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Ex asked me to be FWB?

But I haven't seen him in person in a year....I still care about him and am still sexually attracted to him but I am moving in a year and I can't be in a relationship because I feel like if I do get in a relationship I will wind up staying and not moving when I really do have to move for my career.

I kinda want to....I mean I was kinda hoping we would just start hanging out again and it would just kinda we would be hanging out and makeout or do other stuff but not be in a relationship again and just mess around and hang out you know...

But now they he said thats what he wants to do...I feel like awkward about approaching the situation...I feel like if you plan out this kinda stuff it makes it awkward which is why I was just trying to be coy about it through our texts and calls until we met up in person.

We both miss each other and stuff but now I feel like when we meet up for the first time it will be awkward and I will feel like I am expected to "do something"

Anyways ever since he brought up the subject its been awkward and we haven't texted......should I text him?


Damn I put this in the wrong category...oh well answer anyways if you know

Update 2:

I won't be hurt if he ends it...I am leaving in a year anyways so either way we won't end up together

2 Answers

  • *****
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have feelings for him still, FWB isn't a good idea, as you'll wind up emotionally involved and hurt when he ends it.

  • 7 years ago

    Obviously you should text/call him if you value the friendship/relationship that still exists, because a lingering confusion is only going to hurt things.

    I personally don't recommend fwb situations, they almost always get complicated quickly.

    Why are you all EX's in the first place? Did you at some point in the past determine that a relationship with him was not beneficial for you? Then why would you delve into it again? If the breakup was due to other circumstances like going away for college or something and on good terms then disregard this piece.

    I'm not sure why people say things like "I HAVE to move in a year." No you don't HAVE to do anything. You want to, or do not want to do things. If your career is an very important priority in your life and you WANT to move in order to pursue it, then do not pursue any long term relationships and move. If forming a long term relationship with someone is more important to you, then do that. Know that any plans that you ever make can and should be able to be changed, nothing is ever set in concrete. Advancing and building a career is actually easier than finding a person that truly fits you(though if you are young, don't trust compatibility, it often changes as you get a bit older). I personally wouldn't pass by someone i really thought was a great fit for me, just to pursue a career. A career is great but humans are social creatures and most people, even highly career driven people, still desire good relationships. Ultimately in 50 years, would you rather be retired after a successful career but with a mediocre or crappy marriage, or a mediocre career and an extremely fulfilling marriage with someone that you love and whom improves your life? Not to say that you can't have both, but again i think a career is easier than finding the right person to settle down with.

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