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Can I get a guy's opinion?

I feel extremely stupid for taking my insecurities here, but I want outside opinions.I constantly get compliments from GIRLS, but never guys. It's a rare thing if I do. I'll attach a picture down at the bottom for looks. I'm thinner and short ((5'3.5")) I've been told that I look approachable by several people, but I've also been told that I look like both a b*tch and a slut. I don't dress in ways that suggest I am. Shorter shorts during the summer, but nothing too short. I do believe I'm a pretty interesting person once you get to know me, although I've been compared to Effy Stonem from Skins on occasion. I'm pretty smart, I think I'm relatively funny but I'm not super outgoing. I think I walk a bit insecurely, but I've been told otherwise ((like I'm overly confident and won't give a guy the time of day)). I don't believe I dress terribly either. My style is also something I get constantly complimented on - also by girls. My group of friends is all girls with the occasional few guys that will come say hi and stay for a minute. Some of my guy friends like to tease me and pretend ((I hope)) and call me a lesbian. My question is, why don't boys seem interested in me? Is it my looks? Attitude?

Sorry it's long, but thanks in advance.

Sorry, none of these pictures have filters on them.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    probably because they are immature ---- how you dress how you look does not matter ---- they REALLY dont ---- its finding someone that you connect with ---- if you wont even give a guy the time of day then why would they bother trying to talk to you or ask you out ----- so guys probably are interested they also probably think you will bite their heads off if they say anything ----- "approachable" is a non event ---- every person is "approachable" ----- so rather than complain and wait if you see someone you think is interesting say hello at least let them know you are interested ----- all this guys must do everything first is a very childish idea ---- be independent be confident and follow your own path not what someone else says it should be

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think you look pretty cute =) It is common for guys to tease like this, dont worry, girls are just mean to eachother naturally haha.

    Source(s): Um...Im a guy.
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