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Bible says prayer can do anything, no denying it. Will you pray for a world cancer cure?

If not, why not? Why would you deny people the chance to live a cancer free life and the chance to prove the worth of God/Jesus' words? Bible says it is possible and achievable. If you refuse, you are not a true believer, and are cherry picking to suit yourself.

If you do all pray and the cure doesn't come, then God/Jesus are lying/imperfect/non existent, or your faith is weak. This question is aimed at Christian fundamentalist/evangelists.


Disciple - meaning what exactly?

Blodwenbogbrush - You need to work on that "World War Z" zombie cure first.

Larry - Not so much straw man, more Papier-mâché.

Update 2:

Dave - Isn't happening dude :)

Leo D - getting a bit pedantic there, God is omnipotent supposedly, so curing all cancers is part of the remit, though I liked how you broke that down. :)

If he submitted the prayer concept to his publishers, he signed off on his book :)

Update 3:

Clayton - "What if" doesn't cut any ice here. I asked a straightforward question based on multiple quotes of a religious text, so it is in context. You are trying to read God's mind and decision making process.

Update 4:

4 minutes ago - sorry, I accidentally down voted your question.I am an idiot :( In my defence, it is cold in here, so involuntary muscle spasms.

Update 5:

Larry - wow, you have been busy. Maybe you could approach one of these pastors for private funding, or the Creationist lobby to back the theory up. That should get things moving.

Update 6:

NDMA - wow, sounds almost too good to be true! Care to share with us what you did to effect a cure so we may save thousands of countless lives in future?

10 Answers

  • Leo D
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    "A cure for cancer" would not really make much sense. There are too many different types of cancer with different causes and different effects. So a cure for all cancers would be akin to a cure for all diseases or an instant cure for all boke fractures. It would be more like "cures for cancers". If there was a single, simple and elegant cure for all cancers, this would truly be a miracle.

    That's how you can tell that @Larry is lying. (Besides, how would a cure for a type of cancer even begin to contradict evolution?)

    @Morgan: "Can't have good, without evil. Evil sucks." I guess you don't believe in a heaven or an omnibenevolent god either then ;P

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Many cures for cancer have been available in nature all along. God knows how to take care of His creation. Unfortunately there is an element of His creation that is making far too much profit on a cancer industry it created. They will do anything to ensure the people don't know the truth. And then of course you have the people who believe every word doctors and researchers tell them instead of looking for the truth on their own.

    The bottom line is that this prayer has been answered long ago and few people even realize it.

  • 8 years ago

    If a cure for cancer was in reality the best thing- we would already have it! There have already been prayers made for this by the millions.

    God knows what is best! We are told to count all suffering as a joy because it builds faith.

    Now I want you to realize I am not being cold! I lost a wife to cancer, several friends and might some day get it myself. Life as we know it has to end and dealing with cancer has brought some to Christ, strengthened the faith of many. Cancer is one of many tools God uses to build our character.

    As one dear lady said-

    "If it drives you to your knees (in prayer), it can't be all that bad!"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Cure for cancer is well know, but they wont let us publish it in any peer reviewed journals because it contradicts parts of the evolutionary theory. We can't publish, so we can't get the grants needed to do the research to obtain the FDA approval so we can't bring the cure to the public.

    Evolutionary theory asserts that genes and supreme and much of the research into cancer focused on random genetic mutations causing cells to turn cancerous... First we found that very few mutations were random and those few that are are small point mutations that mute a gene.. Cells have redundant systems to compensate for muted genes so such mutations are meaningless. Cancers are the product of control switches in what Evolution calls "JUNK DNA".. Curing cancer is just a matter of flipping the switches back into the correct position causing the cell to revert back to it's normal physiology or self destruct in what is called apoptosis.

    The Cure for Cancer can contradict Neo-Darwinism because Neo-Darwinism is wrong!

    Neo-Darwinism assets the Gene is supreme and the Gene directly controls phenotype. this is false. Phenotype is a product of Gene expression which is mediate by factors that have nothing to do with the Gene, and here is the key as it relates to cancer, including environmental factors.

    I did not say there was a single simple cure for cancer. I said the cure was known - that cure includes environment (internal and external), biochemical - nutrition both of which have to be addressed otherwise everything else is meaningless and the cancer will return because the factors that caused the switch to be flipped turning a normal cell into a cancer cell will just flip back unless these other factors are addressed.

  • 8 years ago

    I will pray for a cure for cancer...When Jesus' disciples couldn't heal an epileptic boy, Jesus said it was because their faith was weak, and He healed him straight away. It doesn't make sense when people say cancer is God's will - that's a faith-killing idea.

    Jesus suffered in His body, not just to get sin off us, but also for our healing. A friend of my family had terminal kidney cancer, but was prayed for by some people who trust Jesus and he was healed. Jesus loves you are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's own image and priceless to Him.You can know your maker intimately, He actually wants to live in you and set people free from sickness and disease and sin and guilt through you! awesome eh?

  • 8 years ago

    I never really understood the idea of prayer. You suggest that we pray for a cure for cancer. Many people pray, when they disagree with His godly plan. If His godly plan includes that people suffer and die from cancer, who are they, to tell him that they know better than Him how the future should be? God is all knowing, he already knew that people would disagree with his plan. Why should they tell him again that they do not like to die from cancer? Praying does not make sense unless you just PRAISE THE LORD for providing us with cancer.

    God knows the cure for cancer but he does not tell. That is unacceptable.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Can't have good, without evil. Evil sucks.

    EDIT: @ LeoD.. It would detract from the theory of evolution because curing cancer as a whole, would prove the fact that you can't take away a part of a whole and let it exist. I actually do believe in heaven and know that God is eternal, as for omnibenevolent; he has everlasting love.. my point being, there would be no good and love and knowing what is good... without the dark presence of evil.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Larry is right, I applied the very things he is describing - I was today advised by my oncologist, there is no indication of any cancer (I was stage IV Colon cancer with metastatic disease in my liver and lungs) The CEA was normal and the CT Scan showed only scar tissue where the cancer was.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    how long have so called christians prayed for cures against cancer surely we must have a result soon?

    praise the lord for cancer YOUR SICK

  • 8 years ago

    What if God decides to punish the person. God won't heal those who God is punishing for a good reason. Rather go to hospitals and speak to this person Face to face and pray to him or her, and if that person does not have Jesus, tell that person that if he or her repent of his or her sins Jesus will heal them, as long as they are praying and keeping a good Christian life

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