religion critics (none of whom even know what religion is) use the "Santa Claus" and "faeries" reference. The trouble with religious critics is their egos - they believe themselves to be "above" religion, and actually claim to be "rational," when in actual fact they're just as irrational as Christians. They claim to be "rational" and "logical" but they've (you've) never investigated spiritual things - and that is quite illogical. As well, the subject of what you refer to as "fairies" is a very strange metaphysical one. In order to even understand what it means, one would have to have investigated the whole matter of the metaphysical realms. Have you done this? No, you haven't. Like all critics of religion, you try to sound "intellectual" and "superior," but how can that be when you, like the Christians, prefer to give importance to your own system of dogma and belief instead of to true investigation? "Fairies" are not something that belong in children's stories - You've obviously been hugely influenced by those Walt Disney productions (cartoons) whose depiction of a fairy ("Tinkerbell") has become cemented in the minds of the general public. But fairy refers to astral entities that are not understood by modern straight culture (of which you are a true representative!), and being that 99.999999% of the population refuses to investigate anything, their opinions will go on being their "truths," as is the case with your post ...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) There is no difference between the two irrational beliefs.

    2) No, they do not see how atheists and rational people have problems differentiating between you and the fairy believers.

    Even though they completely understand that the beliefs in Santa and fairies is not only irrational, but, indeed, stupid, it seems to have no effect on them when directed to their own, similar belief.

    NOTE - To be fair, this is not constrained to Christians, but, is a symptom of every religious person.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Santa and fairies have never died for my sin, have never healed me, have never given me wisdom, discernment, provided my needs, given me comfort, or eternal life. Santa and fairies did not give me the Holy Spirit, and do not work signs, wonders, or miracles in my life.

    God does.

  • 8 years ago

    Hmm, you ask a question in a sarcastic tone..then you insult people who believe in God. Then you expect them to provide you with references to explain what is in their hearts.

    Is this to help you overcome your negative, condescending attitude toward others and finally embrace the Lord? If it is, I'll get back to you with that information.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well, Santa worshipped God.

    I know nothing about fairies except for what's in the peter pan novels, and believe me, Disney brought Tinker Bell up about 20 notches in class. She was mean, swore like a sailor, and continually tried to kill Wendy. So I have little respect for fairies, as far as JM Barrie depicts them.

    To put it simpler. God revealed himself to me. Fairies never have. And since Santa aka Saint Nicholas is a historical figure who worshipped God, it just confirms my belief.

    edit: I take it atheists are not very familiar with history then.

    There was a man named Nicholas in the 3rd Century from Greece. His parents were wealthy merchants. They died when he was young. He became famous for secretly giving to people in need. He was also very religious and ended becoming a priest and then canonized as a saint. His name Saint Nicholas became corrupted in the north as Sinterklaus, and then Santa Claus. So yeah, he was a real person who worshipped God.

  • 8 years ago

    In my house I am Santa and the tooth fairy. I would not think anyone was rational if they thought I was god too.

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