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Incognito asked in HealthDental · 7 years ago

I need to go to the ortho but my parents told me I am not going anymore?

Heres the deal. I have had my braces for 4 YEARS and I have always had anxiety about going to the orthodontist because every time I go there is pain. I have had them for 4 years and my mom always had to cancel appointments because of my anxiety.

Well I am getting surgery in January to get a tooth in the roof of my mouth and to prepare for my implant (I have a fake tooth attached to my braces right now)

Well my dad called one morning and told my orthodontist we aren't going in anymore until my surgery because we are sick of this its been 4 years.

Well now I have a wire thats funky on the inside of my mouth. I have a power thread and its sticking up and its like touching my gums so it hurts to brush my teeth on that side.....and I looked in and the bracket is a bit wobbly on the back of the right side.

What should I do? Should I just stick it out until my surgery? Should I just call my ortho and get it fixed? I don't know what to do...I am 18 and have had these braces for 4 years and I am just sick of doing this.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Have you told your parents about the wire and loose bracket? I would go straight down to the orthodontist and get it fixed if I were you, especially if its giving you discomfort and pain!

  • 7 years ago

    I'd call my ortho and get it fixed if I were you...

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