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How has Christianity negatively affected World History?

I've done more research on this topic and I'm very interested in the negative effects of Christianity. What events should I focus on and if you have articles please provide them

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christians have killed off a large percentage of the indigenous peoples of the americas.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If you mention the southern states and not the Union army you are claiming they fought against the freeing of slaves due to religion when it was actually due to financial concerns. You would have to consider how many Christians died defending the right of slaves to be freed.

    Some may have used this excuse that it was mentioned in the Bible to treat slaves well.

    The south had everything to lose by releasing slaves and the north had nothing .

    It had little to do with God.

    It is the same with witch burning since their land was confiscated. It often went to their accuser.

    How convenient that you can accuse someone of a pretend crime and then claim their property.

    Osama said the reason for the attack on the towers was because the US had troops in the Middle East and needed to get them out. The head of the largest denomination is the Pope so it would make more sense for Osama to attack the Vatican if it was a protest against Christianity.

    Our government tried to make this a religious problem when it was a political problem. Religion is not the scapegoat . Bad foreign policy is.

    Source(s): Answer About 620,000 soldiers died in the U.S. civil war. The Union lost around 360,000 killed (110,000 in combat) and the Confederacy lost around 260,000 killed
  • Zombie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Obviously, the Inquisition and the Crusades were pretty crappy. Witchcraft hysteria was a ridiculous tragedy, though not *quite* as widespread as some think. Most pressing in the modern era, I think the ongoing Christian (and Islamic) persecution of minorities like homosexuals is something that every thinking human should find shameful, and ditto for fundamentalist efforts to suppress science.

  • 8 years ago

    Look at the Bible belt, predominately the southern states, the confederate. The states fighting to keep slavery alive.

    Native Indians were slaughtered by Christians who gave them the choice to either convert to Christianity or die.

    How many people accused of witchcraft or satanic rituals, died at their hands?

    How many wars were fought because their God told them to wage war?

    How many pagans executed throughout Europe when Christianity took it's foothold with the King's and Queen's?

    How many people today are consistently fighting to be accepted and be treated fairly but cannot do so because the Christian's don't agree with certain behaviors?

    Oh the list can go on and on my friends. I won't do your homework, but you can look these topics up as you want.

  • 6 years ago

    christianity preaches to separate the good from the bad, claiming those who believe in their God regardless of their actions, shall go to heaven and those who deny christ shall go to hell. This has given a lot of christians justification to war and kill many. The story of ham seeing his naked father Noah and his punishment to serve "his more fortunate brothers" was a widespread propaganda to justify the slave trade which went on for hundreds of years. Let's not forget the endless amount of christians who fought wars in the name of the christian faith and in the name if Jesus Christ, one of them being Adolf Hitler. The prison system which is somewhat outmoded was a christian concept to separate the good and evil once again. I've never met anybody prison has helped. Basically they claim Satan rules the world. Yet the biggest following is the christian religion. So maybe they are suggesting that they are the devel. Sounds plausible when there main Apostle paul tells you it'snot by your works but by your faith. All you have to do is believe in Christ accept him as your personal saviour and he will save you from sin, because humans are sinful anyways. What kinda nonsense. Why didn't he teach them about self responsibility. You don't need a saviour if you keep yourself out of problems. So now we have a bunch of self righteous christians who can do whatever they want so far as they believe in christ. so they do whatever they want. They crusade against Jerusalem even though Christ says his kingdom is not on the earth. And there favourite song is. "Onward christian soldiers marching on to war, with the blood of jesus marching on before..."

    Anyone knows that song? They claim that if you show your love of jesus you will be killed and persecuted, but the reality is, more people have been killed because of denying christ than vice-verse. let's not forget the pilgrims of america killing the indians or the mad witch hunts of europes. They killed the cats because they thought they were witches then the rats came in and brought the plague (also known as black death) that killed an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53 AD. Africans were with great farm lands and Large deposits of gold. The Missionaries came with bibles. Then 400 years later, Africa has so many copies of the bible, famine and poverty. America and the western world have the largest deposits of gold and these are the countries that christianity has benefited, if you want to call material wealth for war after war a benefit.

  • 8 years ago

    When wicked people get in high places as a Church leader, then they can add man's doctrines, and in doing this then this Christian religion can adversely affect others, because lies are mixed in with the Saving Truth.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It makes you capitalize things that you shouldn't; like world history for example.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Jone's Town mass suicide...look it up....guess who just quit smoking---> David Koresh

  • Afif
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    you should not take on the Biblical history. because it does not fit with the facts

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