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Should I tell my mom how I really hurt my knee?

All through middle school and high school I suffered from depression and anxiety. Something that triggered my anxiety was school so I use to do anything to get out of school...I hated lying to my parents so I would physically make myself sick or hurt.

One time I hit my knee about 30 times with a wooden figure in my room until it swelled. I did that frequently to get out of school. Sometimes id rub a brush on it till it got bumpy and swollen or id hit it so hard that I couldnt walk and I actually did develop bursitis and my knees bother me on occasion to this day. Now back then I convinced myself that these things happened naturally and id block out me doing them to myself.

But now that im better after 6 years on medication...I feel guilty about these things. I mean sometimes I feel like I should leave it in the past but other times so I dont make ny mom feel bad but other times I feel I should tell her because she trusts me so much and I feel like I lied to her all those years (even if I was not in a normal state of mind)

She knows I faked things sometimes to get out of school...she knows it caused ne anxiety considering I tried to jump out of a car on the way to school one day...but idk if she could handle knowing her child smashed her knees until she developed a real problem that will now effect me for the rest of my life.


I told her and although it made her sad she is glad I told her and didnt get mad at me at all. She also talked to me for a while to make sure I was okay.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The fact that you want to tell your mum is a good sign and shows love and respect for her. When you did this you weren't well so it's nothing to be guilty about. You say your mum knows a little about what you done, but she probably knows quite a bit.

    Yeah tell her because you love her.

    The main thong here is not hurting your knee etc

    It's the fact that you're mature enough to want to tell your mum the truth. Well done.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think you should tell your mom. She will understand. Your meant to tell your mom everything but if you don't feel confident to tell her then don't hope this helps 💐

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