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Which God is the God?

So I'm in a bit of a spiritual turmoil, for quite some time I was a devout Christian. After much searching and study I had leaned to and become Atheist. No, it wasn't due to some trauma or tragedy it was solely based on my studies, findings and opinion.

So recently I've moved into a new house and my neighbors are JW's and we've had some pretty interesting discussions. One thing that kind of struck a chord with me was one of them mentioned praying to Jehovah is important because there are many "gods" but using His name means you're praying to the right one.

Now since my conversion to an Atheist I've always maintained a respect for religion, the religious and the idea of God or gods. Due to some personal happenings (again nothing traumatic) I've started to ponder the possibility of God, Jehovah or any other gods existing. So I'm curious to see what others may have to say about this. Who and what is God to you?

I ask this on a personal level, I'm not looking for scripture quotes. As I said earlier I was a Christian for quite a long time. I am very familiar with the Bible, even the non-canonical books, it's history and several translations. As my question is not based on the logic or lack thereof I'd really like to see how others see things.

As a final note I've already seen all of the "God's fake" or "religion's stupid" posts in this section and trolling has become about as original and intelligent as dirt - so please don't wast my time or yours in trying to get some kind of rise.


@No Chance Without Jesus - I guess you're right. I shouldn't consider I, a mere mortal, could be wrong about God existing or not. Thanks a ton for treating me like crap in this, I'm sure if God is real he'll really appreciate you acting like an *** on his behalf. - Since you seem to be limited on intelligence that was pure sarcasm.

@Chicago Bob - Dude, thanks for the information! I'm going to spend a lot of time looking over all of this. I'm a huge history fan anyways, but this type of history has always been amazing to me anyways, BONUS!!! Great answer too BTW, I really appreciate you putting the thought and time as well as reading material into it.

@lowleveledited - Wow, that's exactly what I have answered so many times on here before! Seriously it's refreshing to see someone else with a similar mind set. The issue of mortality has been plaguing me as of late due to some health issues in my family, but it's true I can only make right now co

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    History 108 3/4

    Mostly all people doubt the Holy Word of God, The Bible.

    But This little History lesson will enlighten all.

    It starts with the Hittites. And a lack of evidence they ever existed. Then in 1908 a Archaeological discovery was made by John Garstang. The 400 year civilization of the Hittites Empire (1600-1200 BC). Since then so much has been discovered about the Hittite Empire, you can study all you want about them.

    And it’s not just The Hittite evidence. All kinds off engraved stones or cylinders from other ancient civilizations verify other Biblical accounts. The Taylor Prism confirms the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem that the Bible describes in 2 Kings 19-19, 2 Chronicles 32, and Isaiah 36-37.

    The discovery of the Tel Dan Stele confirms the existence of Israel’s King David. The Cyrus Cylinder records Cyrus of Persia’s decree that allowed Babylonian captives to return to their homes and resume their religious practices. The Moabite Stone proves the events of 2 Kings 3. This stone not only chronicles the rebellion led by Mesha King of Moab but even mentions the name Yahweh.

    Jewish and Roman historians referred to the life and works of Jesus. Josephus wrote about Jesus’ miracles. And Pliny the Younger, an ancient ruler, recorded that Christians in his province maintained their belief in and the worship of Jesus even when faced with death. We have evidence that the Gospels were written by apostles or at least in cooperation with them. Irenaeus, a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of the apostle John, Writes: as far as someone inserting into the Bible what they felt like. The Dead Sea Scrolls put that idea to rest. The earliest copies of the New Testament date back to 114 AD.

    The Holy Bible 100% accurate.

    Earth’s Mass is 6.6 Sextillion tons. What holds it up?

    Nothing! It spins on its axis at 1000 miles per hour.

    As it hurtles through space in it’s orbit around the Sun.

    Nothing = GOD!

    For those of you who say, There is no God,Jesus, Sky Daddy, Satan, or Christians. Please go to Biblical Archeology And read some of what you find there. It proves that God is 100% Real. And so is His Holy Word The Bible.Just check out the below sites.

    Thank you.

    God Bless Ya,

    Chicago Bob


    There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

    Than there is in the World 365/24/7

    I know, I tried them both.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    BTW, Sir Isaac Newton, The father of modern physics, was a committed Christian who

    Claimed the Universe’s orderliness came from its Creator.

    Source(s): GOD
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It was actually that question which was most instrumental in my conversion from Christian to atheist/agnostic.

    It brought forth this question:

    What is the likelihood of one religion or belief system believing in the 'right' God and every other religion being wrong... vs... ALL of them being wrong? It's pretty easy to see that there is no religion or belief system on the planet that knows the true God... if there even is such a thing.

    My thinking for if there is a God is:

    If there is a God, he is powerless to do anything on this planet. Prayers are answered randomly, not at all, or completely opposite. With everything, you can explain it by having your prayers answered, being patient, or using struggles to build yourself.

    If there is a God who is powerful enough to do something on this planet, he is cruel and indifferent. Some of the best people in the world go through the cruelest things. You cannot say that a child in sub-Saharan Africa dying of starvation or AIDS had sin in their life.

    In my experience with God and religion... one word has stood out to me what God is... INDIFFERENT! He--if he exists--could not care less about people... even his most devout followers. If he was our real father, he would be classified as a dead-beat dad in any family court in the world.

    Finally, onto heaven, hell, and afterlife. Do you remember where you were when JFK was assassinated? Everyone who was alive and aware does. I don't. That is the same place you will be when you die... completely unaware, nothingness.

    Pretty sad... but that is what makes this life worth living! To love, to experience, to better the world and those around you! You do not need religion or a belief system to be a good person!

    For questions about God? There are no answers. None.. zero.. zip that can be verified or proven. If there is a God.... he either doesn't care how you live your life and will welcome you with open arms... or he is a rule-bound pedantic tyrant who will never be appeased no matter what you call him or what rituals you perform.

    Edit: @ Chicago Bob. There are no independent non-religious sources that corroborate what you say. The Old Testament came out of Iron Age Judah circa 500 BCE as an amalgamation of many legends and stories... many of which are also present in the Koran. The New Testament was written in the last 1st century and was significantly whittled down by successive churches. Less than half of Paul's Epistles can be attributed to the one author.

  • 8 years ago

    There can only be one true God (i.e., Creator). This must be so because the finite universe had to begin by the force of an infinite will. As such, there could be no other creators outside the infinite, as this would imply their limitedness, and thus their need to have a beginning, and as such could only actually be the result of the creative will of the infinite. Thus, all things leading back to an actual infinite beginning.

    All other gods, if they be real and not imagined, would be one of: a) pure spirits (angels or demons), b) deified heroic human persons, or c) anthropomorphized forces of nature. All these, of course, are actually creations of the one Creator God.

    Different religions believe different things about this Creator. For example, Allah is a very different looking Creator than Yahweh, and different again than Brahma.

    I personally believe in the personal Creator God, Yahweh, who wants to have a loving relationship with His creatures. I observe the principle of love, of self-sharing, both intentional and unintentional, in the physical universe. It permeates. Therefore, it makes sense to me that the origin of this would be a loving, self-sharing Creator.

  • 8 years ago

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous non-Christian mind-control cult. Jehovah is not the name of God; that word didn't even exist until about the 13th century. It's a very bad translation of the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH, which is probably best pronounced Yah'weh meaning "I am".

    What I find most interesting is that you "learned to be an Atheist". I find this to be the case most of the time. God calls us by his grace, and I do have the feeling He is calling you.

    There is only one God, who is our Father; that is how Jesus taught us to pray.

  • 7 years ago

    The Bible answers your question at Psalms 83:18 (old King James version)

    Also read Jesus' prayer at St.John chapter 17.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I call him Jehovah.

    His name has been in many historical documents and even statues.

    The well known song Hallelujah literally means "Hail Jehovah".

    Jehovah's Witnesses will always use the bible for answers.

    Even the King James Version (the most popular version of the bible) has the name Jehovah.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Psalms 83:18 of the King James Bible states JEHOVAH IS THE MOST HIGH GOD OVER ALL THE EARTH..

  • 8 years ago

    I do not believe in the Super Empirical and all that that entails. (Mono-, Heno-, or Poly-theistic deities, Ghosts, ghouls, spirits demons, sentient mountains, trees, pools, Realian aliens etc.) I see no evidence anywhere that will convince me.

    “When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, 'Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe?”

    ― Quentin Crisp,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There's only one God, that's God. Jehovah is a name for God, not another God. Allah is God in another language, etc.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No you were not Christian. Christians...real Christians know God making this question impossible

    you perhaps played at Christianity, but when you became bored with it, you put it on the shelf liker all of your other toys

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