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Should I buy a new laptop or fix my old one?

It's Friday afternoon and I have an important business presentation next Friday out of town that I have to leave for on Thursday. My Dell Inspiron needs a new motherboard and they have to order a new part that won't arrive for 3-5 business days. Of course the laptop died 1 month after the warranty ended (I had the laptop for 13 months and the warranty was only good for 12). A laptop is an expensive purchase for me and I'm not looking forward to spending $500 for another one. To fix it will cost $300 and I was using it for work. Do I get it fix and not have it for my presentation I have a tablet, but I won't really be able to present on that or buy a new one and give the old one to my wife who won't use it?


@Dtoolman - The laptop will power up, but won't turn on, but instead will beep continuously. According to the manual it's some kind of chipset or system board failure. Tech guy managed to boot it up, but it died again after 10 minutes confirming that I need a new motherboard.

And I probably should not have said I was willing to pay only $500 for another laptop, but that's how much this one cost last year. So this repair is more than 50% of the purchase price. I'm not sure if this error will even occur again so I might be looking at getting a new warranty just for the repair. My last laptop, an iBook, last 3 years before it's first major repair was needed and because of a recall I ended up keeping it for 7! To only have 2 laptop for 10 years (the first was just too old and underpowered but I still had it for almost 3 years), this has really soured me on getting another PC.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you fix it, you will not have to bother with moving your data, and programs to the new one.

    But then again, if you only want a $500 laptop, for just $200 more than the repair price will get you an all new one. This is a good time to get one at a great price.

    By the way.

    Why do they say it needs a motherboard? Whats wrong with it?

    Source(s): Me. Playin with PCs since 1995
  • Ti
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    buy a new one and try to learn to use an alternative operating system on the new computer instead of slow, insecure and fragmenting Windows 8 or 8.1!

    Linux Mint or Ubuntu Linux is the new alternative and I don't think you'll be disappointed in the long run if you learn how to use any of this Unix-Like Operating System since they are Legally Free but just as fast and secure as the expensive MAC OS X

    Source(s): Computers Guide
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Get a new one . You will pay too much money to fix something that is faulty by design so it will break down again .

  • 8 years ago

    buy a new one, sell the parts form the old one. or you can put the hard drive in enclosure and use it as external hdd and sell the rest: ram, screen, battery...

  • 8 years ago

    if its cheaper to fix the old one I would do that

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