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  • What do I need to do before I move states? I am being abused and need to leave ASAP.?

    I have a place to stay out of state with my girlfriend. I need to leave as soon as possible. I want to just pack up and go but I feel like I need to do more than that. Please tell me what I need to do. I m moving from California to Florida I m 22 years old.

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation6 years ago
  • Should I tell my parents I am dating this girl?

    My parents said she can move in with us because she currently is in a home where she is verbally and sometimes physically abused. My parents don t know I am dating her and I was going to tell them until they offered for her to move in. I don t want to risk her chance of getting out of that house. I hate lying to my parents but I also don t was my girlfriend in that place anymore.

    We are 20 and 22 so we d obviously tr to get our stuff together in order to move out as soon as possible. Hopefully in the next 6 months so it s not like i d have to lie for long.

    What should I do? My girlfriend also lives across the country we are long distance right now. Its not the fact that I dont think my parents would be accepting its just that they wouldnt let me have a boyfriend live with us so I assume same rules would apply in a LGBT relationship.

  • Should I tell my mom how I really hurt my knee?

    All through middle school and high school I suffered from depression and anxiety. Something that triggered my anxiety was school so I use to do anything to get out of school...I hated lying to my parents so I would physically make myself sick or hurt.

    One time I hit my knee about 30 times with a wooden figure in my room until it swelled. I did that frequently to get out of school. Sometimes id rub a brush on it till it got bumpy and swollen or id hit it so hard that I couldnt walk and I actually did develop bursitis and my knees bother me on occasion to this day. Now back then I convinced myself that these things happened naturally and id block out me doing them to myself.

    But now that im better after 6 years on medication...I feel guilty about these things. I mean sometimes I feel like I should leave it in the past but other times so I dont make ny mom feel bad but other times I feel I should tell her because she trusts me so much and I feel like I lied to her all those years (even if I was not in a normal state of mind)

    She knows I faked things sometimes to get out of school...she knows it caused ne anxiety considering I tried to jump out of a car on the way to school one day...but idk if she could handle knowing her child smashed her knees until she developed a real problem that will now effect me for the rest of my life.

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Should I invite my friend to my 19th birthday?

    Okay so I LOVE my friend and she is one of my very best friends but the problem is she has borderline personality disorder. Last time I invited her to my birthday with other friends she forgot to take her medicene and lets just say I ended up crying in Disney World.

    We have since made up since then and she is like a sister to me but this year I really want to stay at a resort on the beach and invite my closest friends. Now all my friends are friends with eachother except her we were all friends in middle school and I didn't meet her till High School.

    Should I just invite her and talk to her before hand (like tell her to make sure she takes her medicene etc) or should I just have a party that is just my middle school friends and do something with her another time? I just dont want her to see pictures and be upset she wasnt invited but I also dont want to invite her and her complain the whole time or get jealous (I understand how she is and I can handle her but my other friends who dont know her or her condition may not)

    I just really want to have a stress free birthday and this split between friends is hard.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Will my friends relationship work out?

    Well he has a girlfriend but she lives like 8 states away and they literally only see eachother a couple times a year. They are both 18 and met online through a chat forum.

    The girl always is commenting on his facebook photos that she loves him etc etc but my friend never replies to her or anything. Also last summer he complained alot about her and how he didnt see himself being with her because he isnt a fan of the field of work she wants to go into. Also at that time he always wore a necklace she gave him but now he doesnt wear it ever.

    He still talks to her...but when me and him hang out he ignores her texts and from what I hear she is in a abusive situation at home so sometimes I feel like he is staying with her out of guilt.

    Idk he seems like he isnt interested sometimes but he is flying all the way out there to take her to her prom so I really dont know?

    Also he texts me until 5 am...and I feel kinda bad for his girlfriend because I know it would be wierd if my boyfriend texted another girl all night. Idk I feel sometimes like hebstays with her out of comfort just so he wont be single.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How many calories should I eat a day?

    I am 18 and 5'7 and weigh about 145 ish (idk for sure my last time I checked it,it was one of those dime weight machines at the gas station so idk how accurate those are)

    Anyways over the last 6 months there has been alot stress and its been affecting my diet and excersice and I have lost most of the tone in my stomach and its starting to look a bit jiggly.

    I do not want to loose alot of weight just maybe 5-8 pounds or so and get my stomach back to the way it was before.

    I am exercising as often as I can (I am going for about 4-5 days a week but I just started so I am hoping I keep up with that) for about a half hour-hour each session or sometimes I work out multiple times during the day for only about 5 minutes.

    I have been trying to keep at about 1,845 calories a day or less and have cut back to 4 sodas a week and cut all junk food out of my life and am drinking alot more water. Is 1,845 enough,too much or too little?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Ex asked me to be FWB?

    But I haven't seen him in person in a year....I still care about him and am still sexually attracted to him but I am moving in a year and I can't be in a relationship because I feel like if I do get in a relationship I will wind up staying and not moving when I really do have to move for my career.

    I kinda want to....I mean I was kinda hoping we would just start hanging out again and it would just kinda we would be hanging out and makeout or do other stuff but not be in a relationship again and just mess around and hang out you know...

    But now they he said thats what he wants to do...I feel like awkward about approaching the situation...I feel like if you plan out this kinda stuff it makes it awkward which is why I was just trying to be coy about it through our texts and calls until we met up in person.

    We both miss each other and stuff but now I feel like when we meet up for the first time it will be awkward and I will feel like I am expected to "do something"

    Anyways ever since he brought up the subject its been awkward and we haven't texted......should I text him?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • My ex asked me to be friends with benefits?

    But I haven't seen him in person in a year....I still care about him and am still sexually attracted to him but I am moving in a year and I can't be in a relationship because I feel like if I do get in a relationship I will wind up staying and not moving when I really do have to move for my career.

    I kinda want to....I mean I was kinda hoping we would just start hanging out again and it would just kinda we would be hanging out and makeout or do other stuff but not be in a relationship again and just mess around and hang out you know...

    But now they he said thats what he wants to do...I feel like awkward about approaching the situation...I feel like if you plan out this kinda stuff it makes it awkward which is why I was just trying to be coy about it through our texts and calls until we met up in person.

    We both miss each other and stuff but now I feel like when we meet up for the first time it will be awkward and I will feel like I am expected to "do something"

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What can I eat thats filling with stitches in the roof of my mouth?

    I had to have a tooth extracted from the roof of my mouth so now I have stitches in the roof of my mouth.

    For the first day I was only suppose to have cold soft foods and second day I can have warm soft foods.

    Well its the second day and I tried to eat some potatoe soup (room tempature and the potatoes were very mushy) but it still bothered me to eat.

    Only things I have found I am able to eat are ice cream,applesauce and yogurt but I am starving as thats all I have had in the last 48 hours! The cold stuff feel good when they go across my stitches.

    Anyone know anything I can eat that will fill me up without it hurting? I can't chew because when I talk my mouth bleeds so I doubt chewing would be a good idea.

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • I need to go to the ortho but my parents told me I am not going anymore?

    Heres the deal. I have had my braces for 4 YEARS and I have always had anxiety about going to the orthodontist because every time I go there is pain. I have had them for 4 years and my mom always had to cancel appointments because of my anxiety.

    Well I am getting surgery in January to get a tooth in the roof of my mouth and to prepare for my implant (I have a fake tooth attached to my braces right now)

    Well my dad called one morning and told my orthodontist we aren't going in anymore until my surgery because we are sick of this its been 4 years.

    Well now I have a wire thats funky on the inside of my mouth. I have a power thread and its sticking up and its like touching my gums so it hurts to brush my teeth on that side.....and I looked in and the bracket is a bit wobbly on the back of the right side.

    What should I do? Should I just stick it out until my surgery? Should I just call my ortho and get it fixed? I don't know what to do...I am 18 and have had these braces for 4 years and I am just sick of doing this.

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Should I go to this Disney Channel open call?

    On the Disney Channel official website they have posted about a talent search for ages 10-17 (its legit its on Disneys website)

    Only problem is I am NEWLY turned 18 But I have braces and I easily pass for 15...I had to show my i.d. at a job interview because they didn't believe I was old enough to have a job and my current boyfriend thought I was 15 when we first met.

    So should I go and just SAY I am 17 so I can still attend?

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • How to not care about what people say when I tell them I am not going to college?

    My career choice and 2 backups which I already have in motion do NOT require and college degree and a college degree will have no effect in the money I earn in said careers.

    So WHY would I bother with college? I have my life and my plans mapped out and am secure in my future as I have my first career choice in motion and my back up plans mapped out too in case.

    I think college is fine if you have yet to make a decision for you life and it can be a great way to figure it out or if you know what you want to be and it is a doctor or a teacher or anything that requires higher education than I am all for it and feel you should take charge and run with it and do the best you can.

    But I don't NEED a college degree for my plans and I already know what I want to do with my life and I have things to fall back on...yet whenever someone says "What college are you going to" and I say "I am not going to college" I get this look like I am a idiot or something.

    I want to not care but it bothers me and makes me feel stupid. People seem to drill in your head that you have to go to college to be any type of success when it just isn't true,I tell people I have plans and they scuff them off. Why would I go into debt for something I don't need?

  • Throat problems for 16 days now?

    I have had problems with my throat/neck for the past 16 started on a trip to Disney and hasn't gotten better since...I went to the doctor but all he did was touch my throat say my lymphs were a little swollen and give me antibiotic and said he didn't know what was causing it.

    Anyways my lymphs in my neck swell on and off sometimes to the point that they are so swollen I can't touch them without a very tender pain.

    Also I have a really dry mouth and on and off sore throat and when my neck is swollen my saliva gets like really thick and its hard for me to swallow sometimes I can't even feel the side of my neck thats swollen when swallowing.

    Also it can cause me light headaches and slight ear aches (doc said nothing looked wrong in my ears so I guess my throat swelling is connected to that)

    Anyways...does any one have any idea what this is? Also my voice gets hoarse on and off depending how bad my throat swelled that day.

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • I'm 18 and I am still not %100 sure of my orientation?

    So I am a 18 year old female.

    I have been in love with a guy before and I am attracted to guys....

    But I also am not grossed out by making out with a girl or possibly having sex with a girl. I have had crushes on girls and felt attraction towards them before.

    But I am not sure if I would ever marry a girl or be with one steadily but I do know I could see myself marrying a man one day and I have dated guys before...what does that make me?

  • Sometimes I can sleep for 24 hours?

    Like today and yesterday I went to bed at like 8 pm yesterday and woke up at 7:40 pm today,I of course woke up to pee and what not though.

    Also when I do this after I full wake up my heart beats really loud for like 9 hours after I wake up....

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Can this women use this photo without permission?

    There is this women using a photo of my family friends daughter on her book cover without their permission can she do that?

    I am not sure if she took the photo but either way the child is 6 in the photo and is selling this book to people and it has a little girls face on it who is a friends daughter! The book is full of hate speech aswell and the mom does not want her daughter on the cover it was just a candid shot at a pageant.

    6 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • Don't want to wear jeans to Disney but can't wear shorts?

    I have scars on my legs from past self harm (healing and fading but not to the point where I would be comfortable walking around a theme park with shorts on)

    Due to my legs I have worn jeans the last 8 times I have been to Disney...and as weird as this sounds my butt and 'you know' would be all sweaty during the day in the summer Florida heat and I always end up going to the bathroom and using wipes so I don't feel all sweaty and icky down there.

    I am going for my 18th birthday but don't want to wear jeans,what are some alternatives in which my legs can stay covered but not wear jeans?

    9 AnswersOrlando8 years ago
  • I lied to my best friend?

    Okay neither I or my mom want to go to my best friends graduation

    I do not want to go because I wouldn't even see her,she is driving with other people and then we are leaving right after and I would have to ride with her mother (who is very mean) and the rest of her family who I don't know and I would feel very uncomfortable or my mom would have to take me and attend.

    My mom doesn't want to go because we don't have the gas money,she doesn't want to run into someone she is in a fight with and she does not like my friends family either.

    Of course I could not tell her I hate her family so I told her we already had plans to go to a family members birthday but promised to make it up to her and have a day just me and her. But I feel bad because when I told her this she opened up to me about a bunch of stuff I didn't know so now I feel bad.

    What should I do?

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago