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  • Is there a champion left to lead America?

    It seems that the professional politicians are making a fortune off of getting the ignorant to vote on a straight ticket. Though I am a registered republican I can see how my party is guilty of the same thing we scream about from the other side. I can also say that I see that same hypocrisy from many of the liberal's as well.

    It seems to me we, the people of America, need to find a champion. Someone who will just flat out call the political B.S. what it is to everyone's face. A person who will listen to a good idea no matter who comes up with it and at the same time tell someone from either party they're idea is stupid, crooked, corrupted, greed based or whatever it may be without bias towards one side of the aisle or the other.

    I'm in no way a fan of Obama, but I do see how politics between him and the republican extremeists is keeping everything from being done. I (and anyone with an I.Q. over 3) can see the lack of morale.

    So, does ANYONE have a clue as to who would best remedy this? Any ideas on someone who would sincerely have our (U.S. Citizens) best interest at heart rather than their parties image or campaign funding?

    4 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • What's the best secure credit card to get?

    My brain hurts - I've been reading reviews and going through insanely long lists of fees and charges and trying to research secure credit cards. Yes that was me that just asked the other question about high credit limits too in case anyone is wondering.

    So I have some dough I've set aside to get into the secure credit card arena, but they all seem to say the same things. Honestly after about 3 different terms and conditions they all seem like latin to me now.

    So I figured I'd ask the great people of Yahoo Answers for some input. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on a secure credit car? Any personal experience (either negative or positive) that anyone has to share? Is there anything in particular I should keep an eye out for?

    One card I thought sounded really good ended up having a few billion horror story reviews on crazy charges, outlandish cancellations and so I figured I'd see what the community has to say before I commit to anything.

    For the smart a** who's going to blah, blah, blah about how I shouldn't make credit decisions based on what the Yahoo Answers Community tells me to do - I get that genius I'm simply asking for opinions and input here.

    6 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • How can I fix a high credit level with the credit bureaus?

    So I had a ton of old debt from divorce on my credit report that I finally got paid off - woot woot!

    Now my score has gone from a 425 or something to a 585 - still pretty bad score I know. So I've gone through the paces and everything I paid shows paid, I've had a few things removed and still have some in review, but I noticed something strange.

    I currently don't have any credit cards or open loans and all of my past credit cards show as closed and paid like I should, but each bureau shows I have $8100 in open credit. Since I don't have any open accounts it's got my utilization ratio at 0, but I am wondering how I could go about getting that fixed.

    I don't even know where the $8100 is coming from, I did all kinds of different scenario's adding all, some or even just parts of amounts up and nothing I come up with logically lands on $8100 of open credit.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can go about changing that one? I'd really like to get my score up into the low-mid 600's so I can start working my way up faster with some better credit cards. I really don't want to get into a 50% APR card that charges a fee for every time I sneeze in public or something crazy like that.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help and happy Monday :-)

    5 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • Any good free typing tutor software?

    So I've been trying to teach my lady friend how to type and honestly it's been about a thousand years since I took my typing class. It's kind of hard to explain how to do everything when it's become a habit since I type all day every day.

    Can anyone recommend a decent typing tutor program? I've already bought a couple (they weren't very pricy) and they didn't seem to really do anything more than ask her to type a sentence. So I'm hoping to find a free one, but really any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I know it's going to be tough to find a good and free one, so to the guy who was going to post something about "why don't you just go buy one and not be a cheapskate" - well don't worry I'm just asking a question on Yahoo Answers.

    5 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Which God is the God?

    So I'm in a bit of a spiritual turmoil, for quite some time I was a devout Christian. After much searching and study I had leaned to and become Atheist. No, it wasn't due to some trauma or tragedy it was solely based on my studies, findings and opinion.

    So recently I've moved into a new house and my neighbors are JW's and we've had some pretty interesting discussions. One thing that kind of struck a chord with me was one of them mentioned praying to Jehovah is important because there are many "gods" but using His name means you're praying to the right one.

    Now since my conversion to an Atheist I've always maintained a respect for religion, the religious and the idea of God or gods. Due to some personal happenings (again nothing traumatic) I've started to ponder the possibility of God, Jehovah or any other gods existing. So I'm curious to see what others may have to say about this. Who and what is God to you?

    I ask this on a personal level, I'm not looking for scripture quotes. As I said earlier I was a Christian for quite a long time. I am very familiar with the Bible, even the non-canonical books, it's history and several translations. As my question is not based on the logic or lack thereof I'd really like to see how others see things.

    As a final note I've already seen all of the "God's fake" or "religion's stupid" posts in this section and trolling has become about as original and intelligent as dirt - so please don't wast my time or yours in trying to get some kind of rise.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Dual screens on Windows Basic Video Adapter - Win8?

    So I've been tinkering with an old PC to see how much I could get it to do with Windows 8. Surprisingly it works pretty freakin' good! Anyways I found an old Radeon 7000 dual VGA monitor card and I'm messing around with old drivers trying to get them to install. Has anyone had any luck with using the generic Windows display drivers and getting dual monitors going?

    I'm not looking to go crazy and do anything like SLI, just thought it would be cool to be able to extend the desktop across my 2 little 15" screens I found.

    As always any help and input is greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerAdd-ons8 years ago
  • If Obama Care is a good thing, please enlighten me?

    Let me begin by saying I'm a Republican and an insurance agent - all of that aside my problem is based on real life scenario, not just my low opinion of the President.

    I am legally blind and I used to see a retinal specialist at UC Davis. Once January 1, 2014 hits I will no longer be able to see this specialist and there is no alternative outside of the UC system I can see. All UC hospitals are exclusively working with Blue Cross on the business and private insurance side but NOT through the exchange.

    To further compound my problem, my 11 year old son possibly (it is highly likely) has juvenile MS. This condition REQUIRES he be seen by the ONLY juvenile MS clinic in the western United States. This clinic just happens to be at UCSF, so there is that big UC problem again.

    Yes, I am an insurance agent, and yes I can privately buy a Blue Cross policy for my family of 6. That will in turn eat up any and all money we would have to use to drive 6 hours to get to the clinic, pay for lodging we would need and so on. My family is not "slipping through the cracks" here, we are being bulldozed into the cracks by this law.

    Now I absolutely support the ideal behind Obama Care, and I could personally care less who had the idea or what it ends up being called. My family is not saving money on this, my family is not getting better insurance (and no, we are not getting anything we didn't already have again I'm an insurance agent) and my family will not be able to get the healthcare we NEED.

    So please, any supporter of this law explain to me how this law is in any way a good thing. I have a laundry list of other horror stories that I could add on, however my first hand family experience speaks loud enough. I would sincerely hope that somebody could explain how the affordable care act is benefitting anyone. Thus far all I can see is a few folks did get a little better insurance, some saved a few bucks, but in the end the money spent on creating the law, the consequences of implementing the law and the devastation resulting from the law make it the worst piece of legislation I have ever witnessed.

    6 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Bells Palsy Differential Diagnosis HELP PLEASE?

    My 11 year old boy was recently diagnosed with Bell's Palsy after partial facial paralysis. We went in to see his optiuc neurologist today for a follow up and he said it's not BP, but he wants to rush an MRI and get him into a neurologist ASAP. He didn't want to elaborate on what it may be, but now my wife has begun the Google process and she's worked up like you wouldn't believe. We're all insanely stressed about this, our boy is aware of the stress, but he isn't aware of what mom's been reading.

    He has lost some control of his entire right side now, his grip has diminished greatly. His speech is very slurred and he seems to have problems with even saying the right word now. There is also an issue with drooling involuntaritly now too.

    Now I understand that nobody can make a diagnosis with just this, but I'm looking for something it could possibly be. Something less scary that I can get my wife to focus on. We should be getting into a specialist soon, but I desperately need something for her to hope for.

    If anyone can give me anything remotely possible that isn't a life altering and uncurable disorder I'd be eternally greatful to say the least. Thanks to anyone and everyone who puts anything positive my way!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • How do I find a messed up A record in the SBS 2008 DNS server?

    SBS BPA is reporting an A record is pointing to an invalid IP address and it should just point to but I don't even know how anyone could screw up an IP so bad let alone insert it into a DNS server. Anyways I went through my DNS server, cleared the cache, scavenged, restarted and so on. Still can't find it. Anyone got any suggestions or ideas?

    For the record I'm pretty sure I'm gonna feel stupid when I get the answer so please don't be a d*ck about it LoL....

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago