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Is it okay to be angry about my girlfriends rape?


She is still friends with this person and it kills me. She says he's a good guy but I don't ******* trust him. Why does he deserve one OUNCE of her respect? She has always been treated like **** and this isn't her first time being assaulted by a man so she thinks its her fault and she shouldnt be angry with him because he apologized.

Is it okay for me to be upset? I keep trying to assure her im not angry at her its him but she says its her fault.

4 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    In a way, it's a little bit her fault since she's still friends with him despite what had happen, it could easily happen again, but you have every right to be angry about it. Tell her just because someone apologies, doesn't make everything better, and what he has done shouldn't be forgiven, and that it can happen more than once.

  • 6 years ago

    tell her it is never the woman's fault, explain to her this man should be in jail, just because there is no proof or he is not prosecuted does not mean what he did is not a crime, it is very ok to be angry at criminals. she should not be friends with him at all.

  • 6 years ago

    yea it ok to be angry

    i would be angry if it was a friend of mine

  • 6 years ago


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