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Should I invite my friend to my 19th birthday?

Okay so I LOVE my friend and she is one of my very best friends but the problem is she has borderline personality disorder. Last time I invited her to my birthday with other friends she forgot to take her medicene and lets just say I ended up crying in Disney World.

We have since made up since then and she is like a sister to me but this year I really want to stay at a resort on the beach and invite my closest friends. Now all my friends are friends with eachother except her we were all friends in middle school and I didn't meet her till High School.

Should I just invite her and talk to her before hand (like tell her to make sure she takes her medicene etc) or should I just have a party that is just my middle school friends and do something with her another time? I just dont want her to see pictures and be upset she wasnt invited but I also dont want to invite her and her complain the whole time or get jealous (I understand how she is and I can handle her but my other friends who dont know her or her condition may not)

I just really want to have a stress free birthday and this split between friends is hard.


I mean I love her but I can barely handle her for more than 24 hours at a time and I know how she is so I dont take things to heart but I can see how people who don't understand could. I just don't know what to do. She is usually fine around me (except complaining and sometimes saying small remarks that are a bit rude) and my last birthday was a EXTREME case but I am afraid it may happen again if I bring her around my other friends.

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I have the same problem with one of my friends. Just maybe take her somewhere else, just the two of you.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    yea sure i dont see why not. ps dont be sad

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    talk to her and remind her about your last birthday and explain to her that she can come if she wants but she has to take her medication and if she doesn't and makes a fuss and stresses you out again say she can leave. Give her the option of going shopping or out for a meal with you instead. hope this helps and happy birthday whenever it is!!!

  • 7 years ago

    Sorry to hear about your last birthday :( Just say it was for middle school friends only.

    Or even better, hang out with her a few days before hand and tell her that your friends from middle school are taking you somewhere.

    If she's your best friend she'll understand, disorder or not

    GoodLuck Mate

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