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Lv 1187 points

Alex ♥s candy

Favorite Answers15%
  • Mercedes slk 230?

    My parents looking to purchase a 1998 Mercedes SLK 230 for me. My family has found one within our budget, but we are wondering whether it's a sensible choice for a 16 year old driver or not. I would be commuting about 25 minutes to school and 25 minutes back to school, traveling mostly on the city streets, not the freeway. Might it be too small for a first car?

    I'm looking for any opinions on previous owners of the car who can give any information on their experience with one.

    Thank you :-)

    1 AnswerMercedes-Benz7 years ago
  • Why is he ignoring my texts?

    My friend, Josh, recently gave someone my number to text (with my permission). We sent a few messages back and forth and he just stops replying. Josh later texts me saying that this other guy never got my reply and still would like to text me. He never sent me another message.

    So this morning I worked up the nerve and took Josh's advice and sent him another text. We sent a few more messages and then at around the same point, he just stops replying again. I'm kind of wondering if my message didn't go through again.

    Josh says he wants to talk to me, but I'm just unsure. What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do people think I'm a slut?

    I know this question seems pretty self-explanatory, but it's a legitimate question. I'm hoping someone can explain to me maybe what I'm not seeing.

    I've been told by a lot of people that their first impression of me is that I'm a whore. Oh well, not a big deal. Then guys I started being friends with would comment on the fact that they think I'm a slut, totally out of the blue. The truth of the matter is that I'm not at all a slut and haven't even had my first kiss.

    I just can't figure it out. I don't dress in a promiscuous way or hang around with very many guys. What could it be? Arrogance?

    Thanks in advance :~)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why did he hold my hand?

    So I've been getting to know someone in my math class. We don't text or anything but I think he has been trying to give subtle hints that's what he wants. He compliments me and teases me too, and I've been told those are the signs that a guy likes you. He broke the whole "touch" barrier today. I had a small bracelet on and I guess he was curious to see what it said, so he just kind of grabbed my hand and held it a minute to read what it said ((which was 4 small words total)). Maybe it was me thinking that he was holding it for forever, or maybe he really did.

    Sorry this is a very childish thing to post about.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he just overly friendly?

    Okay so I recently met this guy. We aren't "talking" or anything. He always compliments me on my style, and he has also mentioned the fact that I'm skinny. He always starts the conversation with me (I can actually only think of one time where I actually started it). During class, he has been asked frequently if he is taking this other girl to formal, and he will just look down and says, "I don't know." He has also complimented my handwriting, which seems a little bit irrelevant, but I thought I would include it. When he talks to me, he always faces his body towards me (or as far as he can turn if he is sitting). He also thinks I'm smart.

    He also does his share of teasing. He always says things like, "Fight me," with a big grin on his face. He will push things on my desk toward me and just look me in the eyes and say, "Let it happen," and will continue pushing it towards me if I try to move it back.

    He is definitely not a shy person, and I am.

    My question: is he interested, or is he just friendly?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need a guy's opinion?

    Okay so I recently met this guy. We aren't "talking" or anything. He always compliments me on my style, and he has also mentioned the fact that I'm skinny. He always starts the conversation with me (I can actually only think of one time where I actually started it). During class, he has been asked frequently if he is taking this other girl to formal, and he will just look down and says, "I don't know." He has also complimented my handwriting, which seems a little bit irrelevant, but I thought I would include it. When he talks to me, he always faces his body towards me (or as far as he can turn if he is sitting). He also thinks I'm smart.

    He also does his share of teasing. He always says things like, "Fight me," with a big grin on his face. He will push things on my desk toward me and just look me in the eyes and say, "Let it happen," and will continue pushing it towards me if I try to move it back.

    He is definitely not a shy person, and I am.

    My question: is he interested, or is he just friendly?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I get a guy's opinion?

    Okay so I recently met this guy. We aren't "talking" or anything. He always compliments me on my style, and he has also mentioned the fact that I'm skinny. He always starts the conversation with me (I can actually only think of one time where I actually started it). During class, he has been asked frequently if he is taking this other girl to formal, and he will just look down and says, "I don't know." He has also complimented my handwriting, which seems a little bit irrelevant, but I thought I would include it. When he talks to me, he always faces his body towards me (or as far as he can turn if he is sitting). He also thinks I'm smart.

    My question: is he interested, or is he just friendly?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I take it as a compliment?

    Okay, so I recently met this guy in my Spanish class ((yes he is cute)), but we don't talk much. He always tells me I look very fashionable. The first time he told me, he also added in the fact that "I weigh like 10 pounds." How the conversation went:

    Him: You're such a fashionista.

    Me: Aww thanks.

    Him: How many people's feet have you stepped on with those shoes? (combat boots)

    Me: None intentionally.

    Him: They weigh as much as you.

    Me: Oh please they aren't that big.

    Him: But you weigh like 10 pounds.


    Was he trying to compliment me, or trying to make fun of my shoes? I asked some of my friends (guys and girls) and they both have had mixed opinions. "He was just looking at your body... It's good he thinks you're skinny... It sounded like he was insulting your shoes..."

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I get a guy's opinion?

    I feel extremely stupid for taking my insecurities here, but I want outside opinions.I constantly get compliments from GIRLS, but never guys. It's a rare thing if I do. I'll attach a picture down at the bottom for looks. I'm thinner and short ((5'3.5")) I've been told that I look approachable by several people, but I've also been told that I look like both a b*tch and a slut. I don't dress in ways that suggest I am. Shorter shorts during the summer, but nothing too short. I do believe I'm a pretty interesting person once you get to know me, although I've been compared to Effy Stonem from Skins on occasion. I'm pretty smart, I think I'm relatively funny but I'm not super outgoing. I think I walk a bit insecurely, but I've been told otherwise ((like I'm overly confident and won't give a guy the time of day)). I don't believe I dress terribly either. My style is also something I get constantly complimented on - also by girls. My group of friends is all girls with the occasional few guys that will come say hi and stay for a minute. Some of my guy friends like to tease me and pretend ((I hope)) and call me a lesbian. My question is, why don't boys seem interested in me? Is it my looks? Attitude?

    Sorry it's long, but thanks in advance.

    Sorry, none of these pictures have filters on them.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Cute outfit ideas for Sadies?

    The theme is "fright night." Thanks in advanced :)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Is this a cute idea to ask someone to Sadie's?

    So I'm thinking about asking someone I go to church with to Sadie's. Here was my idea:

    We have a scavenger hunt, but I make sure his small group gets a special list that leads them to a destination with a big sign that says "Sadie's? -Alex" He will have to get his answer on video tape and text it to the tech guy so they can show it at the end of the night.

    Any other creative sign suggestions or opinions?

    I'm a sophomore and he is junior, by the way

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why won't Instagram let me follow any more people?

    I deleted my original account about a month ago. Yesterday I decided that I'd like to start Instagraming again. Remembering I had an old fashion account, I decided to turn it into my personal account. I unfollowed all 664 people on the account (not all at one), but when I tried to follow someone from the app, it wouldn't let me. The button would turn green then go back to blue. I gave it an hour, tried it again and it did the same thing. I also tried logging out, turning my iPhone off, and uninstalling then reinstalling the app. It's been about 17 hours now and it still won't work. I can follow people through their website or different instagram add-on apps, but not through the app itself.

    Any help?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Why won't instagram let me follow any people?

    I recently unfollowed 660 people on instagram. I can unfollow people, but not follow. I tried signing out, shutting my phone off. I also tried deleting the app and redownlaoding. Its been over 3 hours since I've unfollowed everyone. Any tips or advice.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Another does he like me question.?

    Previous details:

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers.


    He started up a conversation with me before second period started. He asked what my summer plans were. When I described how jam-packed my summer was, he commented, "Oh, no time to hang out." I then added that I wanted to go up to Hume Lake (a Christian summer camp) and he got excited and told me I should go the same week as him. I told him that our church goes a different week then his, and he promptly invited me to come with his church instead. Just then his friend came over and started looking at him and me and giggling. Matt told him to be quiet. Then they started talking about what type of sport I looked like I would play. They both agreed on volleyball and soccer.

    What should I think of all this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does he really like me at all?

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why hasn't he made a move?

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do you think he could like me?

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is he interested in me?

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do you think he is interested in me?

    I just recently moved high schools. On my first day, I took a tour of the school and met all my teachers before going to class. When I walked into my math class, I here someone say, "Wow, she's so pretty." I come to find out the next day I also have English with this same boy (Matt). He offered to walk me up to my upstairs classroom - his was downstairs - and told me he thought I was really pretty. I was interested. I always catch him staring at me in class, and he doesn't look away. We might hold eye contact for like 3-4 seconds before I look away. Sometimes he will join in on conversations and compliment me every chance he gets. I do always see him walking with other girls and little things like that. Or if we are having a conversation he will bring up other girls that he thinks are attractive. I think he might be trying to make me jealous or something. I mentioned the fact that there were plenty of attractive guys up at the summer camp we both went to, and he commented on the fact that it sucks because the cuties there couldn't wear two pieces.

    I don't know whether I should just give up hopes anything could work out or sign my name in his yearbook with my number.

    At the very beginning of the year, someone came up to some of my friends and asked where I was (I was absent that day), and they said their friend was afraid to tell me that I was pretty and wanted my number. My friends couldn't remember the name, but all they remembered was that it started with an M, like Matt.

    Max points for anyone who can give pointers.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago