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Is he just overly friendly?

Okay so I recently met this guy. We aren't "talking" or anything. He always compliments me on my style, and he has also mentioned the fact that I'm skinny. He always starts the conversation with me (I can actually only think of one time where I actually started it). During class, he has been asked frequently if he is taking this other girl to formal, and he will just look down and says, "I don't know." He has also complimented my handwriting, which seems a little bit irrelevant, but I thought I would include it. When he talks to me, he always faces his body towards me (or as far as he can turn if he is sitting). He also thinks I'm smart.

He also does his share of teasing. He always says things like, "Fight me," with a big grin on his face. He will push things on my desk toward me and just look me in the eyes and say, "Let it happen," and will continue pushing it towards me if I try to move it back.

He is definitely not a shy person, and I am.

My question: is he interested, or is he just friendly?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's definitely trying to get your attention. How does he act around other girls? What is the word in the hallways?

    If he's acting this way around only you, maybe it's worth getting to know him better. If he does it regularly, and with lots of other girls, he's probably not worth your effort.

    Good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    either shy or he is gay ... there is no such thing as friendly.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    clearly he likes you.

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